'Oh, it must be very comfortable to keep something hard under the head,' her father told her when he found for the first time a book under her pillow. | 'O, mora da je veoma udobno držati nešto tvrdo pod glavom,' rekao joj je otac kada joj je prvi put našao knjigu pod jastukom. |
'Oh, it must be very comfortable to keep something hard under the head,' her father told her when he found for the first time a book under her pillow. "Confess, at night it whispers its stories to you in your ears." | 'O, mora da je veoma udobno držati nešto tvrdo pod glavom,' rekao joj je otac kada joj je prvi put našao knjigu pod jastukom. 'Priznaj da ti noću šapuće svoje priče na uvce.' |
"Sometimes," answered Meggie. | 'Ponekad,' odgovorila je Megi. |
"Sometimes," answered Meggie. "But it works only with children." | 'Ponekad,' odgovorila je Megi. 'Ali to funkcioniše samo kod d(j)ece.' |
and /whereas | a |
and then | a zatim |
and then /followed by giggles snd whispers (sg) | a zatim kikotanje i šapat |
but | ali |
But it works only with children. | Ali to funkcioniše samo kod d(j)ece. |
would (colloquial) | bi |
was (f sg) | bila je |
barefoot | bos |
naked feet | bosa stopala |
children | d(j)eca |
that/so /so that/in order to | da |
so that he sees them /in order to see them | da ih vidi |
to give (transitive - to give an acc. to a dat.) | dati |
to let s.o. do sthg (+ verb) (intransitive) | dati da |
child | dijete |
the other (m/f/n) | drugi - druga - drugo |
wooden | drven |
of the wooden (definite genitive sg m/n) | drvenog |
of the little wooden horse | drvenog konjića |
to hold /keep | držati |
to keep something | držati nešto |
to keep something under the head | držati nešto pod glavom |
to keep something hard under the head | držati nešto tvrdo pod glavom |
head | glava |
in years /for a long time (instr) | godinama |
she wanted | ht(j)ela je |
it wanted | ht(j)elo je |
he wanted | ht(j)eo je |
to want | ht(j)eti |
and | i |
and a sound as if someone turns over the pages of some big book | i nekakav zvuk kao da neko okreće stranice nekakve velike knjige |
and since the rain didn't let her fall asleep | i pošto joj kiša nije dala da zaspi |
and in the silence it seemed to him that he heard tiny bare feet | i u tišini mu se činilo da čuje sićušna bosa stopala |
and in the silence it seemed to him that | i u tišini mu se činilo da |
them (acc.) | ih |
she has | ima |
She has one of her favoured books. | Ima jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga. |
She had | Imala je |
I have | imam |
I have one of my (one's) favoured book | imam jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga |
to have | imati |
under/below /underneath/beneath +gen (precise location) | ispod |
under the pillow (gen) | ispod jastuka |
the same (m/f/n) | isti - ista - isto |
the same sound | isti zvuk |
he pulled out | izvukao je |
to pull out /draw out sthg / save /get out of a difficulty | izvući |
pillow /cushion /bolster | jastuk |
her (acc of ona) | je |
one of one's favoured books | jedna od svojih omiljenih knjiga |
to her (dat f sg) / of hers (emphatic possessive f sg) | joj |
still /even /yet | još |
Yet for years after that, Meggie would just close her eyes and already hear the same sound, as if someone hit the window with tiny fingers. | Još bi godinama posle toga Megi samo zatvorila oči i već bi začula isti zvuk, kao kad neko sićušnim prstima udara po prozoru. |
Yet for years after that, Meggie would just close her eyes and already hear the same sound. | Još bi godinama posle toga Megi samo zatvorila oči i već bi začula isti zvuk. |
still for years after that | još godinama posle toga |
Yet for years after that, Meggie would already suddenly hear the same sound | još godinama posle toga Megi bi već začula isti zvuk |
her (acc of ona) | ju |
when | kad |
when | kada |
when Tolly pulled them out from under the pillow in order to see them. | kada ih je Toli izvukao ispod jastuka da ih vidi. |
When Tolly pulled them out | kada ih je Toli izvukao |
when Tolly pulled them out from under the pillow | kada ih je Toli izvukao ispod jastuka |
when he first found | kada je prvi put našao |
when he found for the first time the book | kada je prvi put našao knjigu |
when he found for the first time a book under her pillow | kada joj je prvi put našao knjigu pod jastukom |
how | kako |
how they run | kako trče |
as /like | kao |
as if | kao da |
as if the book wanted to | kao da je knjiga ht(j)ela da |
as if the book wanted again to | kao da je knjiga ht(j)ela ponovo da |
as if the book wanted to lure her again among its pages. | kao da je knjiga ht(j)ela ponovo da je namami među svoje stranice. |
as if someone turns over | kao da neko okreće |
as if someone hits at the window with tiny fingers | kao kad neko sićušnim prstima udara po prozoru |
giggles | kikotanje |
rain | kiša |
The rain didn't let her fall asleep. | Kiša joj nije dala da zaspi. |
book | knjiga |
the book (f) wanted | knjiga je ht(j)ela |
The book wanted to lure her among its pages. | Knjiga je ht(j)ela da je namami među svoje stranice. |
the book wanted to lure | knjiga je ht(j)ela da namami |
The book wanted to lure among its pages. | Knjiga je ht(j)ela da namami među svoje stranice. |
a book under her pillow | knjiga joj pod jastukom |
the book, which she was reading | knjiga koju je čitala |
of a book (gen) | knjige |
by /at /near / with +gen | kod |
with children (gen) | kod d(j)ece |
which /what /that (m/f/n) | koji - koja - koje |
which /what /that (acc. sg fem) | koju |
how much | koliko |
no matter how much | koliko god |
no matter how much (that) she turned around | koliko god da se okretala |
no matter how much she turned from one side to the other | koliko god da se okretala sa jedne strane na drugu |
horse | konj |
little horse (diminutive) | konjić |
cover (only pl) | korice |
The cover(pl) was pressing (against) her ear as if the book wanted to lure her again among its pages. | Korice su joj pritiskale uvo kao da je knjiga ht(j)ela ponovo da je namami među svoje stranice. |
The cover(pl) was pressing (against) her ear. | Korice su joj pritiskale uvo. |
bed | krevet |
to bark | lajati |
moon | m(j)esec |
the moon began to play | m(j)esec je zaigrao |
The moon began to play in the eye of the little wooden horse and in the eye of the mouse when Tolly pulled them out from under the pillow in order to see them. | M(j)esec je zaigrao u oku drvenog konjića i u oku miša kada ih je Toli izvukao ispod jastuka da ih vidi. |
The moon began to play in the eye of the little wooden horse and in the eye of the mouse. | M(j)esec je zaigrao u oku drvenog konjića i u oku miša. |
The moon began to play in the eye of the little wooden horse. | M(j)esec je zaigrao u oku drvenog konjića. |
ink | mastilo |
Meggie would just close her (the) eyes | Megi bi samo zatvorila oči |
Meggie would already suddenly hear the same sound | Megi bi već začula isti zvuk |
Meggie would close her eyes | Megi bi zatvorila oči |
Meggie would suddenly hear | Megi bi začula |
Meggie would suddenly hear the same sound | Megi bi začula isti zvuk |
Meggie called her father so. | Megi je oca tako zvala. |
Meggie called her father. | Megi je oca zvala |
Meggie fell asleep | Megi je zaspala |
Meggie could | Megi mogla da |
Meggie couldn't | Megi nije mogla da |
Meggie couldn't (fall a)sleep. | Megi nije mogla da zaspi |
Meggie couldn't sleep no matter how much she turned from one side to the other. | Megi nije mogla da zaspi koliko god da se okretala sa jedne strane na drugu. |
Meggie is sleeping. | Megi spava |
Meggie is falling asleep | Megi zaspi |
among (direction >+acc) | među |
among (direction) it's (fem) pages | među svoje stranice |
mouse (m) | miš |
of the mouse (gen m) | miša |
Mo pinched her. | Mo ju je uštinuo |
Mo pinched her into the nose. | Mo ju je uštinuo za nos. |
Mo. Meggie always called her father so. | Mo. Megi je oca oduv(ij)ek tako zvala. |
he could | mogao da |
she could... | mogla da |
it must | mora |
to have to / must | morati |
dark /darkness | mrak |
to him (Dative) | mu |
onto /to +acc. | na |
to the other (acc fem sg) | na drugu |
to your (little) ears /especially for you | na uvce |
he/she /it lures | namami |
to lure /to entice | namamiti |
to find /discover | naći |
he finds | nađe |
he found | našao je |
somewhere | negde |
somewhere in the dark | negde u mraku |
Somewhere in the dark a dog barked and Meggie couldn't sleep no matter how much she turned from one side to the other. | Negde u mraku lajao je pas i Megi nije mogla da zaspi koliko god da se okretala sa jedne strane na drugu. |
Somewhere in the dark a dog barked and Meggie couldn't sleep. | Negde u mraku lajao je pas i Megi nije mogla da zaspi. |
Somewhere in the dark a dog barked. | Negde u mraku lajao je pas. |
some /any /a (m/f/n) | nekakav - nekakva - nekakvo |
some sound | nekakav zvuk |
some sound as if someone turns over the pages | nekakav zvuk kao da neko okreće stranice |
someone | neko |
someone hits at the window with tiny fingers | neko sićušnim prstima udara po prozoru |
someone hits at the window | neko udara po prozoru |
something (nom =acc) | nešto |
something so angular and hard | nešto tako ćoškasto i tvrdo |
nose | nos |
night | noć |
at night | noću |
it whispers to you at night | noću ti šapuće |
at night it whispers its story to you | noću ti šapuće svoju priču |
oh (exclamation) | O |
Oh, it must be very comfortable to keep something so angular and hard under the head. | O, mora da je veoma udobno držati nešto tako ćoškasto i tvrdo pod glavom. |
Oh, it must be very comfortable to keep something hard under the head. | O, mora da je veoma udobno držati nešto tvrdo pod glavom |
Oh, it must be very comfortable. | O, mora da je veoma udobno. |
of /made out of +genitive | od |
of +gen | od |
of ink (gen) | od mastila |
she answered (APP) | odgovorila je |
to answer /respond | odgovoriti |
(since) always | oduv(ij)ek |
eye | oko |
the eye of the mouse | oko miša |
to turn (over) /rotate /dial | okretati |
he turns over | okreće |
favoured (m/f/n) | omiljen - omiljena - omiljeno |
he | on |
He didn't let her sleep. | On joj nije dao da zaspi. |
they | oni |
heartbeat /regular beat / ticking | otkucaj |
the ticking of the clock | otkucaji sata |
heartbeats | otkucaji srca |
eyes (neutr pl nom=acc) | oči |
Well... so much for that. | Pa, toliko o tome. |
it rains | pada kiša |
it rained | padala je kiša |
dog | pas |
a dog barked | pas je lajao |
a dog is barking | pas laje |
over /on /across /through /in +locative | po |
across the floor | po podu |
at the window | po prozoru |
floor /ground (m) | pod |
under /beneath (+instr.) (usually a bit more vague than ispod) | pod |
under the head (instr) | pod glavom |
under the pillow | pod jastukom |
under the pillow of hers /under her pillow | pod jastukom joj |
Under her pillow was the book, which she was reading. | Pod jastukom joj je bila knjiga koju je čitala. |
Under her pillow was a book. | Pod jastukom joj je bila knjiga. |
sometimes / once in a while | ponekad |
again | ponovo |
after +gen | posle |
after that | posle toga |
it started /it began | počelo je |
to start /begin | početi |
since /for | pošto |
pressure | pritisak |
they(f) were pressing | pritiskale su |
they were pressing (against) her ear (. v.) (acc) | pritiskale su joj uvo |
to press (down) /to weigh down /overload /exert pressure | pritiskati |
Confess, that at night it whispers its stories to you in your ears. | Priznaj da ti noću šapuće svoje priče na uvce. |
Confess! (imp sg) | Priznaj! |
Confess, that at night whispers its stories to you. | Priznaj, da ti noću šapuće svoje priče. |
to admit /confess | priznati |
story | priča |
stories (f pl nom =acc) | priče |
to change | prom(ij)eniti se |
window (m) | prozor |
finger | prst |
with fingers (instr pl) | prstima |
first | prvi |
first time | prvi put |
... her father told her, when he for the first time found a book under her pillow. | rekao joj je otac kada joj je prvi put našao knjigu pod jastukom. |
he said | rekao je |
he told her | rekao joj je |
her father told her | rekao joj je otac |
to say | reći |
from one side (gen) | sa jedne strane |
from one side to the other | sa jedne strane na drugu |
just/only | samo |
clock | sat |
tiny / small /unimportant (m/f/n) | sitan - sitna - sitno |
a tiny, whispering rain | sitna, šaputava kiša |
tiny (m/f/n) | sićušan - sićušna - sićušno |
tiny (neutr. pl nom =acc) | sićušna |
tiny bare feet | sićušna bosa stopala |
with tiny fingers (instr) | sićušnim prstima |
to sleep | spavati |
heart | srce |
Heart of ink | Srce od mastila |
feet (nom neutr=acc neutr) | stopala |
foot (n) | stopalo |
side | strana |
page (2 synonyms) | strana -stranica |
stranger /foreigner | stranac |
Stranger in the Night | Stranac u Noći |
page (f) | stranica |
pages (nom=acc) | stranice |
the pages of a book | stranice knjige |
the pages of some big book | stranice nekakve velike knjige |
all /every | sva |
one's (own) (m/f/n) | svoj - svoja - svoje |
one's favoured book | svoja omiljena knjiga |
its story | svoja priča |
one's own (fem pl. nom = acc) | svoje |
its stories (nom =acc) | svoje priče |
that (m/f/n) (the aforementionned) | taj - ta - to |
so | tako |
so hard | tako tvrdo |
so angular and hard | tako ćoškasto i tvrdo |
That night, in which so much (of it) began and in which so much (of it)changed forever, Meggie had one of her favoured books under her pillow. | Te noći u kojoj je toliko toga počelo i u kojoj se toliko toga prom(ij)enilo za sva vr(ij)emena, Megi je imala jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga pod jastukom. |
that night (temporalni genitiv) | te noći |
It rained that night, tiny, whispering. | Te noći je padala kiša, sitna, šaputava. |
It rained that night. | Te noći je padala kiša. |
That night Meggie had one of her favoured books under her pillow. | Te noći Megi je imala jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga pod jastukom. |
That night Meggie had one of her favoured books. | Te noći Megi je imala jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga. |
that night in which so much (of it) began | te noći u kojoj je toliko toga počelo |
That night, in which so much (of it) began, Meggie had one of her favoured books under her pillow. | Te noći u kojoj je toliko toga počelo Megi je imala jednu od svojih omiljenih knjiga pod jastukom. |
silence | tišina |
it works /functions correctly | to funkcioniše |
that (m/n gen sg) | toga |
Tolly pulled them out in order to see them. | Toli ih je izvukao da ih vidi. |
so much | toliko |
so much changed | toliko se prom(ij)enilo |
so much changed forever | toliko se prom(ij)enilo za sva vrijemena |
so much of that /so much of it | toliko toga |
so much of it began and so much of it changed forever | toliko toga počelo i toliko toga se prom(ij)enilo za sva vr(ij)emena |
so much (of it) began | toliko toga počelo je |
to run | trčati |
they run (present tense) | trče |
hard (adv) | tvrdo |
in /at +locative | u |
in which (loc of koji) | u kojoj |
in bed (loc) | u krevetu |
in the dark (loc) | u mraku |
in the night (loc) | u noći |
in the eye (loc) | u oku |
in the eye of the little wooden horse | u oku drvenog konjića |
in the eye of the wooden horse and in the eye of the mouse | u oku drvenog konjića i u oku miša |
in the eye of the mouse | u oku miša |
in the silence (loc) | u tišini |
he strikes | udara |
to strike/hit | udarati |
comfortable (adv) | udobno |
ear (Bosnian - Serbian) (nom sg =acc sg) | uho - uvo |
she straightened up | uspravila se |
to straighten up | uspraviti se |
he pinched (APP) | uštinuo je |
to pinch | uštinuti |
big (m/f/n) | velik - velika - veliko |
a big book | velika knjiga |
of a big book (gen) | velike knjige |
very | veoma |
very comfortable | veoma udobno |
already /by now | već |
he sees | vidi |
to see | vidjeti |
time | vr(ij)eme |
by /in /to /into +acc | za |
into the nose | za nos |
for all times / forever | za sva vr(ij)emena |
he began to play | zaigrao je |
to begin to play /to begin to dance | zaigrati |
to fall asleep | zaspati |
then /afterwards | zatim |
to close | zatvoriti |
to hear suddenly | začuti |
because of /for /due to + gen | zbog |
because of that/for that | zbog toga |
For that Mo pinched her into the nose. | Zbog toga ju je Mo uštinuo za nos. |
she called (APP) | zvala je |
he called (APP) | zvao je |
to call | zvati |
a sound (m) | zvuk |
angular | ćoškasto |
it seemed to him that | činilo mu se da |
it seemed to him that he heard (present tense) /he seemed to hear | činilo mu se da čuje |
It seemed to him that he heard a sound as if someone were turning the pages of some great book. | činilo mu se da čuje nekakav zvuk kao da neko okreće stranice nekakve velike knjige. |
It seemed to him that he heard tiny bare feet running across the floor | činilo mu se da čuje sićušna bosa stopala kako trče po podu |
it seemed (Active Past Participle) | činilo se |
it seemed that | činilo se da |
to seem /appear | činiti se |
she was reading | čitala je |
She was reading the book (acc) | čitala je knjigu |
to read | čitati |
he hears | čuje |
he hears tiny bare feet running (how they run) | čuje sićušna bosa stopala kako trče |
they were heard | Čuli su se |
The clock was ticking ("The tickings of the clock were heard") | Čuli su se otkucaji sata |
they heard (perfect) | čuli su |
The clock was ticking and in the silence it seemed to him that he heard tiny bare feet running across the floor, followed by giggles and whispers and a sound of someone turning over the pages of some big book. | Čuli su se otkucaji sata i u tišini mu se činilo da čuje sićušna bosa stopala kako trče po podu, a zatim kikotanje i šapat, i nekakav zvuk, kao da neko okreće stranice nekakve velike knjige. |
The clock was ticking and in the silence it seemed to him that he heard tiny bare feet running across the floor, followed by giggles and whispers. | Čuli su se otkucaji sata i u tišini mu se činilo da čuje sićušna bosa stopala kako trče po podu, a zatim kikotanje i šapat. |
The clock was ticking and in the silence it seemed to him that he heard tiny bare feet running across the floor. | Čuli su se otkucaji sata i u tišini mu se činilo da čuje sićušna bosa stopala kako trče po podu. |
to hear /listen | čuti |
whisper | šapat |
to whisper | šaputati |
whispering (m/f/n) | šaputav - šaputava - šaputavo |
he/she/it whispers | šapuće |
it whispers to you(dat) | šapuće ti |