Usages of is
Én is látom a házat.
I also see the house.
Te is tanulsz?
Do you also learn?
A tanár jó, a diák is jó.
The teacher is good, the student is also good.
Én is könyvet olvasok.
I also read a book.
Ez a virág is szép.
This flower is also beautiful.
Ez az ünnep is jó alkalom a pihenésre.
This holiday is also a good opportunity to rest.
Holnap is közös vacsorát tervezünk.
We are planning a shared dinner tomorrow as well.
Én is szeretnék elmenni a tenger partjára.
I also would like to go to the seaside.
Ez az üzlet hétvégén is nyitva van.
This shop is open on the weekend too.
Te is gyakorolsz zenét vagy éneket?
Do you also practice music or singing?
Én is keresek valamit, de még nem tudom, mit.
I am also searching for something, but I don't know what yet.
A vasúti állomás előtt egy nagy kapu is van.
In front of the train station, there is also a big gate.
Néha a házimunka is lehet móka.
Sometimes housework can also be fun.
Néha a tanulás is lehet szórakoztató.
Sometimes learning can also be entertaining.
Az előző könyv is érdekes volt.
The previous book was also interesting. is an online learning platform
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