
Usages of om

Jeg kigger på stjernerne om aftenen.
I look at the stars in the evening.
Jeg ser solen om morgenen.
I see the sun in the morning.
Jeg går til skolen om morgenen.
I go to the school in the morning.
Hun ser månen om aftenen.
She sees the moon in the evening.
Om aftenen ser jeg et program på fjernsynet, som fortæller historier om forskellige fugle.
In the evening, I watch a program on the television that tells stories about different birds.
Jeg ankommer til huset om morgenen.
I arrive at the house in the morning.
Byen er smuk om natten.
The city is beautiful at night.
Den kraftige lyd fra skovens dyr overrasker mig om aftenen.
The powerful sound from the forest animals surprises me in the evening.
Jeg kom til huset om morgenen, tidligere end forventet.
I arrived at the house in the morning, earlier than expected.
Månen overrasker mig, når den lyser smukt om aftenen.
The moon surprises me when it shines beautifully in the evening.
Telefonen ringer tidligt om morgenen.
The phone rings early in the morning.
Vinduet lukkes om aftenen, når det bliver koldt.
The window is closed in the evening when it becomes cold.
Jeg opholder mig i haven om eftermiddagen.
I stay in the garden in the afternoon.
Varsel om sne udsendes ofte om vinteren.
A warning about snow is often issued in winter.
Solen skinner bedst om morgenen.
The sun shines best in the morning.
Jeg kommer til stuen tidligt om morgenen.
I come to the living room early in the morning.
Roen i haven overrasker mig om morgenen.
The calmness in the garden surprises me in the morning.
Udsigten fra vinduet er smuk om morgenen.
The view from the window is beautiful in the morning.
Vi synger en sang omkring det store bål om aftenen.
We sing a song around the big bonfire in the evening.
Byens nye svømmebassin er meget populært om sommeren.
The town’s new swimming pool is very popular in the summer.
Havet føles koldt om morgenen.
The sea feels cold in the morning.
Begivenheden overrasker mig, når den sker om aftenen.
The event surprises me when it happens in the evening.
Jeg nyder solen i haven om sommeren.
I enjoy the sun in the garden in the summer.
Han beskytter sig mod kulden om vinteren.
He protects himself from the cold in winter.
Jeg foretrækker at drikke kaffe om morgenen, selvom jeg også synes te er godt.
I prefer to drink coffee in the morning, although I also think tea is good. is an online learning platform
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