
the house
Part of speech

Usages of huset

Jeg bor i et hus.
I live in a house.
Huset har en stor have.
The house has a big garden.
Marken ligger ved siden af huset.
The field is located next to the house.
Bogen handler om en lille fugl i huset.
The book is about a small bird in the house.
En stor fugl flyver tæt over huset.
A big bird flies close over the house.
Vi bor i huset ved skolen.
We live in the house by the school.
Hunden skaber glæde i huset.
The dog creates joy in the house.
Bunken står ved siden af huset.
The pile stands next to the house.
Græsset foran huset er nu farverigt, fordi der vokser mange blomster der.
The grass in front of the house is now colorful, because many flowers grow there.
Mit hus ligger ved siden af skolen.
My house is located next to the school.
Jeg ankommer til huset om morgenen.
I arrive at the house in the morning.
Min ven spiller musik i huset.
My friend plays music in the house.
Dyret står i haven ved siden af huset.
The animal stands in the garden next to the house.
Jeg vil fortælle mere om mit hus.
I will tell more about my house.
Huset er stille om natten.
The house is quiet at night.
Lyden af klaveret lyder flot i huset.
The sound of the piano sounds beautiful in the house. is an online learning platform
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