Ma sœur grandit, et elle demande parfois pourquoi il pleut autant ici.

Breakdown of Ma sœur grandit, et elle demande parfois pourquoi il pleut autant ici.

to ask
to rain
to grow
la sœur
the sister
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Questions & Answers about Ma sœur grandit, et elle demande parfois pourquoi il pleut autant ici.

Why is grandit in the present tense instead of another tense?
Because grandir (to grow) is describing an ongoing process happening right now. In French, the present tense (elle grandit) indicates that the action is currently taking place or is true at the present moment.
Why do we use il in il pleut when referring to weather?
In French, il in expressions like il pleut or il fait chaud is an impersonal subject pronoun. It doesn’t refer to any specific person or thing—it’s simply the grammatical subject required for weather verbs.
What’s the difference between autant and beaucoup?
While beaucoup generally means a lot, autant suggests as much or so much. Here, il pleut autant emphasizes that the amount of rain is considered notably high, similar to it rains so much in English.
Why ma sœur and not mon sœur?
Sœur is a feminine noun, so it uses the feminine possessive adjective ma. The masculine form mon would be used for masculine nouns (e.g., mon frère for my brother) or before a vowel sound, but sœur starts with a consonant (S).
Why does the sentence say elle demande parfois pourquoi instead of elle parfois demande pourquoi?
In French, adverbs like parfois (sometimes) often come between the subject and the verb, or at the end or beginning of the clause for emphasis. It’s not common to put parfois immediately after the subject without any verb or pronoun in between. The most natural placement is elle demande parfois or parfois elle demande.

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