9.5 Review Questions

How did independence affect the economies of Latin American nations?
It opened their markets to competitive U.S. and European manufactured goods.
It reduced the number of wealthy government officials who could afford to purchase luxury goods.
It caused European engineers and other skilled workers to return home.
It eliminated Spanish and Portuguese subsidies for the development of roads and harbors.
What country was initially prevented from industrializing because of a lack of free laborers?
Which invention enabled nineteenth-century manufacturers to power machinery where steam engines were too big to be used?
internal combustion engines
water wheels
wind turbines
solar-powered engines
To whom is the invention of the radio attributed?
Guglielmo Marconi
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Henry Ford
After the Meiji Restoration, where did industrialization begin?
How did colonization in the second half of the nineteenth century differ from colonization in previous centuries?
Nineteenth-century colonies were not usually intended to be settler colonies.
Nineteenth-century colonialism was inspired primarily by religious not economic motives.
Nineteenth-century colonialism generated very little violence.
Nineteenth-century colonies were largely left to govern themselves with little interference.
Which industrial innovation aided colonization in the second half of the nineteenth century?
Maxim gun
color photography
What was one of the main motives of nineteenth-century imperialism?
gaining access to raw materials
learning more about the cultures of non-European peoples
finding new lands for large numbers of Europeans to settle in
discovering new species of animal life
What was a major reason Europeans did not make extensive inroads into the African interior before the middle of the nineteenth century?
inability to protect themselves from malaria
African societies’ superior weapons-making technology
fear of large predatory animals
lack of desire to secure raw materials or trade with Africans
What caused the Fashoda Incident?
France and Britain each sought control of Sudan to connect their colonies by rail.
Germany tried to seize some of Britain’s African colonies.
Belgium and France both claimed the same territory in the Congo Basin.
Egyptians revolted when Britain and France tried to depose their ruler.
With which country did Japan compete for control of Korea?
United States
Which nation established colonies primarily in West Africa and Indochina?
United States
What was the purpose of the 1884–1885 Berlin Conference?
to decide which European countries possessed different parts of Africa
to punish France for its brutality toward West Africans
to conclude a peace treaty between Italy and Ethiopia
to carve out the industrialized nations’ spheres of influence in China
By the end of the nineteenth century, which country had adopted a primarily political response to European colonization?
What was the Force Publique?
an Indigenous army used to discipline Congolese laborers
the Egyptian army that fought to take control of Sudan
a health-care organization in France’s African and Asian colonies
a court for trying French citizens accused of abusing natives of French West Africa
In what way did rinderpest harm the colonized people of Africa?
It sickened and killed African cattle herds.
It killed the corn crop, causing millions to starve to death.
It doubled the rate of infant mortality.
It caused widespread blindness.

The content of this course has been taken from the free World History, Volume 2: from 1400 textbook by Openstax
