Quiero ampliar mi conocimiento con libros interesantes.

Quiero ampliar mi conocimiento con libros interesantes.
I want to broaden my knowledge with interesting books.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Quiero ampliar mi conocimiento con libros interesantes.

Why is Quiero used without an explicit subject pronoun like yo?
In Spanish, verb endings usually indicate who the subject is, so you can often omit the pronoun. Quiero is the first-person singular present tense form of querer, so it’s clear that the speaker means yo (I).
Why do we say mi conocimiento rather than mis conocimientos?
In Spanish, conocimiento can work as an uncountable concept (like “knowledge” in English). Using it in the singular focuses on the general idea of knowledge rather than multiple, separate pieces of knowledge.
What is the difference between ampliar and expandir?
Both mean “to increase or broaden.” Ampliar often carries a nuance of improving or building upon something (like broadening one’s horizons), while expandir might be used in a more physical or spatial sense, although they can be interchangeable in many contexts.
Why do we use con instead of por or para before libros interesantes?
Con generally means “with” and indicates that you’re using or involving “interesting books” as the means or resource to pursue your goal of expanding your knowledge. Por typically indicates reason/cause or a specific exchange, and para typically indicates purpose or destination, so con fits the meaning of “together with/using” in this sentence.
Could we say Quiero ampliar mi conocimiento leyendo libros interesantes instead?
Yes, you can. Replacing con (with) by leyendo (by reading) changes the structure but conveys a similar idea, specifying that the action of reading is how you plan to expand your knowledge.

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