Usages of hy
Hy eet 'n appel.
He eats an apple.
Hy drink ook water.
He also drinks water.
Hy het 'n kat.
He has a cat.
Hy sien die mooi hond.
He sees the beautiful dog.
Hy praat weer Afrikaans.
He speaks Afrikaans again.
Hy is ook hier.
He is also here.
Hy speel met die bal buite die huis.
He plays with the ball outside the house.
Hy dink nie negatief nie.
He does not think negatively.
Hy skryf die nuwe boek klaar.
He finishes writing the new book.
Hy het die werk klaar.
He has finished the work.
Hy wag vir die hond.
He waits for the dog.
Hy bly lank by my huis.
He stays for a long time at my house.
Hy wil 'n stoof koop, maar hy moet eers geld spaar.
He wants to buy a stove, but he must first save money.
Hy mag nie vleis kook as hy nie 'n stoof het nie.
He may not cook meat if he does not have a stove.
Hy dink aan die week.
He thinks about the week.
Hy gebruik te veel suiker in die resep.
He uses too much sugar in the recipe.
Ek sien hoe hy die kos proe.
I see how he tastes the food.
Hy maak die venster onmiddellik oop, want dit is warm.
He immediately opens the window, because it is warm.
Hy sê dat hy besig sal wees tot laat vanaand.
He says that he will be busy until late tonight.
Hy dink dat dit nie moontlik is om onmiddellik klaar te wees nie.
He thinks that it is not possible to be finished immediately.
Hy wou my hond sien, al was hy besig met werk.
He wanted to see my dog, even though he was busy with work.
Hy slaap nou laat.
He sleeps late now.
Hy sê dat hy moeg sal wees na die werk.
He says that he will be tired after the work.
Hy is haastig, want hy wil nou klaar wees.
He is in a hurry, because he wants to be finished now.
Hy voel beter na die werk.
He feels better after the work.
Hy bring die boek na ons huis.
He brings the book to our house.
Hy sal vleis saambring.
He will bring meat along.
Hy kom saam met my vriend.
He comes along with my friend. is an online learning platform
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