Unter dieser Decke zu lesen, ist ein großes Vergnügen, wenn es draußen kalt ist.

Unter dieser Decke zu lesen, ist ein großes Vergnügen, wenn es draußen kalt ist.
Reading under this blanket is a great pleasure when it is cold outside.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Unter dieser Decke zu lesen, ist ein großes Vergnügen, wenn es draußen kalt ist.

to be
to read
das Vergnügen
the pleasure
die Decke
the blanket
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Questions & Answers about Unter dieser Decke zu lesen, ist ein großes Vergnügen, wenn es draußen kalt ist.

Why does the sentence begin with Unter dieser Decke zu lesen instead of placing zu lesen at the end?
In German, starting a sentence with an infinitive phrase like Unter dieser Decke zu lesen emphasizes the activity itself (reading under the blanket). It also shows that the entire idea of reading under that blanket serves as the subject of the sentence. Placing zu lesen at the end is not typical in this kind of construction, because the sentence is highlighting the act of reading under the blanket as a whole.
Why is zu lesen used here instead of a conjugated verb like liest?
In this sentence, zu lesen is an infinitive phrase functioning as a noun-like element (the subject). This is a common German construction known as the infinitive with zu, where the action of reading is treated as a single nominal concept (the subject) rather than an action performed by someone explicit.
What does wenn es draußen kalt ist mean, and why is it used here?
Wenn es draußen kalt ist translates to when it’s cold outside and it gives a condition or context under which reading under the blanket is especially pleasurable. The conjunction wenn indicates a time-based condition (whenever or when something happens).
Why does the sentence use ein großes Vergnügen?
In German, Vergnügen means pleasure or delight. Ein großes Vergnügen is simply an idiomatic way to say a great pleasure in German. The indefinite article ein is used because we are describing one instance of this pleasurable experience, as opposed to describing it in more abstract terms.

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