Es importante escoger bien las fechas del viaje si queremos vuelos baratos.

Es importante escoger bien las fechas del viaje si queremos vuelos baratos.
It is important to choose the travel dates well if we want cheap flights.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Es importante escoger bien las fechas del viaje si queremos vuelos baratos.

Why does the sentence use es importante followed by the infinitive escoger instead of a structure like es importante que plus a verb in the subjunctive?
In Spanish, it's very common to use es importante + infinitivo to express general advice or recommendations. If you say es importante que + subjuntivo, you’re focusing more on a specific subject’s action. For instance, es importante que escojamos would emphasize that we in particular must choose, while es importante escoger stays more general.
What does escoger bien mean here, and why is bien placed after escoger?
In this sentence, bien functions as an adverb modifying the verb escoger. It emphasizes the idea of choosing wisely or carefully. You could think of it as “to choose well” in English. In Spanish, adverbs often follow the verb they modify, so escoger bien is the usual placement.
Is there any difference between escoger and elegir in Spanish?
They’re very close in meaning, both translating roughly to “to choose.” Elegir is sometimes considered a bit more formal or can hint at selection among fewer options, while escoger can feel more casual or flexible. However, in everyday conversation, they’re widely interchangeable.
Why does the sentence say las fechas del viaje instead of la fecha in singular?
Often in Spanish you refer to “the dates” (plural) of a trip because you have a start date, return date, and potentially other key dates to choose. Using the plural las fechas suggests you’re taking into account all the relevant points in time for traveling, not just a single date.
Shouldn’t we use a subjunctive form in si queremos vuelos baratos?
In Spanish, the indicative can be used for a factual or likely condition: si queremos (if we want). Subjunctive is typically used for more hypothetical or uncertain situations. Here, it’s treated as quite possible or likely that you want cheap flights, so the indicative queremos is appropriate. If it were something more hypothetical or uncertain, you might see the subjunctive used.

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