mi ni iku

 に mi ni iku
to go to see; to visit
Part of speech
verb, godan - group 1

Usages of mi ni iku

せんせい は らいしゅう かのじょ を  に く つもり。sensei wa raishuu kanojo o mi ni iku tsumori.
The teacher is planning to visit her next week.
あの えい を  に く つもり は ない。ano eiga o mi ni iku tsumori wa nai.
I don't intend to go see that movie.
しゅじん と フィルム を  に きます。shujin to firumu o mi ni ikimasu.
(I) will go to see a film with my husband.
はな を  に く。hanabi o mi ni iku.
I go to watch fireworks.
く はな を  に こう。saku hana o mi ni ikou.
Let's go see the blooming flowers.
まつり で おどり を  に きました。matsuri de odori o mi ni ikimashita.
I went to see the dancing at the festival.
しゅうまつ は えい でも  に こう。shuumatsu wa eiga demo mi ni ikou.
Let's go to see a movie (or something) this weekend.
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