"As I often say, that Mr. Bilbo is a respectable hobbit, very polite and friendly." declared the Gaffer. | "Seperti sering kukatakan, Mr. Bilbo itu seorang hobbit terhormat yang sangat santun dan ramah." si Gaffer menyatakan. |
"Best you come and live here, Frodo my child." so said Bilbo one day. "Thus we can feast our birthday parties comfortably together." | 'Sebaiknya kau datang dan tinggal di sini, Frodo anakku.' begitu kata Bilbo pada suatu hari. 'Jadi kita bisa merayakan pesta ulang tahun kita bersama-sama dengan nyaman.' |
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said. | 'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka. |
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said. "Surely there will emerge trouble later!" | 'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka. 'Pasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan.' |
"Surely there is a price that has to be paid." they said. "That is not natural, surely there will emerge trouble later!" | 'Pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar,' kata mereka. 'Itu tidak wajar, pasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan.' |
(at) there (locative) | di sana |
(being just about to do sthg / being still doing sthg) | sedang |
(Old Took himself was only 130 years old.) | Old Took sendiri hanya berumur 130.) |
(on the date of) word read before a date | tanggal |
(one)hundred | (se)ratus |
(that) Mr. Bilbo is a respectable hobbit. | Mr. Bilbo itu seorang hobbit terhormat |
... and the inhabitants there believed despite whatever was said by the elders, that the Hill of Bag End was full with tunnels overflowing with treasures. | ... dan penduduk di sana percaya meski apa pun dikatakan orang-orang tua, bahwa Bukit di Bag End penuh dengan terowongan-terowongan yang tumpah ruah oleh harta karun. |
a | sebuah |
a /an | suatu |
a big party | pesta besar gegap-gempita |
A long awaited Party | Pesta Yang Ditunggu-Tunggu |
a lot of | banyak |
a lot of effect | banyak pengaruh |
a peculiar number | suatu angka yang ganjil |
a person who can continue to stay young | orang yang bisa terus awet muda |
a small inn | sebuah penginapan kecil |
a small inn on the Bywater way | sebuah penginapan kecil di jalan Bywater |
a special party | pesta istimewa |
a very (s) respectable age for a hobbit | usia yang sangat terhormat untuk seorang hobbit |
a/someone (used before nouns describing persons) | seorang |
about /concerning | tentang |
achieved /tired /weary | capai |
admiration /amazement | kekaguman |
adult | dewasa |
adulthood /maturity | kedewasaan |
advice /counsel | nasihat |
after /since | setelah |
after getting old | setelah mulai tua |
after he got old | setelah ia mulai tua |
After he got old and his joints were stiff | setelah ia mulai tua dan sendi-sendinya sudah kaku |
After he got old and his joints were stiff, more of the work was done by his youngest son Sam Gamgee. | Setelah ia mulai tua dan sendi-sendinya sudah kaku, pekerjaannya lebih banyak dilakukan putra bungsunya Sam Gamgee. |
again | lagi |
age /life | umur |
age (.. s.) | usia |
all /every | semua |
all over /whole / entire | seluruh |
all over the Shire (into every corner of the Shire) | ke seluruh penjuru Shire |
almost/nearly /about | hampir |
already | sudah |
also /too /as well | juga |
always /constantly | selalu |
among /from among | di antara |
an important/significant number | angka penting |
and | dan |
and because Mr. Baggins was extremely generous | dan karena 'Mr. Baggins' sangat dermawan. |
and because Mr. Baggins was extremely generous with his money, most people wanted to forgive his oddity and his luck. | dan karena Mr. Baggins sangat dermawan dengan uangnya , kebanyakan orang mau memaafkan keanehan dan keberuntungannya. |
and because Mr. Baggins was extremely generous with his money... | dan karena Mr. Baggins sangat dermawan dengan uangnya... |
and brought him | dan membawanya |
and Frodo was going to be thirty-three years (.. s..) | dan Frodo akan berusia tiga puluh tiga |
and Frodo was going to be thirty-three years (.. s..), an important number, the moment he was attaining adulthood. | dan Frodo akan berusia tiga puluh tiga, angka penting, Saatnya ia mencapai kedewasaan. |
and he had also helped | dan ia juga membantu |
and he had also helped the old Holman with the same work before that. | dan ia juga membantu si Holman tua dengan pekerjaan yang sama sebelum itu. |
and it was not only that wealth which made Bilbo famous | dan bukan kekayaan itu saja yang membuat Bilbo tersohor |
And it was not only that wealth which made Bilbo famous, but also his long life created amazement. | Dan bukan kekayaan itu saja yang membuat Bilbo tersohor, tetapi juga umur panjangnya menimbulkan kekaguman. |
and it was not only that wealth which... | dan bukan kekayaan itu saja yang |
and the old people (the persons which were already old) | dan orang orang yang sudah tua |
And the old people suddenly found may persons wanting to hear their old stories. | Dan orang orang yang sudah tua mendadak mendapati banyak orang ingin mendengar kisah-kisah lama mereka. |
anormality /oddity | keanehan |
as | sebagai |
as / like | seperti |
As I often say | Seperti sering kukatakan |
As I often say, that Mr. Bilbo is a respectable hobbit, very polite and friendly. | Seperti sering kukatakan, Mr. Bilbo itu seorang hobbit terhormat yang sangat santun dan ramah. |
as well as | sebaik |
as well as /both... and... | baik... maupun |
at that time /at that moment | saat itu |
At that time Frodo was still in his twenties | Saat itu Frodo masih berusia dua puluhan |
At that time Frodo was still in his twenties, still in his tweens, the interval between boyhood and adulthood at the age of thirty-three. | Saat itu Frodo masih berusia dua puluhan, sedang dalam masa tweens, selang antara masa kanak-kanak dan kedewasaan pada usia tiga puluh tiga. |
At that time Frodo was still in his twenties, the interval between boyhood and adulthood at the age of thirty-three. | Saat itu Frodo masih berusia dua puluhan, selang antara masa kanak-kanak dan kedewasaan pada usia tiga puluh tiga. |
at the age of | pada usia |
at the age of ninety | di usia sembilan puluh |
At the age of ninety he was nearly the same as when he was fifty. | Di usia sembilan puluh ia hampir sama dengan sewaktu berusia lima puluh. |
At the age of ninety he was only about the same as when he was fifty. | Di usia sembilan puluh ia hampir sama saja dengan sewaktu berusia lima puluh. |
attention | perhatian |
autumn /fall | musim gugur |
because | karena |
because (s) | sebab |
because he had forty years taken care of | sebab sudah empat puluh tahun ia merawat |
because he had forty years taken care of the garden of Bag End | sebab sudah empat puluh tahun ia merawat kebun di Bag End |
before | sebelum |
before that | sebelum itu |
Best you come and live here, Frodo my child. | Sebaiknya kau datang dan tinggal di sini, Frodo anakku. |
Best you come and live here. | Sebaiknya kau datang dan tinggal di sini. |
big | besar |
Bilbo had a weird character. | Bilbo berwatak aneh. |
Bilbo is/was going to be... years old (... m...) | Bilbo akan berumur |
Bilbo was filthy rich and had a weird character. | Bilbo kaya-raya dan berwatak aneh. |
Bilbo was filthy rich. | Bilbo kaya-raya. |
Bilbo was going to be eleventy one years old. (... m..) | Bilbo akan berumur sebelas puluh satu. |
Bilbo was going to be eleventy one years old. (... m..), an odd number and a very respectable age for a hobbit. | Bilbo akan berumur sebelas puluh satu, suatu angka yang ganjil dan usia yang sangat terhormat untuk seorang hobbit. |
Bilbo was very polite (so.) to him. | Bilbo sangat sopan padanya. |
birthday | ulang tahun |
book | buku |
book one | buku satu |
both father and son (child) | baik ayah maupun anak |
Both father and son (child) were close friends with Bilbo and Frodo. | Baik ayah maupun anak bersahabat dekat dengan Bilbo dan Frodo. |
bush | semak |
but | tetapi |
but (short form) | tapi |
but also his long life | tetapi juga umur panjangnya |
but also his long life created amazement | tetapi juga umur panjangnya menimbulkan kekaguman |
but he | tap'ia |
But he didn't have any close friends | Tap'ia tidak mempunyai sahabat-sahabat dekat |
But he didn't have any close friends until some of his nephews began to grow up. | Tap'ia tidak mempunyai sahabat-sahabat dekat sampai beberapa keponakannya mulai tumbuh dewasa. |
But he didn't have any friends | Tap'ia tidak mempunyai sahabat-sahabat |
but now it turned out | tapi kini ternyata |
but now it turned out there were special party plans for that autumn | tapi kini ternyata ada rencana pesta istimewa untuk musim gugur itu. |
But so far there was no problem, and because Mr. Baggins was extremely generous with his money, most people wanted to forgive his oddity and his luck | Tapi sejauh itu tidak ada masalah, dan karena Mr. Baggins sangat dermawan dengan uangnya, kebanyakan orang mau memaafkan keanehan dan keberuntungannya. |
But so far there was no problem. | Tapi sejauh itu tidak ada masalah. |
by chance /accidentally /coincidentally | kebetulan |
By chance Bilbo's and Frodo's birthday were the same, the 22nd of September. (+tanggal =on the date of (not written) ) | Kebetulan ulang tahun Bilbo dan Frodo sama, 22 September. |
By chance Bilbo's and Frodo's birthday were the same. | Kebetulan ulang tahun Bilbo dan Frodo sama. |
by everybody | oleh semua orang |
by everybody including himself | oleh semua orang termasuk dirinya sendiri |
by everyone in that neighbourhood | oleh semua orang di lingkungan itu |
can /to be able to | bisa |
carrier /bearer | pembawa |
ceremony /greatness /glory | riah |
certainly /definitely /surely | pasti |
chapter | bab |
chapter one | Bab satu |
character /nature /disposition | watak |
child | anak |
childhood /boyhood | masa kanak kanak |
close /near | dekat |
close /near | dekat |
comfortable | nyaman |
comfortably | dengan nyaman |
corner | penjuru |
crowded | ramai |
day | hari |
declare /state /claim | menyatakan |
despite whatever is said | meski apa pun yang dikatakan |
despite whatever was said by the elders | meski apa pun yang dikatakan orang-orang tua |
during /for (s) | selama |
each /every | setiap |
eight | delapan |
eighty | delapan puluh |
eleven | sebelas |
eleven | sebelas |
eleventh | kesebelas |
eleventy first | kesebelas puluh satu |
eleventy-one | sebelas puluh satu |
enough /sufficient /pretty | cukup |
environment / neighbourhood | lingkungan |
equals / the same as | sama dengan |
especially /particularly | terutama |
even/also /yet | pun |
ever since he disappeared | semenjak ia menghilang |
ever since he disappeared and suddenly came back again | semenjak ia menghilang dan mendadak kembali lagi |
ever since he suddenly came back again | semenjak ia mendadak kembali lagi |
every year | setiap tahun |
Every year the family Baggins conducted the birthday parties together, which was pretty cheerful at Bag End, but now it turned out there were special party plans for that autumn. | Setiap tahun keluarga Baggins mengadakan pesta ulang tahun bersama, yang cukup meriah di Bag End, tapi kini ternyata ada rencana pesta istimewa untuk musim gugur itu. |
Every year the family Baggins conducted the birthday parties together. | Setiap tahun keluarga Baggins mengadakan pesta ulang tahun bersama. |
everybody | semua orang |
exactly /precisely (p) | persis |
except | kecuali |
except of course | kecuali, tentu saja |
except of course the Sackville-Baggins family | kecuali, tentu saja keluarga Sackville-Baggins |
excited | gempita |
excitement / enthusiasm | kegairahan |
expert | pakar |
fair /just | adil |
family | keluarga |
famous | tersohor |
fan /admirer | pengagum |
father | ayah |
fifty | lima puluh |
five | lima |
for | untuk |
For sixty years | selama enam puluh tahun |
For sixty years he had become the miracle of (in) the Shire region | Selama enam puluh tahun ia menjadi keajaiban di wilayah Shire. |
For sixty years he had become the miracle of (in) the Shire region, ever since he disappeared and suddenly came back again. | Selama enam puluh tahun ia menjadi keajaiban di wilayah Shire, semenjak ia menghilang dan mendadak kembali lagi. |
for that fall | untuk musim gugur itu |
forty years | empat puluh tahun |
four | empat |
fourty | empat puluh |
friend /pal | sahabat |
friendly / hospitable | ramah |
from | dari |
from his travels | dari lawatannya |
from poor and less important families | dari keluarga-keluarga miskin dan kurang penting |
from poor families | dari keluarga-keluarga miskin |
full | penuh |
garden | kebun |
generous | dermawan |
getting old | mulai tua |
good /well /nice /great | baik |
great /big/large | raya |
He adopted Frodo as his heir. | Ia mengadopsi Frodo sebagai ahli warisnya. |
He adopted Frodo. | Ia mengadopsi Frodo. |
He brought him to live in Bag End. | Ia membawanya tinggal di Bag End. |
He brought him to live together with him in Bag End. | Ia membawanya tinggal bersamanya di Bag End. |
He called him Master Hamfast. | Ia memanggilnya Master Hamfast. |
he constantly asked for | selalu meminta |
he constantly asked for his advice | ia selalu meminta nasihatnya |
He constantly asked for his advice about the growing of vegetable. | Ia selalu meminta nasihatnya tentang menanam sayur-sayuran. |
He constantly asked for his advice about the growing of vegetables, in the matter of roots, especially potatoes. | Ia selalu meminta nasihatnya tentang menanam sayur-sayuran, dalam masalah umbi-umbian, terutama kentang. |
he didn't change | ia tak berubah |
He got well along with his family (except of course the Sackville-Baggins family) and he had a lot of loyal admirors from among the Hobbits of poor and less important families. | Ia bergaul baik dengan keluarganya (kecuali, tentu saja keluarga Sackville-Baggins) dan ia mempunyai banyak pengagum setia di antara para hobbit dari keluarga-keluarga miskin dan kurang penting. |
He got well along with his family. | Ia bergaul baik dengan keluarganya. |
he had (m) a lot of admirers | ia mempunyai banyak pengagum |
he had a lot of loyal admirors from among the Hobbits | ia mempunyai banyak pengagum setia di antara para hobbit |
he had a lot of loyal admirors from among the Hobbits of poor and less important families | ia mempunyai banyak pengagum setia di antara para hobbit dari keluarga-keluarga miskin dan kurang penting |
he had taken care of | sudah ia merawat |
He spoke rather pretentious | ia berbicara dengan agak sok |
He spoke rather pretentious, because for forty years he had taken care of the garden of Bag End and he also had helped Old Holman with the same work before that. | Ia berbicara dengan agak sok, sebab sudah empat puluh tahun ia merawat kebun di Bag End, dan ia juga membantu si Holman tua dengan pekerjaan yang sama sebelum itu. |
He talked in the 'Ivy Bush' | Ia berbicara di 'Semak Ivy'. |
He talked in the 'Ivy Bush', a small inn on the Bywater way. | Ia berbicara di 'Semak Ivy', sebuah penginapan kecil di jalan Bywater. |
he was fifty | dia berusia lima puluh |
He was/had become the miracle of (in) the Shire region. | Ia menjadi keajaiban di wilayah Shire. |
he will celebrate | ia akan merayakan |
he will celebrate in the near future | dalam waktu dekat ia akan merayakan |
head | kepala |
heir | ahli waris |
hill /mount | bukit |
himself | sendiri |
himself | dirinya sendiri |
his birthday | ulang tahunnya |
his eleventy first birthday | ulang tahunnya yang kesebelas puluh satu |
his joints | sendi-sendinya |
his joints had become stiff | sendi-sendinya sudah kuka |
his long life | umur panjangnya |
his long life created amazement | umur panjangnya menimbulkan kekaguman |
his oddity and his luck | keanehan dan keberuntungannya |
his youngest son | putra bungsunya |
history /story /profile | riwayat |
honourable/ respectable | terhormat |
hope | harapan |
How, are you? | Apa kabar? |
however | namun |
however it might be more correct to say | namun mungkin lebih tepat dikatakan |
however it might be more correct to say he didn't change. | namun mungkin lebih tepat dikatakan ia tak berubah |
I say | kukatakan |
important | penting |
in | di |
in /within | dalam |
in Bagshot Row Number 3 | di Bagshot Row Nomor 3 |
in that neighborhood | di lingkungan itu |
in the matter | dalam masalah |
in the matter of roots | dalam masalah umbi-umbian |
in the matter of roots, especially potatoes | dalam masalah umbi-umbian, terutama kentang |
in the near future | dalam waktu dekat |
in the time that /when (s) | sewaktu |
in the time when he was fifty | sewaktu dia berusia lima puluh |
including | termasuk |
indeed /certainly | memang |
infinite | tak terhingga |
infinite wealth | kekayaan tak terhingga |
influence /effect | pengaruh |
inhabitant /population | penduduk |
interesting | menarik |
interval | selang |
it / (can also be used for he and she) (mostly used in writing) | ia |
it has become a legend | ia menjadi legenda |
It has now become a local legend | Ia kini menjadi legenda setempat |
it is true /it certainly is | memang benar |
It seemed not fair that there was someone who (apparently) could continue to stay young and had unlimited wealth. | Rasanya tidak adil bahwa ada orang yang (kelihatannya) bisa terus awet muda dan punya kekayaan tak terhingga. |
It seemed not fair that there was someone who could (apparently) continue to stay young and had (reportedly) unlimited wealth. | Rasanya tidak adil bahwa ada orang yang (kelihatannya) bisa terus awet muda dan (kabarnya) punya kekayaan tak terhingga. |
It seemed not fair that there was someone who could continue to stay young and had unlimited wealth. | Rasanya tidak adil bahwa ada orang yang bisa terus awet muda dan punya kekayaan tak terhingga. |
it seems /apparently /seemingly | kelihatannya |
it seems /it feels | rasanya |
it seems not fair | rasanya tidak adil |
it seems not fair, that there is a person who can continue to stay young and has wealth | Rasanya tidak adil bahwa ada orang yang bisa terus awet muda dan punya kekayaan |
it was not (negation of a noun) | bukan |
it was not that wealth | bukan kekayaan itu |
It was true, Bilbo was very polite (so.) to him, calling him 'Master Hamfast' and constantly asking for his advice about the growing of vegetables, in the matter of roots, especially potatoes. | Memang benar, Bilbo sangat sopan padanya, memanggilnya 'Master Hamfast' dan selalu meminta nasihatnya tentang menanam sayur-sayuran dalam masalah umbi-umbian, terutama kentang. |
It was true, Bilbo was very polite (so.) to him, calling him 'Master Hamfast' and constantly asking for his advice about the growing of vegetables. | Memang benar, Bilbo sangat sopan padanya, memanggilnya 'Master Hamfast' dan selalu meminta nasihatnya tentang menanam sayur-sayuran. |
joint | sendi |
just below Bag End | persis di bawah Bag End |
lasting /durable | awet |
lasting young /ageless /wellpreserved | awet muda |
later | nanti |
leading /foremost/reputable | terkemuka |
legend | legenda |
less important | kurang penting |
limited | terhingga |
listener /auditor | pendengar |
local | setempat |
lodging /inn | penginapan |
long | panjang |
lots /much | banyak |
lots of rumours | banyak desas-desus |
lots of rumours and excitement spread in Hobbiton | di Hobbiton menyebar banyak desas-desus dan kegairahan |
lots of rumours spread in Hobbiton | di Hobbiton menyebar banyak desas-desus |
loved (passive) | disayang |
loyal | setia |
loyal admirors | pengagum setia |
luck | keberuntungan |
maybe | mungkin |
minus / less | kurang |
money | uang |
more | lebih |
more | lebih banyak |
more of the work was done | pekerjaannya lebih banyak dilakukan |
more of the work was done by his youngest son | pekerjaannya lebih banyak dilakukan putra bungsunya |
more precise | lebih tepat |
most | kebanyakan |
most (p) used for superlative | paling |
most people | kebanyakan orang |
most people wanted | kebanyakan orang mau |
most people wanted to forgive | kebanyakan orang mau memaafkan |
most people wanted to forgive his oddity and his luck | Kebanyakan orang mau memaafkan keanehan dan keberuntungannya. |
most widely/at the most | paling banyak |
Mr. Bilbo Baggins from Bag End | Mr. Bilbo Baggins dari Bag End |
must (m) | mesti |
my child | anakku |
natural / fair / reasonable | wajar |
nephew | keponakan |
news | kabar |
nine | sembilan |
nine | sembilan |
ninety | sembilan puluh |
ninety nine | sembilan puluh sembilan |
noisy | gegap |
not | tak |
now | kini |
number | nomor |
number /figure (a) | angka |
of /by /from | oleh |
of course | tentu saja |
of treasures (h. k.) | oleh harta karun |
often /frequently (s) | sering |
old | tua |
old /ancient / distant /long | lama |
Old Ham Gamgee | si tua Ham Gamgee |
Old Holman | si Holman tua |
old man / grandsire / Elder | Lelaki tua |
on | pada |
on a day /one day | pada suatu hari |
on the Bywater way | di jalan Bywater |
once again | sekali lagi |
one | satu |
only | saja |
only (h) | hanya |
our birthdays | ulang tahun kita |
parent /elder | orang tua |
party /feast | pesta |
passion / desire / enthusiasm | gairah |
past tense marker | sudah |
peculiar/bizarre /odd /strange (g) | ganjil |
period /time | masa |
person /man /guy | orang |
plan /scheme | rencana |
polite | santun |
polite /courteous/ genteel | sopan |
poor | miskin |
potato | kentang |
pretentious | sok |
price | harga |
principal /main /key- | pokok |
problem (m) | masalah |
profit /gain /happiness /good luck /Glück | untung |
rather /somewhat /kind of | agak |
rather pretentious /somewhat pretentious | agak sok |
region/territory /district | wilayah |
repeated/repetitive | ulang |
reportedly | kabarnya |
rich | kaya |
right/ precise/ correct/proper/appropriate | tepat |
rigid/stiff/awkward | kaku |
ring | cincin |
rumour /tale | desas-desus |
rumours about the party | desas-desus tentang pesta |
season | musim |
seven | tujuh |
seventy | tujuh puluh |
should / ought /best to | sebaiknya |
since /ever since | semenjak |
six | enam |
sixty | enam puluh |
small | kecil |
so / that way /such | begitu |
so /thus /therefore (j) | jadi |
so far | sejauh |
So far there was no problem | Sejauh itu tidak ada masalah |
so said Bilbo one day | begitu kata Bilbo pada suatu hari |
some /several /few | beberapa |
some /the (when talking of people) | para |
some of his nephews | beberapa keponakannya |
some people | beberapa orang |
some people assumed | beberapa orang menganggap |
some people assumed that this was too exaggerated | Beberapa orang menganggap ini terlalu berlebihan. |
some people shook the head | beberapa orang menggelengkan kepala |
some people shook the head and assumed this was too exaggerated. | Beberapa orang menggelengkan kepala dan menganggap ini terlalu berlebihan. |
somebody who can continue | orang yang bisa terus |
someone who has wealth | orang yang punya kekayaan |
son | putra |
speaker | pembicara |
special /exceptional | istimewa |
Spring | musim semi |
still /just /yet | masih |
still in the (period of the) tweens | sedang dalam masa tweens |
strange /odd /weird | aneh |
suddenly | mendadak |
suddenly /all of a sudden /sudden | mendadak |
suffixed form used to emphasize the meaning of the word before it | -lah |
summer | musim panas |
Surely there is a price | pasti ada harga |
Surely there is a price that has to be paid. | pasti ada harga yang mesti dibayar |
surely there will emerge later | pasti nanti akan timbul |
surely there will emerge trouble later | pasti nanti akan timbul kesulitan |
talk /conversation /discussion | pembicaraan |
taste /sense /feeling | rasa |
ten | sepuluh |
ten | sepuluh |
ten words | sepuluh kata |
that (conj.) | bahwa |
that autumn | musim gugur itu |
that is no problem | itu tidak ada masalah |
That is not natural | itu tidak wajar |
that made Bilbo famous | yang membuat Bilbo tersohor |
That Mr. Bilbo is a respectable hobbit, very polite abd friendly. | Mr. Bilbo itu seorang hobbit terhormat, yang sangat santun dan ramah. |
that there is a person | bahwa ada orang |
the 'Ivy Bush' | 'Semak Ivy' |
the elders /the old people | orang-orang tua |
the Gaffer declared. | si Gaffer menyatakan. |
the Gaffer was approved as leading expert | si Gaffer diakui sebagai pakar terkemuka |
The Gaffer was approved as leading expert by everyone in that neighbourhood including himself. | Si Gaffer diakui sebagai pakar terkemuka oleh semua orang di lingkungan itu (termasuk dirinya sendiri) |
The Gaffer was approved as leading expert by everyone in that neighbourhood including himself. | Si Gaffer diakui sebagai pakar terkemuka oleh semua orang di lingkungan itu (termasuk dirinya sendiri) |
The Gaffer was approved as leading expert by everyone in that neighbourhood. | Si Gaffer diakui sebagai pakar terkemuka oleh semua orang di lingkungan itu. |
the garden of Bag End | kebun di Bag End |
the hill at Bag End | Bukit di Bag End |
the Hill at Bag End was full with tunnels | Bukit di Bag End penuh dengan terowongan-terowongan |
The history and character of Mr Bilbo Baggins became once again the main topic of conversation. | Riwayat dan watak Mr. Bilbo Baggins sekali lagi menjadi pokok pembicaraan utama. |
the history and character of Mr. Bilbo Baggins | riwayat dan watak Mr. Bilbo Baggins |
The history and character of Mr. Bilbo Baggins became once again the main topic of conversation and the old people suddenly found may persons wanting to hear their old stories. | Riwayat dan watak Mr. Bilbo Baggins sekali lagi menjadi pokok pembicaraan utama dan orang-orang yang sudah tua mendadak mendapati banyak orang ingin mendengar kisah-kisah lama mereka. |
the Hobbits | para hobbit |
the hopes of the Sackville-Baggins family | harapan keluarga Sackville-Baggins |
the inhabitants there believed despite whatever was said by the elders | penduduk di sana percaya meski apa pun yang dikatakan orang-orang tua |
the inhabitants there believed despite whatever was said by the elders, that the Hill of Bag End was full with tunnels | Penduduk di sana percaya meski apa pun dikatakan orang-orang tua, bahwa Bukit di Bag End penuh dengan terowongan-terowongan |
The inhabitants there believed despite whatever was said by the elders, that the Hill of Bag End was full with tunnels overflowing with treasures. | penduduk di sana percaya meski apa pun dikatakan orang-orang tua, bahwa Bukit di Bag End penuh dengan terowongan-terowongan yang tumpah ruah oleh harta karun. |
the inhabitants there believed that the Hill of Bag End was full with tunnels | penduduk di sana percaya bahwa Bukit di Bag End penuh dengan terowongan-terowongan |
the interval between | selang antara |
the interval between boyhood and adulthood | selang antara masa kanak-kanak dan kedewasaan |
the interval between boyhood and adulthood at the age of thirty-three | selang antara masa kanak-kanak dan kedewasaan pada usia tiga puluh tiga |
the main topic (of conversation) | pokok pembicaraan utama |
The moment he was attaining adulthood. | Saatnya ia mencapai kedewasaan. |
the most loved | paling disayang |
the nine ringbearers | sembilan pembawa cincin |
the oldest | tertua |
The oldest of them and the one which was most loved by Bilbo, was young Frodo Baggins. | Yang tertua di antara mereka dan yang paling disayang Bilbo adalah Frodo Baggins muda. |
the oldest of them was Frodo (the one which was...) | Yang tertua di antara mereka adalah Frodo |
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most | yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan |
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee, who was more known as the Gaffer, which signified Elder. | yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee, yang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer (yang berarti Lelaki Tua). |
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee, who was more known as the Gaffer. | yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee, yang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer |
The one who attracted the listeners' attention at the most was old Ham Gamgee. | Yang paling banyak menarik perhatian pendengan adalah si tua Ham Gamgee. |
The passing of time apparently didn't have a lot of (its) effect on Mr. Baggins. | Perjalanan waktu kelihatannya tidak banyak pengaruhnya pada Mr Baggins. |
The passing of time didn't have a lot of (its) effect on Mr. Baggins. | Perjalanan waktu tidak banyak pengaruhnya pada Mr Baggins. |
the residents there | penduduk di sana |
the residents there believed | penduduk di sana percaya |
the rumours about the upcoming party | desas-desus tentang pesta mendatang |
the rumours about the upcoming party spread | desas-desus tentang pesta mendatang menyebar |
the rumours about the upcoming party spread all over the Shire | desas-desus tentang pesta mendatang menyebar ke seluruh penjuru Shire. |
the same | sama |
the Shire region | wilayah Shire |
The tongues began to wag hecticly | lidah-lidah mulai bergoyang ramai sekali |
The tongues began to wag hecticly in Hobbiton and Bywater. | Lidah-lidah mulai bergoyang ramai sekali di Hobbiton dan Bywater. |
The tongues began to wag hecticly in Hobbiton and Bywater; the rumours about the upcoming party spread all over the Shire. | Lidah-lidah mulai bergoyang ramai sekali di Hobbiton dan Bywater; desas-desus tentang pesta mendatang menyebar ke seluruh penjuru Shire. |
the twenties | dua puluhan |
the upcoming party | pesta mendatang |
the wealth that was brought along by him | harta kekayaan yang dibawanya |
the wealth that was brought along by him from his travels | harta kekayaan yang dibawanya dari lawatannya |
The wealth that was brought along by him from his travels had now already become a local legend,... | Harta kekayaan yang dibawanya dari lawatannya kini sudah menjadi legenda setempat,... |
the wealth that was brought along by him from his travels had now already become a local legend. | Harta kekayaan yang dibawanya dari lawatannya kini sudah menjadi legenda setempat. |
the work | pekerjaannya |
the, definite article used with names or nick names | si |
their old stories | kisah-kisah lama mereka |
then (as a consequence) the hopes of the Sackville-Baggins family completely vanished. | maka pupuslah harapan keluarga Sackville-Baggins |
then /accordingly | maka |
there | sana |
there are/were special party plans | ada rencana pesta istimewa |
there are/were special party plans for that autumn | ada rencana pesta istimewa untuk musim gugur itu |
there will emerge | akan timbul |
they | mereka |
they (completely) vanished | pupuslah |
they began to grow up | mereka mulai tumbuh dewasa |
they called him | mereka menyebutnya |
they called him well preserved | mereka menyebutnya awet muda |
they completely lost hope | mereka pupuslah harapan |
they found many people who wanted to listen | mereka mendapati banyak orang ingin mendengar |
They lived on that Hill, too. | Mereka tinggal di Bukit itu juga. |
They lived on the Hill, too, in Bagshot Row Number 3, just below Bag End. | Mereka tinggal di Bukit itu juga, di Bagshot Row Nomor 3, persis di bawah Bag End. |
they said | kata mereka |
thirteen | tiga belas |
thirty | tiga puluh |
thirty-three | tiga puluh tiga |
this | ini |
this is too exaggerated | ini terlalu berlebihan |
though /although /even though/ despite | meski |
three | tiga |
Thus we can feast our birthday parties comfortably together. | Jadi kita bisa merayakan pesta ulang tahun kita bersama-sama dengan nyaman. |
Thus we can feast our birthday parties together. | Jadi kita bisa merayakan pesta ulang tahun kita bersama-sama |
time | waktu |
time travel /the passing of time | perjalanan waktu |
to adopt | mengadopsi |
to announce /declare /publish /proclaim | mengumumkan |
to arise /appear /emerge | timbul |
to ask for | meminta |
to assume /presume /think | menganggap |
to attract attention /to draw attention | menarik perhatian |
to be | ada |
to be abundant / to overflow | tumpah ruah |
to be at the age of | berusia |
to be awaited | ditunggu |
to be brought | dibawa |
to be brought by him | dibawanya |
to be close friends with | bersahabat dekat dengan |
to be friends | bersahabat |
to be known | dikenal |
to be long awaited ("to be awaited a waiting") | ditunggu-tunggu |
to be lucky /to make a profit | beruntung |
to be paid | dibayar |
to be recognized /approved | diakui |
to be told /said (by) | dikatakan |
to be(come) | menjadi |
to be... years old (... m...) | berumur |
to begin | mulai |
to believe /be convinced | percaya |
to bring (along) | bawa |
to bring (along) (+ object) | membawa |
to call | memanggil |
to call /mention /comment | menyebut |
to carry | membawa |
to celebrate | merayakan |
to change | berubah |
to come | datang |
to come back /return | kembali |
to continue | terus |
to disappear | menghilang |
to do /make | membuat |
to exaggerate | berlebihan |
to find / get /receive | mendapati |
to forgive | memaafkan |
to get along /sozialize /mingle /interact /chum | bergaul |
to give rise to /to create /to raise /to generate | menimbulkan |
to go away /to vanish | pupus |
to grow /sprout | tumbuh |
to have | punya |
to have (m) | mempunyai |
to have a character /tempered | berwatak |
to have a weird character | berwatak aneh |
to hear /listen | mendengar |
to help | membantu |
to him | padanya |
to hold /to conduct | mengadakan |
to learn | belajar |
to live /dwell /reside | tinggal |
to mean /imply /signify | berarti |
to pass /go by /elapse | berlalu |
to plant /grow /cultivate | menanam |
to reach /to achieve / to attain | mencapai |
to say | kata |
to see | melihat |
to shake sthg | menggelengkan |
to sit /stay | duduk |
to spill /to overflow | tumpah |
to spread / disperse /scatter | menyebar |
to step / treat /turn / enter | menginjak |
to take care of | merawat |
to talk (b) | berbicara |
to turn out /to prove | ternyata |
to wait | tunggu |
to wait for (+obj.) | menunggu |
to want | mau |
to want (i) | ingin |
together | bersama |
together with him | bersamanya |
tongue | lidah |
tongue wagging | lidah bergoyang |
tongues | lidah-lidah |
too | terlalu |
topic /subject of conversation | pokok pembicaraan |
travel /trip /expedition /visit | lawatan |
treasure (k) | karun |
treasure /property /wealth | harta |
trip /travel /journey (p) | perjalanan |
trouble | kesulitan |
tuber / root | umbi |
tubers /roots | umbi-umbian |
tunnel | terowongan |
tunnels overflowing with treasures | terowongan-terowongan yang tumpah ruah oleh harta karun |
twelve | dua belas |
Twelve years had passed (already.) | Dua belas tahun berlalu sudah. |
twenty | dua puluh |
twenty | dua puluh |
two | dua |
under | bawah |
until | sampai |
until some of his nephews began to grow up | sampai beberapa keponakannya mulai tumbuh dewasa |
upcoming /approaching | mendatang |
uproar | gegap-gempita |
vegetable | sayur |
vegetables | sayur-sayuran |
very / once | sekali |
very /really / extremely | sangat |
very crowded /hectic | ramai sekali |
very polite (s. s.) | sangat santun |
very polite (s. so.) | sangat sopan |
very wealthy /filthy rich /loaded | kaya-raya |
visible | kelihatan |
was (long form) | adalah |
was done | dilakukan |
we /our (inclusive - includes the addressed person) | kita |
wealth | harta kekayaan |
wealth /riches /fortune | kekayaan |
what | apa |
what was said | apa yang dikatakan |
what was said by the elders /what the elders said | apa yang dikatakan orang-orang tua |
whatever /anything | apa pun |
when | ketika |
when (k) | ketika |
when / the moment | saat |
When Bilbo was ninety-nine years old | Saat Bilbo berusia sembilan puluh sembilan tahun |
When Bilbo was ninety-nine, he adopted Frodo as his heir and brought him to live together with him in Bag End, then (as a consequence) the hopes of the Sackville-Baggins family completely vanished. | Saat Bilbo berusia sembilan puluh sembilan tahun, ia mengadopsi Frodo sebagai ahli warisnya, dan membawanya tinggal bersamanya di Bag End, maka pupuslah harapan keluarga Sackville-Baggins. |
When Bilbo was ninety-nine, he adopted Frodo as his heir and brought him to live together with him in Bag End. | Saat Bilbo berusia sembilan puluh sembilan tahun, ia mengadopsi Frodo sebagai ahli warisnya dan membawanya tinggal bersamanya di Bag End. |
When Bilbo was ninety-nine, he adopted Frodo as his heir. | Saat Bilbo berusia sembilan puluh sembilan tahun, ia mengadopsi Frodo sebagai ahli warisnya. |
When his age turned ninety nine | ketika usianya menginjak sembilan puluh sembilan |
When his age turned ninety nine they called him well preserved, however it might be more correct to say he didn't change. | Ketika usianya menginjak sembilan puluh sembilan mereka menyebutnya awet muda, namun mungkin lebih tepat dikatakan ia tak berubah. |
When his age turned ninety nine, they called him well preserved | Ketika usianya menginjak sembilan puluh sembilan mereka menyebutnya awet muda. |
When Mr. Bilbo Baggins from Bag End announced | Ketika Mr. Bilbo Baggins dari Bag End mengumumkan |
When Mr. Bilbo Baggins from Bag End announced, that he would celebrate | Ketika Mr. Bilbo Baggins dari Bag End mengumumkan bahwa ia akan merayakan |
When Mr. Bilbo Baggins from Bag End announced, that he would celebrate his eleventy first birthday in the near future with a big party lots of rumours and excitement spread in Hobbiton. | Ketika Mr. Bilbo Baggins dari Bag End mengumumkan bahwa dalam waktu dekat ia akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang kesebelas puluh satu, dengan pesta besar gegap-gempita, di Hobbiton menyebar banyak desas-desus dan kegairahan. |
which is | yang |
which looks glorious /royally /pompous /cheerful /festive /rousing | meriah |
which signified Elder | yang berarti Lelaki Tua |
which was cheerful enough | yang cukup meriah |
which was most loved by Bilbo | yang paling disayang Bilbo |
which was pretty cheerful at Bag End | yang cukup meriah di Bag End |
who was more known as | yang lebih dikenal sebagai |
who was more known as the Gaffer | yang lebih dikenal sebagai si Gaffer |
will / +verb = futur tense | akan |
Winter | musim dingin |
with his money | dengan uangnya |
with the same work before that | dengan pekerjaan yang sama sebelum itu. |
wonder /miracle /marvel | keajaiban |
word | kata |
work | pekerjaan |
year | tahun |
you (sg) (non formel) | kamu |
you (sg) (poetic) | kau |
You have already learned | kamu sudah belajar |
You have already learned eighty words. | Kamu sudah belajar delapan puluh kata. |
You have already learned forty words. | Kamu sudah belajar empat puluh kata. |
You have already learned hundred and ten words. | Kamu sudah belajar seratus sepuluh kata. |
You have already learned ninety words. | Kamu sudah belajar sembilan puluh kata. |
You have already learned one hundred and forty words. | Kamu sudah belajar seratus empat puluh kata. |
You have already learned one hundred and thirty words. | Kamu sudah belajar seratus tiga puluh kata. |
You have already learned one hundred and twenty words. | Kamu sudah belajar seratus dua puluh kata. |
You have already learned one hundred words. | Kamu sudah belajar seratus kata. |
You have already learned seventy words. | Kamu sudah belajar tujuh puluh kata. |
You have already learned sixty words. | Kamu sudah belajar enam puluh kata. |
You have already learned ten words. | Kamu sudah belajar sepuluh kata. |
You have already learned thirty words. | Kamu sudah belajar tiga puluh kata. |
You have already learned thirty words. | Kamu sudah belajar tiga puluh kata. |
You have already learned twenty words. | Kamu sudah belajar dua puluh kata. |
young | muda |
young (b) | bungsu |
young Frodo Baggins | Frodo Baggins muda |