Voy a comprar un libro en la librería para relajarme antes de dormir.

Voy a comprar un libro en la librería para relajarme antes de dormir.
I am going to buy a book at the bookstore to relax before sleeping.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Voy a comprar un libro en la librería para relajarme antes de dormir.

el libro
the book
to sleep
to buy
to go
la librería
the bookstore
to relax
antes de
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Questions & Answers about Voy a comprar un libro en la librería para relajarme antes de dormir.

Why do we say “voy a comprar” instead of just “compro”?
Using voy a + infinitive is a common way to express an immediate or near future action in Spanish (similar to “I’m going to buy” in English). Saying compro on its own simply states “I buy,” which implies a habitual or present action rather than a future one.
What does “librería” mean—isn’t that the Spanish word for “library”?
In many Latin American countries (and in general Spanish usage), librería actually means “bookstore,” a place where you buy books. The Spanish word for “library” is biblioteca. This is a common false cognate for English speakers.
Why is “para” used before “relajarme”?
Para often indicates purpose or intention—“in order to.” So when you see para + infinitive (in this case, para relajarme), it shows you why the speaker is buying the book: to relax.
Why is “relajarme” written as one word with “me” at the end?
Spanish infinitive verbs can attach reflexive pronouns like me to their ends. Relajarme literally means “to relax myself.” In English, we usually just say “to relax,” but Spanish reflexives can convey doing something for your own benefit or comfort.
What does “antes de dormir” mean, and why is “de” used here?
Antes de + infinitive means “before (doing something).” Here, antes de dormir is “before sleeping.” The preposition de is required in Spanish before an infinitive with antes (and also with después when used in a similar way, e.g., después de comer).

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