Credo che questo dipinto sia un vero capolavoro di arte moderna.
I believe this painting is a true masterpiece of modern art.
Part of speech
Breakdown of Credo che questo dipinto sia un vero capolavoro di arte moderna.
to be
to believe
il dipinto
the painting
il capolavoro
the masterpiece
the art
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Questions & Answers about Credo che questo dipinto sia un vero capolavoro di arte moderna.
Why do we use sia instead of è in this sentence?
In Italian, verbs like credere, pensare, or sperare introduce statements of opinion or uncertainty, which typically call for the subjunctive mood. Sia is the subjunctive form of the verb essere (to be), whereas è is the indicative form. Hence we say sia because it expresses a personal opinion or belief rather than a statement of fact.
What is the difference between Credo che... and Penso che...?
Both Credo che... and Penso che... can be translated as I think/believe that... in English. They’re largely interchangeable, but Credo che... can place a bit more emphasis on personal conviction, while Penso che... sometimes suggests a slightly more thoughtful or reflective approach. In everyday conversation, though, both are commonly used.
Why do we say di arte moderna here instead of d’arte moderna?
In print, it’s common to keep di and arte separate as di arte moderna, though you may also see it written as d’arte moderna when the words are pronounced together. The difference is mostly stylistic and doesn’t change the meaning. In formal contexts, di arte moderna is more frequently used.
Why do we use dipinto instead of other words like quadro or pittura?
• Dipinto: Focuses on the actual painted work.
• Quadro: Often refers to a painting or picture in a frame (literally a “frame” or “panel”).
• Pittura: Can mean paint in general or the art form of painting.
In everyday language, people tend to use quadro more often for a painting that’s hung on a wall. Dipinto can emphasise the artwork’s nature as a painted piece.
What does un vero capolavoro add to the sentence that un capolavoro doesn’t?
The adverb vero (here used as an adjective meaning real or true) intensifies the expression, highlighting that it’s truly an extraordinary piece of modern art. Saying un vero capolavoro underscores the speaker’s strong conviction that the painting is genuinely a masterpiece.
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