(together) with + instrumental case | s |
a good family | dobra obitelj |
a nice fortune | lijep imetak |
and | i |
because | jer |
because my father was a foreigner from Bremen | jer mi je otac bio stranac iz Bremena |
birth | rođenje |
by trade (instrumental) | trgovanjem |
chapter | poglavlje |
city | grad |
city (locative case) | gradu |
crew | posada |
English | engleski - engleska - englesko |
family (o) (Croatia) | obitelj |
family (o) (gen) | obitelji |
family (p) (Bosnia/Serbia) | porodica |
father | otac |
first | prvo |
first (n) | najprije |
first chapter | prvo poglavlje |
foreigner | stranac |
friend | drug |
friend (instrumental case) | drugom |
from /out of + gen. | iz |
from a family | iz obitelji |
from a good family | iz dobre obitelji |
from Bremen | iz Bremena |
good (m-fem-neutre) nominative | dobar - dobra - dobro |
good (m/neuter - fem Gen.) | dobra - dobre |
He first moved to Hull,where he gained a nice fortune by trade. | On se najprije doselio u Huli, gdje je stekao lijep imetak trgovanjem. |
He first moved to Hull. | On se najprije doselio u Huli. |
he has gained | on je stekao |
he has gained a fortune | On je stekao imetak. |
He has gained a nice fortune by trade. | On je je stekao lijep imetak trgovanjem. |
he moved (Active Past Participle) | on se doselio |
hundred | sto |
I go away | odem |
I go to the sea | odem na more |
I have been | bio sam |
I have been from a good family. | Bio sam iz dobre obitelji. |
I run away | pobjegnem |
I run away and go to the sea | pobjegnem I odem na more |
I run away with a school friend | pobjegnem s školskim drugom |
I run away with a school friend and go to the sea | pobjegnem s školskim drugom i odem na more |
I was born (perfect) | rodio sam se |
I was born in 1632 in the city of York. | Rodio sam se hiljada šeststo trideset dva u gradu Yorku. |
I was born in 1632. | Rodio sam se hiljada šeststo trideset dva. |
in /at (+ loc) answer to gdje/where ? | u |
in the city of York | u gradu Yorku |
is saved | spasi se |
it is not /it isn't | nije |
it sinks | potone |
my (m -fem-neuter -pl) | moj - moja - moje - moji |
my /of mine (emphatic possessive) | mi |
my birth | moje rođenje |
my birth and family | Moje rođenje i porodica |
my family | moja porodica |
my father was /the father of mine was | otac mi je bio |
my father was a foreigner | otac mi je bio stranac |
near /close (+gen) | blizu |
near Yarmouth | blizu Yarmoutha |
nice /pretty (nom masc =Acc m inanimate) | lijep |
nine | devet |
nineteen | devetnaest |
on the other hand/although/though | doduše |
one (instrumental case) (m/neutr - fem) | jednim - jednom |
one (m-fem-neutr sg) | jedan - jedna -jedno |
one school friend | jedan školski drug |
property /possession/fortune (Nom = Acc.) masc | imetak |
school | škola |
school friend | školski drug |
school- (adj) | školski |
school- (adj) instrumental case | školskim |
sea (neutr. Nom = Acc) | more |
she was English (refering to the family obitelj fem.) | bila engleska |
she was not English | nije bila engleska |
ship | brod |
six | šest |
six hundred | šeststo |
six hundred and thirty-two | šeststo trideset dva |
ten | deset |
the crew disembarks near Yarmouth | posada se iskrca blizu Yarmoutha |
the crew is saved | posada se spasi |
the crew is saved and disembarks near Yarmouth | posada se spasi i iskrca blizu Yarmoutha |
the ship sinks | brod potone |
thirty | trideset |
thirty-two | trideset dva |
Though she wasn't English | nije doduše bila engleska |
Though she wasn't English because my father was a foreigner from Bremen. | Nije, doduše, bila engleska jer mi je otac bio stranac iz Bremena. |
thousand | hiljada |
thousand six hundred and thirty-two | hiljada šeststo trideset dva |
three | tri |
to /onto (+acc.) | na |
to acquire/gain /win | steći |
to be | biti |
to be born | roditi se |
to Hull | u Huli |
to land /disembark | iskrcati se |
to leave/part/go away | otići |
to run away | pobjeći |
to settle /move /migrate | doseliti |
to sink | potunuti |
to the sea | na more |
together with a school friend | s školskim drugom |
trade | trgovina |
trade /traffic | trgovanje |
two | dva |
was/been (Active Past Participle) (m - fem -neuter) | bio -bila -bilo |
where | gdje |
with nineteen years | sa devetnaest godina |
With nineteen years I run away with a school friend and I go to the sea | sa devetnaest godina pobjegnem s jednim školskim drugom i odem na more |
with one school friend | s jednim školskim drugom |
with. (Alternative form of s; used instead of s when the following word or group of words start with sibilants s, z, š or ž and before instrumental form of first-person pronoun ja) | sa |
year | godina |