Ny teknologi er muligvis den største forandring i vores tid.

Ny teknologi er muligvis den største forandring i vores tid.
New technology is possibly the biggest change in our time.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Ny teknologi er muligvis den største forandring i vores tid.

to be
the time
the technology
the change
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Questions & Answers about Ny teknologi er muligvis den største forandring i vores tid.

What does the phrase ny teknologi mean, and why is the adjective placed before the noun?
In Danish, adjectives normally come before the noun, much like in English. Here, ny means new, so ny teknologi translates directly to new technology. The word order is straightforward: the adjective precedes the noun.
How is the adverb muligvis used in the sentence, and what does it mean?
The word muligvis means possibly. It modifies the verb er (is), adding a sense of uncertainty or speculation. Its placement right after the verb is typical in Danish sentence structure when an adverb qualifies the predicate.
Why is the superlative form største used in den største forandring instead of a form like størst?
In Danish, when a superlative adjective is used with a definite noun phrase, it takes the ending -e. The indefinite superlative of stor (big/great) is størst, but when paired with the definite article den (meaning the), it becomes største. Thus, den største forandring translates as the greatest change.
What does the phrase i vores tid mean, and how is it functioning in the sentence?
The phrase i vores tid means in our time. It is a prepositional phrase that situates the context of the sentence, indicating that the change being discussed is significant in the current era.
How does the word order of this Danish sentence compare with that of a typical English sentence?
The sentence follows a similar Subject-Verb-Predicate order to English. Ny teknologi (subject) comes first, followed by er (verb), and then the predicate muligvis den største forandring i vores tid. Although the basic SVO structure is maintained, attention must be paid to Danish-specific adjective placements and endings, especially in definite phrases.
Does the definite article den agree with the noun forandring, and how does gender play a role in this construction?
Yes, forandring is a common gender noun in Danish and therefore takes the definite article den. Danish nouns are divided into common and neuter genders, with den used for common gender nouns and det for neuter ones. This agreement between the article and the noun is key to constructing grammatically correct definite noun phrases.

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