
Usages of beli

Saya juga mahu beli roti di sana.
I also want to buy bread there.
Dia beli nasi di sini.
He/She buys rice here.
Saya beli sebuah buku penting.
I buy an important book.
Saya beli majalah di pasar.
I buy a magazine at the market.
Saya beli nasi untuk makan malam.
I buy rice for dinner.
Saya beli sebuah kereta baru.
I buy a new car.
Saya beli majalah tadi.
I bought a magazine earlier.
Kita juga boleh berjalan ke kedai yang murah kalau mahu beli roti.
We can also walk to a shop that is cheap if we want to buy bread.
Kalau awak mahu makan, saya beli nasi.
If you want to eat, I buy rice.
Mereka perlu beli nasi untuk makan malam.
They need to buy rice for dinner.
Saya beli surat khabar di kedai.
I buy a newspaper at the shop.
Saya pergi ke pasar apabila saya mahu beli roti.
I go to the market when I want to buy bread.
Pagi ini, saya sudah membeli buah di pasar yang sibuk.
This morning, I have already bought fruit at the busy market.
Saya beli buku agar saya boleh belajar sejarah.
I buy a book so that I can study history.
Di pasar, ramai orang beli nasi.
At the market, many people buy rice.
Saya beli buku resepi.
I buy a recipe book.
Ayah saya membeli baju baru di kedai yang murah.
My father buys a new shirt at the cheap shop.
Kasut itu kelihatan cantik, jadi saya mahu membelinya untuk dipakai ke pejabat.
Those shoes look pretty, so I want to buy them to wear to the office.
Saya perlu mencuba basikal itu dahulu sebelum membelinya.
I need to try that bicycle first before buying it.
Saya beli nasi di pasar manakala dia beli roti di kedai.
I buy rice at the market while he/she buys bread at the shop.
Saya beli roti manis di pasar.
I buy sweet bread at the market.
Saya beli topi baru.
I buy a new hat.
Saya belum makan tengahari, jadi saya rasa kita harus membeli nasi atau kari sayur di kantin.
I haven’t eaten lunch yet, so I feel we must buy rice or vegetable curry at the canteen. is an online learning platform
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