〜te aru

〜て ある〜te aru
grammar indicating remaining state intentionally brought about by someone
Part of speech

Usages of 〜te aru

まど が けて ある。mado ga akete aru.
The window has been opened (by someone, and is still open).
もん は めて あります。mon ha simete arimasu.
The gate has been closed (by someone, and is still closed).
レポート が いて ある。repooto ga kaite aru.
The report has been written (by someone).
はん が つくって ある。gohan ga tukutte aru.
The meal has been prepared (by someone).
ぶんしょう は ノート に いて ある。bunsyou ha nooto ni kaite aru.
The sentence has been written in the notebook (by someone).
コンピュータ が げて ある。konpyuuta ga tatiagete aru.
The computer is started up (by someone).
ベッド の よこ に は つくえ が いて ある。beddo no yoko ni ha tukue ga oite aru.
A desk has been put beside the bed (by someone).
かべ に おおきな  が って あります。kabe ni ookina tizu ga hatte arimasu.
There is a large map on the wall. (pasted on the wall)
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