and /but /whereas | a |
and (but) I was still wandering | a još sam lutao |
and (but) I was still wandering around the dock | a još sam lutao po pristaništu |
if | ako |
if you want | ako hoćeš |
if you want you may | ako hoćeš možeš |
if you want you can be | ako hoćeš možeš da budeš |
if you want you can be a merchant | ako hoćeš možeš da budeš trgovac |
If you want you can be a merchant like me. | Ako hoćeš možeš da budeš trgovac, kao što sam ja. |
If you want you can become a merchant like me. I have nothing against it. But you have to be something! | Ako hoćeš možeš da budeš trgovac, kao što sam ja. Nemam ništa protiv toga. Ali nešto moraš biti! |
if you don't like | ako ti se ne dopada |
but | ali |
but I said | ali ja govorio sam |
but I always said | ali ja sam uvijek govorio |
But I was already fourteen years old and (but) I was still wandering around the dock and enjoyed watching | Ali ja sam već imao četrnaest godina, a još sam lutao po pristaništu i uživao gledajući |
But I was already fourteen years old and (but) I was still wandering around the dock and enjoyed watching how the boats come and go. | Ali ja sam već imao četrnaest godina, a još sam lutao po pristaništu i uživao gledajući kako brodovi dolaze i odlaze |
But I was already fourteen years old and I was still wandering around the dock and enjoyed watching how the boats come and go, how the merchandise is loaded and listening to the sailors talk about distant lands where strange animals and savage people live | Ali ja sam već imao četrnaest godina, a još sam lutao po pristaništu i uživao gledajući kako brodovi dolaze i odlaze, kako se roba tovari i da slušam kako mornari pričaju o dalekim zemljama gdje žive neobične životinje i divlji ljudi. |
But I was already fourteen years old. | Ali ja sam već imao četrnaest godina. |
but he kept silent | ali je šutio |
but he kept silent and waited | ali je šutio i čekao |
But my thoughts were not on that job. | Ali moje misli nisu bile na tome poslu. |
But you have to be something! | Ali nešto moraš biti! |
But it isn't so. | Ali nije tako. |
but they call me so | ali tako me prozovu |
But that is how they called me according to the custom in our family, and under that name, no doubt, I will remain known to everyone not only for the rest of my life but also later, in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adven | Ali tako su me prozvali po običaju u našoj porodici, i pod tim ću imenom, nema sumnje, ostati poznat svima ne samo do kraja svoga života nego i docnije, u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina. |
But they called me so according to custom in our family. | Ali tako su me prozvali po običaju u našoj porodici. |
But they called me so. | Ali tako su me prozvali. |
to be (Used as an auxiliary verb in the present to form near future tense; similar to English going to. budem, budeš, bude...) | biti |
escape /flight | bjekstvo |
Flight from Home | Bjekstvo od kuće |
brother | brat |
brother (counting form > follows 2, 3 and 4) | brata |
he worried | brinuo (je) |
he worried a lot | brinuo mnogo |
to worry | brinuti |
ship (m) | brod |
ships (nom pl) | brodovi |
I will be(come) | budem |
should you be | budeš li |
should you be hard working | budeš li vrijedan |
Should you be hard working, you once (will) prolong my business | Budeš li vrijedan, produžićeš jednom moj posao. |
they will... (near future) | budu |
they will read (near fut) | budu čitali |
of the whole /of all (gen determ) | cijeloga |
all of (my/your/his...) life | cijeloga života |
all /whole (m/f /n) | cio - cijela - cijelo |
that (conjunction) (clitics as je, mu, li... follow da directly) | da |
that (conj) | da |
so /that | da |
that you work | da radiš |
that I listen | da slušam |
distant /far | dalek |
distant /far (loc. pl) | dalekim |
day (m) | dan |
today | danas |
today I ask you | danas te pitam |
today I ask you what do you think | danas te pitam šta misliš |
Today I ask you what do you think will happen with you. | Danas te pitam šta misliš da će s tobom biti. |
a thick book | debela knjiga |
the big /fat/thick gen. def. fem. | debeloga |
of the big sea > the deep sea /die hohe See | debeloga mora |
big /fat /thick | debeo |
child (n) | dijete |
they (f pl) touched me | dirnule su me |
My father's words touched me. | Dirnule su me očeve riječi. |
to touch | dirnuti |
wild /savage (nom sg =pl) | divlji |
savage people | divlji ljudi |
wild beasts | divlji zvijeri |
until (+gen) | do |
until the end | do kraja |
until the end of my (own) life | do kraja svoga života |
good /well-behaved /kind/thoughtful (m/f/n) | dobar - dobra - dobro |
a good and valiant man | dobar i valjan čovjek |
a good man | dobar čovjek |
well (adv of good) | dobro |
later | docnije |
indeed /truly | doista |
doctor | doktor |
they come | dolaze |
they come and go | dolaze i odlaze |
to arrive /come | dolaziti |
to please /like (+dat) | dopadati se |
to come | doći |
to come /arrive (d) | doći |
he comes | dođe |
I come | dođem |
you come | dođeš |
Come! | Dođi! |
the other /the second (m/f/n) | drugi - druga - drugo |
The other was a sailor. | Drugi je bio mornar. |
two | dva |
two (before m or n noun) | dva |
two brothers | dva brata |
two (before fem noun) (ekavian - ijekavian) | dve - dvije |
two sisters (counting form fem) | dve sestre |
where | gdje |
where strange animals lived | gdje žive neobične životinje |
while looking /while watching (pres verbal adverb) | gledajući |
I watched you | gledao sam te |
I watched what(pl) you were doing | gledao sam te šta radiš |
to look /watch | gledati |
year | godina |
year after year (instr) | godina za godinom |
of the year /in | godine |
in (the year) 1632 (last no fem sg) | godine hiljadu šeststo trideset dvije |
I said | govorio sam |
to speak /tell /say | govoriti |
thousand (-s of +gen. pl) | hiljadu |
thousand years (gen pl) | hiljadu godina |
thousand six hundred and thirty-two | hiljadu šeststo trideset dva |
you want | hoćeš |
Do you want? | Hoćeš li? |
I want | hoću |
I want to be(come) | hoću da budem |
I want to be a sailor. | Hoću da budem mornar. |
they wanted | htjeli su |
they wanted that | htjeli su da |
they wanted me to be | htjeli su da budem |
They wanted me to be a good and valiant man. | Htjeli su da budem dobar i valjan čovjek. |
to want /wish | htjeti |
and | i |
and indeed | I doista. |
and I will remain under this name | i pod tim ću imenom ostati |
and I enjoyed watching | i uživao gledajući |
he goes | ide |
Follow me! (Go after me) | Ide za mnom! |
I go | idem |
you go | ideš |
I have | imam |
to have | imati |
name (neutr) | ime |
the name of my mother /my mother's name | ime moje majke |
from /out /of (+gen) | iz |
from which (pl) | iz kojih |
he will lose | izgubiti će |
to go /walk | ići |
I had | ja sam imao |
I was fourteen years old. (I had...) | Ja sam imao četrnaest godina. |
I was/became/got angry | ja sam se ljutio |
is | je |
one (m) | jedan |
One was a soldier and (as for) the other a sailor. | Jedan je bio vojnik a drugi mornar . |
One was a soldier and died in war whereas the other a sailor, one day he sailed away and never returned. | Jedan je bio vojnik i poginuo u ratu a drugi mornar, otplovio je jednoga dana i više se nije vratio. |
One was a soldier and died in war. | Jedan je bio vojnik i poginuo u ratu. |
One was a soldier. | Jedan je bio vojnik. |
One died in war. | Jedan je poginuo u ratu. |
one after another | jedan za drugim |
one after the other | jedan za drugim |
only (adv.) | jedino |
the only child | jedino dijete |
one day (gen. def.) /eines Tages | jednoga dana |
once /at one time | jednom |
to / towards (+dat) | k |
to himself | k sebi |
when he grows up | kada poraste |
when he grows up and when he comes to his senses. | kada poraste i kada se opameti |
When I reached the age of sixteen | Kada sam napunio šesnaest godina |
When I reached the age of sixteen, my father called me | Kada sam napunio šesnaest godina pozvao me je otac |
When I reached the age of sixteen, my father called me to himself and said: | Kada sam napunio šesnaest godina, pozvao me je otac k sebi i rekao: |
When I reached the age of sixteen, my father called me to himself and said: "I was silent for three years and watched what (pl) you were doing. " | Kada sam napunio šesnaest godina, pozvao me je otac k sebi i rekao: 'Šutio sam tri godine i gledao te šta radiš.' |
when he gets wiser /when he comes to his senses | kada se opameti |
when you don't feel like studying | kada ti se ne uči |
when you don't feel like studying then come | kada ti se ne uči pa dođi |
how | kako |
how the merchandise is loaded | kako se roba tovari |
like/such as /as | kao što |
like I am /like me | kao što sam ja |
which, /who /that (m/f/n sg) | koji - koja - koje |
Which /who /that (m/f/n pl) | koji - koje - koja |
end | kraj |
near /next to/beside (+gen) | kraj |
next to us | kraj nas |
house /home | kuća |
ship /vessel (l) | lađa |
lesson | lekcija |
lesson after lesson passes | lekcija za lekcijom prolazi |
back (also body part) (nom =gen =acc) | leđa |
should (if) | li |
Beauty and the Beast | Ljepotica i zvijer |
men /people /folk | ljudi |
people from the mountain | ljudi s planine |
Because of that my father became angry and worried a lot. | Ljutio se moj otac zbog toga i brinuo mnogo. |
My father became angry because of that. | Ljutio se moj otac zbog toga. |
My father became angry. | Ljutio se moj otac. |
to become angry | ljutiti se |
to wander /roam | lutati |
mother (f) | majka |
mother's (m/f/n sg m/f/n pl) | majčin - majčina - majčino majčini - majčine - majčina |
mother's house | majčina kuća |
mother's houses | majčine kuće |
me | me |
minute after minute | minut za minutom |
thought (f) | misao |
thoughts | misli |
I think | mislim |
I thought | mislio sam |
to think | misliti |
to think | misliti |
you think | misliš |
a lot | mnogo |
of my father (gen) | moga oca |
I can | mogu |
I can be a merchant. (used more in Bosnia/Crotia) | Mogu biti trgovac. |
I can be a merchant. (more used in Serbia) | Mogu da budem trgovac. |
my (m/f/n) | moj - moja - moje |
my (m/f/n) | moj - moja - moje |
my father | moj otac |
my father worried a lot | moj otac brinuo mnogo |
my job | moj posao |
my two brothers | moja dva brata |
my two older brothers | moja dva starija brata |
My two older brothers died early. | Moja dva starija brata su umrla rano. |
My two older brothers died. | Moja dva starija brata su umrla. |
my mother | moja majka |
my thought | moja misao |
my two older sisters | moje dve starije sestre |
My two older sisters died. | Moje dve starije sestre su umrle. |
my name | moje ime |
of my mother (gen) | moje majke |
my thoughts | moje misli |
My thoughts are not | moje misli nisu |
My thoughts were not | Moje misli nisu bile |
of my (gen pl) | mojih |
of my strange adventures | mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
you have to be | moraš biti |
you have to be (more Serbian) | moraš da budeš |
seafaring /navigation /seamanship | moreplovstvo |
sailor | mornar |
the sailors talk | mornari pričaju |
The sailors talked about distant lands where strange animals lived. | Mornari pričaju o dalekim zemljama gdje žive neobične životinje. |
The sailors talked about distant lands. | Mornari pričaju o dalekim zemljama. |
to can /may /to be able | moći |
he can | može |
He can be a merchant. (form more used in Bosnia /Crotia) | Može biti trgovac. |
he can be a merchant (more used in Serbia) | može da bude trgovac |
you can | možeš |
on /at /in (+loc) | na |
on the desk | na pisaćem stolu |
on the job | na poslu |
on that job | na tome poslu |
he hoped | nadao se |
He only hoped that | Nadao se samo da |
He only hoped that his son would lose his liking for seamanship | Nadao se, samo, da će njegov sin izgubiti volju za moreplovstvom |
He only hoped that his son would lose his liking for seamanship when grew up (present) and came (present) to his senses. | Nadao se, samo, da će njegov sin izgubiti volju za moreplovstvom kada poraste i kada se opameti. |
to hope /to trust | nadati se |
to fill /stuff / load /become full | napuniti |
to reach /attain the age of | napuniti godina |
us (gen = acc of mi) | nas |
our (m/f/n) | naš- naša-naše |
our family | naša porodica |
you don't like | ne dopada ti se |
you don't have to | ne moraš da |
You don't have to become a doctor if you don't like. | Ne moraš da budeš doktor ako ti se ne dopada. |
you don't have to become a doctor. | Ne moraš da budeš doktor. |
You can't probably all of your life | Ne možeš valjda cijeloga života da |
You can't possibly chitchat all of your life with sailors about wild beasts and poisonous snakes. | Ne možeš valjda cijeloga života da ćaskaš sa mornarima o divljim(a) zvijerima i otrovnim(a) zmijama. |
You can't possibly chitchat all of your life with sailors about wild beasts. | Ne možeš valjda cijeloga života da ćaskaš sa mornarima o divljim(a) zvijerima. |
You can't probably chitchat all of your life. | Ne možeš valjda cijeloga života da ćaskaš. |
not only | ne samo |
not only for the rest of my (own) life but also... | ne samo do kraja svoga života nego i docnije |
not only... but also later | ne samo... nego i docnije |
I don't feel like studying. | Ne uči mi se |
but /than /nor | nego |
but also later | nego i docnije |
but I only dreamed of the dangerous roads across the deep sea. | nego sam sanjao samo o opasnim putevima preko debeloga mora. |
No problem. | Nema problema. |
no doubt / doubtless | nema sumnje |
It doesn't matter. | Nema veze. |
I don't have | nemam |
I have nothing against it. | Nemam ništa protiv toga. |
I have nothing. | Nemam ništa. |
to not have /to lack | nemati |
strange /odd /unusual (m/f /n) | neobičan - neobična - neobično |
strange animals | neobične životinje |
strange animals and savage people | neobične životinje i divlji ljudi |
of the strange (gen pl) | neobičnih |
you have to be something | nešto moraš biti |
it is not /it isn't | nije |
He's not back. | Nije se vratio. |
I didn't | nisam |
I didn't learn | nisam učio |
nothing | ništa |
nothing /it's nothing | ništa |
You don't learn anything but just talk. | Ništa ne učiš nego samo pričaš. |
You don't learn anything but just talk about foreign countries and ships (l). | Ništa ne učiš, nego samo pričaš o tuđim zemljama i o lađama? |
You don't learn anything. | Ništa ne učiš. |
I learned nothing | ništa nisam učio |
I learned nothing but only dreamed (m) | Ništa nisam učio nego sanjao samo |
I learned nothing but dreamed of the dangerous roads across the deep sea. | Ništa nisam učio, nego sanjao samo o opasnim putevima preko debeloga mora. |
his | njegov |
his son | njegov sin |
his son will lose | njegov sin će izgubiti |
about /concerning + locative | o |
about distant lands | o dalekim zemljama |
about wild beasts (loc. pl) | o divljim(a) zvijerima |
about dangerous roads | o opasnim putevima |
about roads (loc) | o putevima |
about foreign countries (loc) | o tuđim zemljama |
about lands | o zemljama |
about the countries (loc) | o zemljama |
I promised | obećao sam |
I promised to begin another life | Obećao sam da ću početi drugi život |
I promised to begin another life and to work hard in my father's commerce. | Obećao sam da ću početi drugi život i da vrijedno raditi u očevoj trgovini. |
I promised to work hard | Obećao sam da ću vrijedno raditi |
I promised to work hard in my father's commerce. | Obećao sam da ću vrijedno raditi u očevoj trgovini. |
to promise | obećati |
custom /habit / tendency | običaj |
commonly /usually | obično |
from /out of +gen. | od |
from the house (gen.) | od kuće |
they go away | odlaze |
to leave /go away /part /set off | odlaziti |
he | on |
he is | on je |
he was | on je bio |
He was a soldier. | On je bio vojnik. |
He is a soldier. | On je vojnik |
he was angry (for 3 sg. je is dropped) | on se ljutio |
that (m/f/n sg) | onaj - ona - ono |
those (m/f/n pl) | oni - one - ona |
of those (gen pl) | onih |
of those who (m) | onih koji |
of those who will (near fut.) | onih koji budu |
of those who will read | onih koji budu čitali |
of those who will read this description | onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis |
of those who will read this description of my strange adventures | onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
to get wiser /come to one's senses /come to reason /zur Vernunft kommen | opametiti se |
dangerous (m/f/n) | opasan - opasna - opasno |
a dangerous road | opasan put |
dangerous roads | opasni putevi |
description (m- nom =acc) | opis |
a description of my strange adventures | opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
a description of my adventures | opis mojih pustolovina |
I remained | ostao sam |
to stay /remain | ostati |
to stay /remain (intransitive) | ostati |
I will stay | ostati ću |
I will remain known | ostati ću poznat |
I will remain known/famous until the end of my (own) life | Ostati ću poznat do kraja svoga života |
I will remain known not only until the end of my(own) life, but also later in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adventures. | Ostati ću poznat ne samo do kraja svoga života nego i docnije u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
I will remain known to everybody | ostati ću poznat svima |
I will remain in the memory | ostati ću u uspomeni |
I will remain in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adventures | ostati ću u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina. |
Leave school when you don't feel like studying. | Ostavi školu kada ti se ne uči |
Leave school when you don't feel like studying, then come so you work in my shop. | Ostavi školu kada ti se ne uči, pa dođi da radiš u mojoj radnji. |
Leave school! | Ostavi školu! |
Leave! | Ostavi! |
to leave | ostaviti |
father | otac |
My father sent me to school, but I always said: "I want be a sailor." | Otac me poslao u školu, ali ja sam uvijek govorio: 'Hoću da budem mornar.' |
(My) father sent me to school. | Otac me poslao u školu. |
he sailed away (perf) | otplovio je |
One day he sailed away and he came back no more. | Otplovio je jednoga dana i više se nije vratio. |
One day he sailed away. | Otplovio je jednoga dana. |
to sail (intransitive > to sail away /to leave port) ) | otploviti |
poisonous /venomous (m/f/n) | otrovan - otrovna - otrovno |
a poisonous snake | otrovna zmija |
these goods (sg) | ova roba |
this (m/f/n sg) | ovaj - ova - ovo |
this description (nom =acc inanimated) | ovaj opis |
this description of my strange adventures | ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
this description of adventures | ovaj opis pustolovina |
father's /paternel (takes m/f/n/pl m//f /n of the possessed item and declines) | očev - očeva - očevo - - očevi - očeve - očeva |
father's business | očev posao |
father's house | očeva kuća |
father's words (f pl) | očeve riječi |
father's name | očevo ime |
then / so /well | pa |
then come so that you work | pa dođi da radiš |
then come so you work in my shop | pa dođi da radiš u mojoj radnji |
then come! | pa dođi! |
I fell | pao sam |
I fell from the tree. | Pao sam sa stabla. |
dog | pas |
to fall | pasti |
(writing) desk | pisaći sto(l) |
I ask | pitam |
to ask | pitati |
mountain | planina |
to sail /navigate (intransitive > no object) | ploviti |
as usual, according to custom (loc.) | po običaju |
according to custom in our family | po običaju u našoj porodici |
around the dock (loc) | po pristaništu |
under /beneath (+instr) | pod |
under the name (instr) | pod imenom |
under that name | pod tim imenom |
I will doubtlessly remain under that name. | pod tim ću imenom - nema sumnje - ostati |
I will doubtlessly remain known under this name | pod tim ću imenom - nema sumnje - ostati poznat |
I will remain known to everybody under that name not only until the end of my(own) life, but also later in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adventures. | pod tim ću imenom ostati poznat svima ne samo do kraja svoga života nego i docnije u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina. |
I will no doubt remain known to everybody under this name not only until the end of my life but also later in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adventures. | Pod tim ću imenom, nema sumnje, ostati poznat svima ne samo do kraja svoga života nego i docnije u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
he perished (perfect) | poginuo je |
to perish /die in war or accident | poginuti |
he grows | poraste |
to grow up | porasti |
family | porodica |
familial /family- (adj) (m/f/n) | porodični - porodična - porodično |
family name | porodično ime |
the family name of my father | porodično ime moga oca |
my mother's family name | porodično ime moje majke |
work /job /business | posao |
job (m) | posao |
he sent | poslao |
he sent me | poslao me |
He sent me to school. | Poslao me u školu. |
to send | poslati |
known /well known /famous (m/f/n) | poznat - poznata - poznato |
my father called me | pozvao me je otac |
my father called me to himself | pozvao me je otac k sebi |
my father called me to himself and said | pozvao me je otac k sebi i rekao |
He called me to himself. | Pozvao me k sebi. |
to call /summon s. o. | pozvati |
I started | počeo sam |
I started another life | počeo sam drugi život |
I started working | počeo sam raditi |
to start /begin | početi |
after /because /since /as | pošto |
Since I remained | pošto sam ostao |
Since I remained the only child, my parents loved me very much and wanted me to be a good and valiant man. | Pošto sam ostao jedino dijete, roditelji su me mnogo voljeli i htjeli da budem dobar i valjan čovjek. |
Since I remained the only child, my parents loved me very much. | Pošto sam ostao jedino dijete, roditelji su me mnogo voljeli. |
Since I remained the only child... | Pošto sam ostao jedino dijete. |
over /across /through (+gen) | preko |
across the big (d) sea / over the deep sea /über die hohe See | preko debeloga mora |
last name /surname (n) | prezime |
harbour /quai /dock (n) | pristanište |
they talk | pričaju |
to talk | pričati |
problem | problem |
to prolong /extend /lengthen | produžiti |
you prolong my business | produžićeš moj posao |
a year passed /a year went by | prolazila je godina |
to pass /go by | prolaziti |
to observe | promatraci |
to observe from the window | promatraci s prozora |
against (+gen) | protiv |
against it /that | protiv toga |
window | prozor |
they call /name | prozovu |
they call me | prozovu me |
they called (perfect) | prozvali su |
they called me | prozvali su me |
He called me Robinson. | Prozvao me Robinzon. |
to call s.o/ name s.o. | prozvati |
to call / name s. o. | prozvati |
adventure (f) (nom sg =gen pl) | pustolovina |
road /way /path | put |
the way home (acc) | put za kuću |
roads | putevi |
to work /labour (intr) / to do (trans) | raditi |
to work with someone | raditi s nekim |
shop /store | radnja |
early | rano |
war(m) | rat |
reason | razlog |
he said | rekao je |
to say /tell | reći |
word /vocable /speech (f) | riječ |
the words (f pl) touched | riječi su dirnule |
merchandise | roba |
the goods arrived | roba je dośla |
the goods arrived | roba je stigla |
the goods which arrived | roba koja je stigla |
Robinson is the family name of my mother whereas Crusoe of my father. | Robinzon je porodično ime moje majke a Kruso moga oca. |
Robinson is the family name of my mother. | Robinzon je porodično ime moje majke. |
parents | roditelji |
my parents loved me a lot | roditelji su me mnogo voljeli |
My parents loved me very much and wanted me to be a good and valiant man. | Roditelji su me mnogo voljeli i htjeli da budem dobar i valjan čovjek. |
the /my parents loved me | roditelji su me voljeli |
the parents loved | roditelji su voljeli |
to be born | roditi se |
born (Past Passive Participle) (m/f/n) | rođen - rođena - rođeno |
I was born. | rođen sam |
I was born in the year 1632. | Rođen sam godine hiljadu šeststo trideset dvije. |
hand | ruku |
for/off/from (+gen) before other than s, š, z, ž - before s, š, z, ž | s - sa |
for/off/from (+gen) before other than s, š, z, ž - before s, š, z, ž | s - sa |
with (+instr) | s - sa |
on the other side | s druge strane |
from the back | s leđa |
with someone | s nekim |
with you | s tobom |
with you | s tobom |
for that reason | s tog razloga |
in time (with time) | s vremenom |
with me (exception) | sa mnom |
with sailors (instr.) | sa mornarima |
with the dog | sa psom |
from the west | sa zapada |
with the school | sa školom |
with life | sa životom |
You are just talking. | Samo pričaš. |
You just talk about ships (l) | Samo pričaš o lađama |
you just talk about foreign countries | samo pričaš o tuđim zemljama |
I only dreamed (f) | Samo sam sanjala |
I am dreaming | sanjam |
I dreamed (m) | sanjao sam |
I dreamed of dangerous roads. | Sanjao sam o opasnim putevima. |
to daydream | sanjariti |
to dream | sanjati |
hour after hour | sat za satom |
oneself (particle used to change transitive verbs (which require an object) into transitive Verbs /could also imply that the actor is overcome by the action or that he feels an inclination to do the action) position after first stressed word | se |
to oneself (to myself/to yourself...) - Dative | sebi |
sister | sestra |
son | sin |
I sit | sjedim |
I sat | sjedio sam |
to sit | sjediti |
to sit at the table | sjediti za stolom |
I listen | slušam |
to listen | slušati |
tree (trunk) | stablo |
old (m/f/n) | star - stara - staro |
older (counting form) (m/n - f) | starija - starije |
older (m/f/n) | stariji - starija- starije |
to arrive /reach | stignuti |
hundred | sto |
table (Bosnian/Serbian - Croatian) | sto - stol |
side | strana |
doubt | sumnja |
tomorrow | sutra |
everybody | svako |
to quarrel | svađati se |
to quarrel with someone | svađati se s nekim |
to everybody (dat pl) | svima |
one's own (gen m) | svoga |
of one's (your/my) life (gen) | svoga života |
one's (own) (m/f/n) | svoj - svoja - svoje |
one's (own) life | svoj život |
that m/f/n) | taj - ta- to |
so /thus | tako |
Thus year after year went by. | Tako je prolazila godina za godinom. |
Thus a year went by. | Tako je prolazila godina. |
Thus lesson after lesson passes and you(pl) learn nothing. | Tako lekcija za lekcijom prolazi a vi ništa ne učite. |
you (acc) (clitic) | te |
you | ti |
that (instr) (m/n - f) | tim - tom |
it/this | to |
it is | to je |
it is my name | to je moje ime |
this is my name and surname | to je moje ime i prezime |
cargo /load /good | tovar |
cargos | tovari |
to load | tovariti |
to be loaded | tovariti se |
merchant | trgovac |
shop /commerce | trgovina |
three | tri |
three years | tri godine |
thirty | trideset |
thirty-two | trideset dva |
somebody else's /foreign /strange/unknown (!) (m /f /n) | tuđ - tuđa - tuđe |
a foreign country /an unknown country | tuđa zemlja |
in /at (+loc) | u |
to /into (+acc) | u |
in /at (+loc) | u |
to /into (+acc.) | u |
into (+ acc) | u |
into a thick book | u debelu knjigu |
in my shop (loc) | u mojoj radnji |
in our family (loc) | u našoj porodici |
in my father's shop (loc) | u očevoj trgovini |
in war(loc.) | u ratu |
in the memory (loc) | u uspomeni |
in the memory of those | u uspomeni onih |
in the memory of those who will read this description of my strange adventures | u uspomeni onih koji budu čitali ovaj opis mojih neobičnih pustolovina |
to school (acc.) | u školu |
to die | umrijeti |
died (APP counted form m/n - fem pl. > after 2,3 and 4) | umrla - umrle |
died (active past participle pl m/f /n) | umrli - umrle - umrla |
memory | uspomena |
always | uvijek |
I introduced | uvodio sam |
I introduced (noted) the merchandise into a thick book. | Uvodio sam robu u debelu knjigu. |
I introduced the goods which arrived into a thick book. | Uvodio u debelu knjigu robu koja je stigla |
to introduce /import (imperfective verb) | uvoditi |
to take | uzeti |
to take by the hand (acc) | uzeti za ruku |
I feel like studying | uči mi se |
I study | učim |
you learn (pl) | učite |
to learn | učiti |
to learn | učiti |
ears (pl nom =acc of uho /uvo) | uši |
He enjoyed looking how the merchandise was loaded | uživao gledajući kako se roba tovari |
I enjoyed | uživao sam |
I enjoyed listening (lit. I enjoyed that I listen) | uživao sam da slušam |
I enjoyed listening to the sailors talk about distant lands where strange animals and savage people lived. | Uživao sam da slušam kako mornari pričaju o dalekim zemljama gdje žive neobične životinje i divlji ljudi. |
I enjoyed listening to the sailors talk about distant lands. | Uživao sam da slušam kako mornari pričaju o dalekim zemljama. |
I enjoyed listening to how the sailors talk. | Uživao sam da slušam kako mornari pričaju. |
I enjoyed watching how the boats come and go | uživao sam gledajući kako brodovi dolaze i odlaze |
to enjoy /delight/take pleasure in | uživati |
good /valiant | valjan |
probably /likely /I guess /I take it | valjda |
connection | veza |
The very next day I sat at the table. | Već sutradan sjedio sam za stolom. |
the very next day (already the next day) | već sutradan |
The very next day I sat at the desk and introduced goods into a thick book. | Već sutradan sjedio sam za pisaćim stolom i uvodio robu u debelu knjigu. |
The very next day I sat at the desk and introduced goods which arrived into a thick book. | Već sutradan sjedio sam za pisaćim stolom i uvodio u debelu knjigu robu koja je stigla. |
The very next day I sat at the desk. | Već sutradan sjedio sam za pisaćim. |
he saw it | vidio je to |
He saw it well | vidio je to dobro |
My father saw it well | Vidio je to dobro moj otac . |
My father saw it well, but he kept silent and waited. | Vidio je to dobro moj otac ali je šutio i čekao. |
more (+ neg. no more) | više |
it's more | više je |
it's no more | više nije |
I thought more | Više sam mislio |
I thought more about the countries from which these goods came. | Više sam mislio o zemljama iz kojih je ova roba došla. |
I thought more about the countries from which the goods came. | Više sam mislio o zemljama iz kojih je roba došla |
I thought more about the countries. | Više sam mislio o zemljama. |
He never returned. /He came back no more. | Više se nije vratio. |
to trust /believe | vjerovati |
they believe | vjeruju |
they believe that | vjeruju da |
they believe that it is | vjeruju da je to |
they believe that it is my name and surname | vjeruju da je to moje ime i prezime |
soldier | vojnik |
will (noun) | volja |
the will / liking for seafaring /seamanship | volja za moreplovstvom |
they loved | voljeli su |
to love | voljeti |
will (acc) | volju |
time | vr(ij)eme |
He returned. /He's back. | Vratio se. |
to return | vratiti se |
hard working /industrious/diligent | vrijedan |
to pull by the ears | vući za uši |
behind /after (+instrumental) | za |
during (+gen) | za |
for /after /by /at /behind (+instr) | za |
for /to/towards /by (+acc) | za |
during the day /during the daylight | za dana |
in a few days (acc) | za nekoliko dana |
at the desk (instr) | za pisaćim stolom |
at the table | za stolom |
during (the time of) war | za vrijeme rata |
during one's life | za života |
west | zapad |
(question particle asking for affirmation) isn't? aren't you? etc. | zar |
Doesn't he know that? | Zar ne zna to? |
Aren't you well around us? | Zar ti nije dobro kraj nas? |
Aren't you well? | zar ti nije dobro? |
why | zašto |
Why do you want to leave home? | Zašto hoćeš da ideš od kuće? |
Why do you want to go? | Zašto hoćeš da ideš? |
due to/because of /owing to | zbog |
because of that /consequently /therefore | zbog toga |
what for | zbog čega? |
land /country /ground /soil | zemlja |
the countries from which the goods came (d) | zemlje iz kojih je roba došla |
snake | zmija |
to know | znati |
they call me | zovu me |
They usually call me Robinson Crusoe and they believe that it is my name and surname. | Zovu me obično Robinzon Kruso i vjeruju da je to moje ime i prezime. |
They usually call me Robinson Crusoe. | Zovu me obično Robinzon Kruso. |
beast | zvijer |
beasts | zvijeri |
to chat /chitchat /make small talk | ćaskati |
to chitchat about poisonous snakes | ćaskati o otrovnim(a) zmijama |
I will /shall +infinitive | ću |
he waited | čekao je |
to wait | čekati |
four | četiri |
fourteen | četrnaest |
fourteen years | četrnaest godina |
to read | čitati |
man | čovjek |
sixteen | šesnaest |
six | šest |
six hundred | šeststo |
school | škola |
what (pl) do you think | šta misliš |
What(pl) do you think will happen with you? | Šta misliš da će s tobom biti? |
What(pl) do you think will happen | šta misliš da će biti |
what(pl) will happen to you | šta će biti s tobom |
what (sg /pl) (nom=acc) | što - šta |
What (sg/pl) is (wrong) with you? | Što - šta je s tobom? |
What are you doing tomorrow? | što radiš sutra? |
He kept silent. /He shut up. | Šutio je. |
I was silent for three years | Šutio sam tri godine |
I was silent for three years and watched | Šutio sam tri godine i gledao |
I was silent for three years and watched what (pl) you were doing. | Šutio sam tri godine i gledao te šta radiš. |
to be silent /to shut up | šutjeti |
they live | žive |
he lives | živi |
I live | živim |
to live | živjeti |
life (m) | život |
animal | životinja |