more Japanese 2

(私は)君の仕事に非常に感心しています。I'm very impressed by your work.
~ kimi no shigoto ni hijouni kanshin shiteimasu
hountouni, mattaku (means)
Outside advice may be necessary. 外部からの助言が必要かもしれません。
gaibu kara no jogen ga hitsuyo kamo shiremasen
outside がいぶ outside (e.g. of a building), exterior outside (of a group, company, etc.), outside world
the state of having many kinds さまざま
Website 立上(たちあ げ) にかかわる affect the launch of - It is concerned with the start-up of the website
websito tachiage ni kakawaru
お店に電話をかけてみようと思った。そこで電話帳で番号を調べた。I thought I'd call the store.So I looked up the number in the phone book.
omise ni denwa o kaketemiyou to omotta sokode denwachou de bangou shirabeta
お父さんをむかえに駅へ向かう。head for the station to meet one's father.
ochichisan wo mukae ni eki he mukau
かぞくにかかわるはなしをする。tell a story that concerns one's family.
kazoku ni kakawaru hanashi wo suru
かんしん admiration, being impressed, admirable, praiseworthy
このあたりにはいぬがいる。There are dogs around here.
kono atari ni wa inu ga iru
この五円玉には、文字が九こある。This five-yen coin has nine letters.
kono go en dama ni wa moji ga kuu ko aru
さて置き setting aside, leaving to one side
しばらく様子をみましょう。Let's see how it goes for a while.
shibaraku yousu wo mimashou
すっかり忘れたよ。I completely forgot.
sukkari wasureta yo
そりゃ 首にかかわる 問題もんだい だ → That's a sore throat problem
sore wa kubi ni kakawaru mondai da
たしかに。 かならず。 surely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent)
どの子もパッとしないわね。 None of the kids will be surprised. ·
dono ko mo patto shinai wane.
なるべくはそうあって欲しい I want to do it if possible.
narubeku wa sou natte hoshii
ひじょうに very, extremely, exceedingly
ジェーンの話の内容が、ほとんど聞き取れなかった。I could hardly follow what Jane said in her speech.
Jen no hanashi no naiyou ga, hotondo kikitore nakatta.
ホームページの人気は内容次第。The popularity of a web site depends on its content.
homu peji no ninki wa naiyou shidai
今日は実にきれいだね。You look really pretty today.
kyou wa jitsuni kirei da ne
体全体がだるいです。My whole body feels heavy.
karada zentai ga darui desu
何の様子を? What's going on?
nanno yousu wo
冗談はさておき、君は何をするつもりなの。Joking aside, what do you mean to do?
Joudan wa sateoki, kimi wa nani o suru tsumori nano.
外部サイトから被リンクを得る obtain links from external sites
gaibu saito kara hi rinku o uru
実にすばらしい考えだ。That's such a great idea. What a wonderful idea!
jitsuni subarashii kangae da
彼のような警官は大嫌いだ。I hate cops like him.
kare no youna keikan wa daikirai da
kare wa kitto kuru
彼はこの辺りのどこかに住んでいる。He lives near here.
kare wa kono atari no dokoka ni sundeiru
彼は今書類を作成しています。He is making the document now.
kare wa ima shorui wo sakusei shiteimasu
彼は実に勉強家だ。He is indeed a hard worker.
kare wa jitsuni benkyouke da
彼は彼女に自分の計画を知らせた。He acquainted her with his plan. He told her about his plan. Il l'informa de son propre projet.
kare wa kanojo ni jibun no keikaku o shiraseta
彼は私に計画の変更を知らせてきた。Il me mit au courant du changement de plan. He acquainted me with the change of the plan. He told me about the change in the plan. He informed me about the changes in the plan.
kare wa watashi ni keikaku no henkou o shirasete kita
彼女は彼の真の意図を嗅ぎつけましたね。She caught sight of his true intentions.
kanojo wa kare no shinno ito o kagitsukemashita ne
意図 intention, aim, design
成るべく as much as possible, wherever practicable
明かりがパッとついた。The light came on suddenly.
akari ga patto tsuita
朝食の内容は、どのようなものですか。What does breakfast include?
choushoku no naiyou wa, do no youna mono desu ka.
本日のランチの内容はなんですか。What are you serving today?
honjitsu no ranchi no naiyou wa nan desu ka
様子 state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances, appearance, look, aspect, sign, indication
様子 state, state of affairs, situation, circumstances
知らせてください。Please let me know. Faites-moi savoir s'il vous plaît.
shirasete kudasai
知らせる, to notify, to advise, to inform, annoncer, faire savoir
種類が多い様子 - The state of having many kinds
shurui ga ooi yousu
結果はさておき、あなたの意図はよかった。Apart from the result, your intention was good.
kekka wa sateoki, anata no ito wa yokatta.
聞き取る to ask about (a situation, circumstances, etc.), to inquire
聞き取る to catch (someone's words), to make out, to follow, to understand
花がすっかり散った。All the flowers have fallen. (Almost all the leaves have fallen.)
hana ga sukkari chitta
計画 plan
設変 せっぺん design change, engineering change
設変に関わる資料を作成する Prepare materials related to design changes
seppen ni kakawaru shiryo wo sakusei suru
誰に知らせたらいいですか。Whom should I inform? Who should I inform?
dare ni shirasetara ii desu ka
謎の女性 A misterious woman
nazono josei