
Usages of pasar

Saya pergi ke pasar sekarang.
I go to the market now.
Dia pergi ke pasar juga.
He/She goes to the market too.
Saya bawa kereta ke pasar sekarang.
I bring the car to the market now.
Saya beli majalah di pasar.
I buy a magazine at the market.
Saya pergi ke pasar apabila saya mahu beli roti.
I go to the market when I want to buy bread.
Pagi ini, saya sudah membeli buah di pasar yang sibuk.
This morning, I have already bought fruit at the busy market.
Pasar itu terletak sejauh dua kilometer dari tempat kita tinggal.
That market is located as far as two kilometers from where we live.
Saya mungkin pergi ke pasar.
I might go to the market.
Dia tiba di pasar sekarang.
He/She arrives at the market now.
Di pasar, ramai orang beli nasi.
At the market, many people buy rice.
Saya pergi ke pasar seminggu sekali.
I go to the market once a week.
Saya berjalan di tepi pasar.
I walk by the market.
Saya beli nasi di pasar manakala dia beli roti di kedai.
I buy rice at the market while he/she buys bread at the shop.
Saya menggunakan basikal untuk pergi ke pasar.
I use a bicycle to go to the market.
Saya berjalan kaki ke pasar kerana saya suka udara segar.
I walk to the market because I like fresh air.
Saya beli roti manis di pasar.
I buy sweet bread at the market.
Mari kita pergi ke pasar sekarang.
Let's go to the market now.
Bagaimana awak pergi ke pasar jika kunci kereta awak hilang?
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