Dans mon bureau, j’ai un ordinateur et un téléphone portable.
In my office, I have a computer and a cell phone.
Part of speech
Breakdown of Dans mon bureau, j’ai un ordinateur et un téléphone portable.
to have
le bureau
the office
the computer
le téléphone portable
the cell phone
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Questions & Answers about Dans mon bureau, j’ai un ordinateur et un téléphone portable.
Why do we use dans here instead of à or en?
In French, dans indicates being physically or spatially inside a place—here, it’s inside mon bureau (my office). By contrast, à often marks a destination or a point in space, and en can mean in or to in certain contexts (especially with countries or regions). So dans mon bureau means inside my office.
Why is it mon bureau instead of ma bureau?
In French, the possessive adjective must agree with the gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) of the noun. Bureau is a masculine noun, so we use mon for my rather than ma, which is used with feminine nouns.
Why do we say j’ai instead of je ai?
When the subject je is immediately followed by a vowel sound, it contracts to j’ to make pronunciation smoother. Je ai becomes j’ai. This is standard elision in French.
What is the purpose of using the indefinite article un before ordinateur and téléphone portable?
The indefinite article un means “a” in English. It indicates that we’re talking about one (non-specific) computer or one (non-specific) mobile phone, rather than a specific one (which would require the definite article le or l’).
Is there a difference between saying un téléphone portable and un portable?
Common usage often shortens téléphone portable to portable in everyday French, similar to saying cell phone or mobile instead of mobile phone in English. However, téléphone portable is the full, precise term, while portable (as a noun) is more informal and understood in context to refer to a mobile phone.
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