No debes dudar de tu capacidad para aprobar el examen.
You must not doubt your ability to pass the exam.
Part of speech
Breakdown of No debes dudar de tu capacidad para aprobar el examen.
to doubt
la capacidad
the ability
to pass
el examen
the exam
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Questions & Answers about No debes dudar de tu capacidad para aprobar el examen.
Why is No debes used instead of saying something like No tienes que?
In Spanish, deber can imply a slightly stronger sense of obligation or advice than tener que. While both phrases can mean "You must not" or "You shouldn’t," No debes often carries the sense of giving a more direct piece of advice or moral duty, whereas No tienes que can sometimes be softer or just indicate that it’s not necessary to do something.
What does dudar de mean, and why is the preposition de used here?
Dudar de translates to "to doubt something" or "to be unsure about something." The preposition de is typically used to show that the doubt is directed toward a specific concept or object—in this case, your own ability. Without de, dudar might be used in a more general sense, but with de, it points precisely to what is being doubted.
Why do we say tu capacidad instead of su capacidad?
In Spanish (especially in Spain), tu is the informal possessive form for "your," used when talking to someone in a friendly or familiar register. Su would be more formal or polite. Since this sentence is likely addressing someone you know personally or in a casual context, tu is appropriate.
How does para function in para aprobar?
In this context, para introduces the purpose or goal of an action. It tells us why you need confidence in your ability—specifically, for the purpose of passing ("to pass") the exam.
Is there a difference between No debes dudar and No dudes in Spanish?
They are both negative commands, but they differ slightly in nuance. No debes dudar is more like an advisory statement: "You shouldn’t doubt," focusing on the idea that it's not advisable. No dudes uses the imperative mood, conveying a more direct command: "Don’t doubt." Both are acceptable, but No dudes can feel stronger and more immediate than No debes dudar.
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