Breakdown of A colazione, spalmo un po’ di miele sul pane e aggiungo un pizzico di pepe.
la colazione
the breakfast
to add
to spread
il pane
the bread
il pepe
the pepper
il pizzico
the pinch
a bit
il miele
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Questions & Answers about A colazione, spalmo un po’ di miele sul pane e aggiungo un pizzico di pepe.
What does A colazione mean in this sentence?
It means "at breakfast" or "for breakfast." This phrase sets the time or context for the actions that follow, indicating that the routine described happens during breakfast.
How is the verb spalmo used, and what tense is it?
Spalmo is the first-person singular present tense of the verb spalmare, meaning "I spread." It indicates that the speaker is describing a habitual action performed at breakfast.
What does the phrase un po’ di miele indicate?
It translates to "a bit of honey" or "some honey." The expression un po’ di is used to convey an unspecified, moderate amount, suggesting that the speaker spreads a little honey on the bread without being precise about the quantity.
Why is sul used in sul pane, and what does it signify?
Sul is a contraction of su (meaning "on") and il (the masculine singular definite article meaning "the"). Thus, sul pane means "on the bread." This contraction is common in Italian when combining prepositions with definite articles.
What does aggiungo un pizzico di pepe mean?
It means "I add a pinch of pepper." The verb aggiungo is the first-person singular present form of aggiungere (to add), and un pizzico di pepe indicates a very small quantity of pepper, typically used to enhance flavor without overwhelming the dish.
How is the sentence structured regarding punctuation and conjunctions?
The sentence begins with the introductory phrase A colazione, which is set off by a comma. Then it describes two actions: first, spalmo un po’ di miele sul pane and second, aggiungo un pizzico di pepe. These two actions are connected by the conjunction e (meaning "and"), showing a sequence of things done during breakfast.
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