7.5 Review Questions

What is the form of reasoning that begins with a general theory and arrives at a specific conclusion after observing a body of information?
deductive reasoning
inductive reasoning
empirical reasoning
conjectural reasoning
What premise is the concept of natural rights based on?
People have fundamental rights that cannot be revoked by human-made laws or political leaders.
Rights and freedoms are temporary and can be revoked for any reason by political leaders.
Rights come into existence only with the creation of human-made laws that derive from a monarch’s authority.
Animals living in a state of nature should be granted the same rights and freedoms as their human counterparts.
Which philosopher argued that all people are born free in a state of nature, and the government should exist only by their consent?
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Jeremy Bentham
Edmund Burke
The belief that individuals must accept certain moral and political obligations as members of society is part of which philosophical concept?
the social contract
the general will
natural law
the Zoroastrian tradition
Which of the following was not true of European coffeehouses in the eighteenth century?
They were centers of royal power and tightly controlled by monarchs.
They served as important outlets for news and information.
They enabled people from a variety of social backgrounds to acquire an informal education.
They had their origins in the cities of the Islamic world.
Elite women typically hosted which influential settings for the exchange of Enlightenment ideas?
the salons
the coffeehouses
the academies
the royal societies
The Republic of Letters refers to which sphere of information exchange?
a long-distance community of writers who corresponded with each other across Europe and the Atlantic
the urban areas of western Europe that housed the printshops of the Enlightenment
the debates that occurred in the coffee shops of eighteenth-century France
the royal libraries of the English monarch
What obstacle or obstacles made it difficult for those at the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder to actively participate in the print culture of the Enlightenment?
low levels of literacy and a lack of leisure time
lack of interest
a widespread shortage of books and other printed materials
royal edicts restricting the practice of reading to all but a small aristocratic elite
What was a principal cause of the American Revolution?
British efforts to consolidate control over its colonies
desire to abolish slavery
growing support for the enfranchisement of women
refusal of colonists to expand westward beyond Appalachia
What was a cause of the French Revolution?
an economic crisis
the threat of Spanish invasion
the acquisition of equal rights for women
What was a similarity among the American, French, and Haitian revolutions?
the vision of natural rights
the pursuit of racial equality
the support of the Catholic Church
the pursuit of liberty from tyrannical governments
What was a key difference between the Haitian Revolution and those in British North America and France?
The Haitian Revolution directly addressed racial inequality.
Haiti did not issue a written constitution.
The Haitian Revolution was fought by foreign mercenaries.
Only Haiti experienced violent battles during its revolution.
What was one of the main causes of the Haitian Revolution?
slave rebellion against White planters
the criminalization of Catholicism
the desire of poor Whites to abolish slavery
an outbreak of smallpox
What was a goal of the Congress of Vienna?
to restore the legitimacy of European monarchs
to support Italian unification
to develop policies of free-market capitalism
to expand rights and liberties throughout Europe
What were the four powers of the Quadruple Alliance?
Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria
Italy, France, Spain, and Poland
Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Sweden
What was Metternich’s goal in attempting to restore traditional monarchs?
restore the balance of power in Europe
encourage a new wave of revolutions
enable Austria to become the most powerful nation in Europe
expand the scope of natural rights
The unification of Italy occurred under which political system?
To what does the “invisible hand” refer?
unseen forces that regulate the market and economy
Napoléon’s approach to leadership
increased government intervention intended to promote general welfare
the legacy of Italian unification

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 2: from 1400 textbook by Openstax
