Usages of o
Remember: you can't use ので to form suggestions, invitations, commands or requests.
Note that here it would also be possible to say 向こう の コウモリ, meaning the bat over there.
Using 持って いる suggests that the condition or disease is chronic, whereas かかって いる is neutral with respect to duration.
In this context, から indicates a starting point or origin. When we say カードを引くことから始まります, it literally means it starts from the act of drawing cards, emphasizing the point at which the action begins.
This usage of から highlights the sequence of events or actions, with the act of drawing cards being the initial step in the game.
The h-sound in 箱 changes into a b-sound because of rendaku, an irregular phenomenon where the initial letter of the second part of a compound word can become voiced.
Note how we're using の here instead of using the word 石鹸 twice.