A volte, anche una persona timida può diventare socievole in un ambiente amichevole.

A volte, anche una persona timida può diventare socievole in un ambiente amichevole.
Sometimes, even a shy person can become sociable in a friendly environment.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about A volte, anche una persona timida può diventare socievole in un ambiente amichevole.

What does A volte mean in this sentence?
It translates to "sometimes." This adverbial phrase indicates that the situation described does not occur all the time, but only on occasion.
What is the function of anche in this sentence?
Anche means "also" or "even." It emphasizes that even a person who is typically timid can become sociable, adding a nuance of unexpected possibility.
Why does the adjective timida come after persona, while in English we say “timid person”?
In Italian, adjectives often follow the noun they modify in descriptive contexts. Thus, persona timida is the natural word order in Italian, even though English usually places the adjective before the noun.
How is può diventare constructed, and what does it convey?
Può diventare means "can become." Here, può is the third person singular present form of the auxiliary verb potere (to be able to or can), and diventare is the infinitive form of the verb meaning “to become.” Together, they express the possibility that the transformation from being timid to being sociable may occur.
What does the phrase in un ambiente amichevole add to the sentence?
The phrase in un ambiente amichevole translates to "in a friendly environment." It specifies the context where the change in behavior occurs, suggesting that a supportive or pleasant setting can encourage even a naturally timid person to become sociable.
Does the comma after A volte serve a special purpose?
Yes, the comma separates the introductory adverbial phrase A volte from the main body of the sentence. This punctuation helps to clarify that "sometimes" sets the stage for the entire condition described, ensuring smooth flow and clear emphasis in the sentence structure.

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