Question | Answer |
the merchant | mercator |
to enter | intrare |
the villa | villa |
The merchant enters the villa. | Mercator intrat in villam. |
the student | discipulus |
the teacher | magister |
on | in |
the road | via |
The student and the teacher are on the road. | Discipulus et magister in via sunt. |
the father | pater |
the garden | hortus |
The father works in the garden. | Pater in horto laborat. |
the mother | mater |
the sister | soror |
small | parvus |
the apple | malum |
to give | donare |
The mother gives a small apple to the sister. | Mater sorori parvum malum donat. |
the brother | frater |
to the mother | mater |
the book | liber |
The brother gives a small book to mother. | Frater matri parvum librum donat. |
the table | mensa |
The teacher sees an apple on the table. | Magister malum in mensa videt. |
The student sees an apple on the table. | Discipulus malum in mensa videt. |
the bread | panis |
the wine | vinum |
The merchant dines on bread and wine in the villa. | Mercator panem et vinum in villa cenat. |
The merchant gives bread to father. | Mercator patri panem donat. |
the flower | flos |
The sister and brother see flowers in the garden. | Soror et frater in horto flores vident. |
The student enters and gives wine to the teacher. | Discipulus intrat et vinum magistro donat. |
The student reads a book to the sister. | Discipulus sorori librum legit. |
not | non |
but | sed |
The teacher does not give wine to father, but gives bread to mother. | Magister patri vinum non donat, sed matri panem donat. |
with | cum |
Mother does not dine in the villa, but dines in the garden with her family. | Mater non cenat in villa, sed in horto cum familia cenat. |
The friend is on the road with the student. | Amicus cum discipulo in via est. |
The father gives bread to the students. | Pater discipulis panem donat. |
The brother does not give wine to his friends. | Frater amicis vinum non donat. |
The sister gives a flower to the teacher. | Soror magistro florem donat. |
Father and mother are happy with the family in the villa. | Pater et mater cum familia in villa laeti sunt. |
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