It motivated European nations to search for an all-water route to the Indies that bypassed the Muslim Ottomans. It made allies of Portugal and Spain, who then became partners in the exploration of the globe. It provided Portuguese and Spanish soldiers with valuable military experience they used in conquering the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. It freed funds that had been spent fighting the Ottomans for use in outfitting voyages of exploration.

It motivated European nations to search for an all-water route to the Indies that bypassed the Muslim Ottomans.
It made allies of Portugal and Spain, who then became partners in the exploration of the globe.
It provided Portuguese and Spanish soldiers with valuable military experience they used in conquering the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.
It freed funds that had been spent fighting the Ottomans for use in outfitting voyages of exploration.
How did the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans help initiate the Age of Exploration?
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