
the animal
el animal
the horse, the stallionmale horse
el caballo
the marefemale horse
la yegua
the bird
el ave
Ave is feminine but takes el as definite article because it starts with a stressed a.
the bird
el pájaro
Whereas ave refers to all birds, pájaro only refers to small species of birds. So doves and parrots are both aves and pájaros, and eagles and ostriches are aves too, but they are not pájaros.
the cow
la vaca
the bull
el toro
the livestockanimals for commercial use
el ganado
the fish
el pez
the lion
el león
the lionFEM
la leona
the fly
la mosca
the mosquito
el mosquito
the rooster
el gallo
the hen
la gallina
the pig
el cerdo
the sow, the pigFEM
la cerda
the male fish
el pez macho
the female fish
el pez hembra
