Wij zullen vroeg stoppen met werken om te fietsen naar het meer, want het is mooi weer.

Breakdown of Wij zullen vroeg stoppen met werken om te fietsen naar het meer, want het is mooi weer.

to be
to work
to bike
to stop
het meer
the lake
het weer
the weather
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Questions & Answers about Wij zullen vroeg stoppen met werken om te fietsen naar het meer, want het is mooi weer.

Why do we use zullen instead of gaan at the start of the sentence?
In Dutch, zullen emphasizes the future aspect of the action, especially if it is a planned or somewhat more formal activity. Gaan can often indicate an immediate or near-future intention, but zullen is common for a statement about the future that is more certain or arranged. Using gaan wouldn’t be incorrect, but zullen here underlines that this is a definite plan to stop working early and go cycling.
Why do we say vroeg stoppen met werken rather than placing vroeg later in the sentence?
Placing vroeg before stoppen clarifies that the stopping itself will happen earlier than usual. While there could be other acceptable positions, vroeg stoppen met werken is more natural in Dutch. If you were to say stoppen met werken vroeg, it wouldn’t sound as fluent to a native speaker and might cause slight confusion about which part the word vroeg is modifying.
What is the function of om te in om te fietsen?
In Dutch, the construction om te + infinitive is used to express the purpose or intention of an action. Here, om te fietsen indicates the reason for stopping work early. If you omit om, it would sound incomplete. Dutch requires om before te when expressing purpose (similar to “in order to” in English).
Why do we say naar het meer and not naar de meer?
The word meer (lake) is a neuter noun in Dutch, which means it is associated with the article het. Many nouns in Dutch are either de-words or het-words, and meer just happens to be in the het category. Hence, you must say het meer.
Why do we say het is mooi weer instead of het weer is mooi?
Both are possible, but het is mooi weer is a very common way to talk about the weather in Dutch. It literally translates to something like “It’s (some) nice weather,” whereas het weer is mooi would translate directly as “The weather is nice.” The first structure (het is mooi weer) is more idiomatic and frequently used in daily conversation.

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