Usages of mahu
Saya mahu makan sekarang.
I want to eat now.
Awak mahu minum air?
Do you want to drink water?
Saya juga mahu beli roti di sana.
I also want to buy bread there.
Saya juga mahu tanya guru tentang anak kecil itu.
I also want to ask the teacher about that small child.
Saya mahu makan nasi malam ini.
I want to eat rice tonight.
Saya mahukan nasi yang lebih sedap.
I want rice that is more delicious.
Saya mahu berehat sepanjang hari.
I want to rest all day.
Kita juga boleh berjalan ke kedai yang murah kalau mahu beli roti.
We can also walk to a shop that is cheap if we want to buy bread.
Kalau awak mahu makan, saya beli nasi.
If you want to eat, I buy rice.
Saya pergi ke pasar apabila saya mahu beli roti.
I go to the market when I want to buy bread.
Teman serumah saya masih mahu memasak kari panas walaupun dia sibuk pada malam ini.
My roommate still wants to cook hot curry even though he/she is busy tonight.
Kasut itu kelihatan cantik, jadi saya mahu membelinya untuk dipakai ke pejabat.
Those shoes look pretty, so I want to buy them to wear to the office.
Dia membawa bantal baharu dan selimut lembut ke kelas kerana dia mahu berehat sebentar.
He/She brings a new pillow and a soft blanket to class because he/she wants to rest for a while.
Saya mahu pinjam telefon itu untuk menghubungi abang saya, tetapi saya rasa ia bukan milik saya.
I want to borrow that phone to contact my older brother, but I think it does not belong to me.
Saya mahu makan lagi.
I want to eat again. is an online learning platform
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