12.8 Review Questions

As a field, social psychology focuses on ________ in predicting human behavior.
situational factors
personality traits
genetic predispositions
biological forces
Making internal attributions for your successes and making external attributions for your failures is an example of ________.
self-serving bias
actor-observer bias
fundamental attribution error
just-world hypothesis
Collectivistic cultures are to ________ as individualistic cultures are to ________.
autonomy; group harmony
dispositional; situational
situational; dispositional
just-world hypothesis; self-serving bias
According to the actor-observer bias, we have more information about ________.
influences on our own behavior
situational influences on behavior
influences on others’ behavior
dispositional influences on behavior
A(n) ________ is a set of group expectations for appropriate thoughts and behaviors of its members.
social role
social norm
On his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Jose’s behavior is reflective of ________.
a script
social influence
good athletic behavior
normative behavior
When it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms; this is likely motivated by ________.
fitting in
following parents’ rules
saving money
looking good
In the Stanford prison experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. This is an example of the power of ________ influencing behavior.
social roles
social norms
Attitudes describe our ________ of people, objects, and ideas.
Cognitive dissonance causes discomfort because it disrupts our sense of ________.
In order for the central route to persuasion to be effective, the audience must be ________ and ________.
analytical; motivated
attentive; happy
intelligent; unemotional
gullible; distracted
Examples of cues used in peripheral route persuasion include all of the following except ________.
factual information
celebrity endorsement
positive emotions
attractive models
In the Asch experiment, participants conformed due to ________ social influence.
Under what conditions will informational social influence be more likely?
both when the answer is unclear and when the group has expertisewhen individuals want to fit in
when the answer is unclear
when the group has expertise
Social loafing occurs when ________.
both individual performance cannot be evaluated and the task is easy
individual performance cannot be evaluated
the task is easy
none of the above
If group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then ________ has occurred.
group cohesion
social polarization
social loafing
Prejudice is to ________ as discrimination is to ________.
feelings; behavior
thoughts; feelings
feelings; thoughts
behavior; feelings
Which of the following is not a type of prejudice?
________ occurs when the out-group is blamed for the in-group’s frustration.
in-group bias
When we seek out information that supports our stereotypes we are engaged in ________.
confirmation bias
self-fulfilling prophecy
in-group bias
Typically, bullying from boys is to ________ as bullying from girls is to ________.
physical harm; emotional harm
emotional harm; physical harm
psychological harm; physical harm
social exclusion; verbal taunting
Which of the following adolescents is least likely to be targeted for bullying?
the captain of the football team
a child with a physical disability
a transgender adolescent
an emotionally sensitive boy
The bystander effect likely occurs due to ________.
diffusion of responsibility
desensitization to violence
people not noticing the emergency
emotional insensitivity
Altruism is a form of prosocial behavior that is motivated by ________.
selfless helping of others
feeling good about oneself
earning a reward
showing bravery to bystanders
After moving to a new apartment building, research suggests that Sam will be most likely to become friends with ________.
his next door neighbor
someone who lives three floors up in the apartment building
someone from across the street
his new postal delivery person
What trait do both men and women tend to look for in a romantic partner?
physical attractiveness
sense of humor
social skills
leadership potential
According to the triangular theory of love, what type of love is defined by passion and intimacy but no commitment?
romantic love
consummate love
empty love
According to social exchange theory, humans want to maximize the ________ and minimize the ________ in relationships.
benefits; costs
intimacy; commitment
costs; benefits
passion; intimacy

The content of this course has been taken from the free Psychology textbook by Openstax
