Breakdown of Die Sonne ist hell, daher bleibe ich im Haus.
to be
das Haus
the house
die Sonne
the sun
to stay
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Questions & Answers about Die Sonne ist hell, daher bleibe ich im Haus.
Why does the sentence use daher and what does it imply?
Daher is a linking word meaning “therefore,” “thus,” or “for this reason.” It provides a causal or logical connection to the fact that the sun is bright. It indicates that you are staying in the house because of the brightness of the sun.
What is the function of die before Sonne?
Die Sonne is a feminine noun in German. Die is the feminine definite article, used here in the nominative case because it is the subject of the sentence. It literally translates to “the sun” in English.
Why is bleibe used instead of another verb?
Bleibe is the first-person singular form of bleiben (“to stay”). Since the speaker is talking about themselves staying in a location (the house) because the sun is bright, ich bleibe correctly expresses “I stay” or “I am staying” in German.
Why do we say im Haus rather than in das Haus?
Im is a contraction of in dem. When using in with the dative case (which is needed for a location where you are staying), it becomes in dem, often shortened to im. By contrast, in das Haus would imply movement into the house (accusative), but here the speaker is already at home and staying there, so dative (im Haus) is used.
Is there a common alternative to daher in this sentence?
Yes, you could use deshalb or darum with very similar meaning. For example, Die Sonne ist hell, deshalb bleibe ich im Haus means essentially the same thing: “The sun is bright; therefore, I stay indoors.”
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