Los estudiantes intercambian libros durante la clase, y el profesor los vigila para asegurar la disciplina.
The students exchange books during class, and the teacher watches them to ensure discipline.
Part of speech
Breakdown of Los estudiantes intercambian libros durante la clase, y el profesor los vigila para asegurar la disciplina.
el libro
the book
el estudiante
the student
el profesor
the teacher
la clase
the class
to exchange
to watch
to ensure
la disciplina
the discipline
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Questions & Answers about Los estudiantes intercambian libros durante la clase, y el profesor los vigila para asegurar la disciplina.
Why does the sentence use los instead of les when referring to the students?
In Spanish, los here is a direct object pronoun replacing los estudiantes (the ones being watched). Les is an indirect object pronoun, typically used for recipients of an action or when something is done to or for them. Since the teacher is directly watching the students, los is appropriate as the direct object.
Should the verb be intercambian or se intercambian?
When you say intercambian libros, you simply describe the action of exchanging books between two or more people. If you used se intercambian, it would emphasize a mutual exchange among themselves. Both forms can be understood, but in everyday speech, intercambian is sufficient and a bit more straightforward.
Why is durante used instead of mientras?
Durante is a preposition that directly translates to during and is used before a noun, like la clase. Mientras is a conjunction used before verbs and translates roughly to while, introducing a simultaneous action. Since we’re talking about the time period (the class) when the exchange happens, durante is correct.
Why do we say para asegurar la disciplina?
In Spanish, para can express a purpose or goal (in this case, ensuring discipline). After para, you typically use the infinitive form of the verb (asegurar). The phrase para asegurar la disciplina indicates the teacher’s intention or reason: to maintain order in the classroom.
Is it okay to say maestro instead of profesor?
Yes, in many Spanish-speaking regions, maestro and profesor can both be used to refer to a teacher. Maestro often implies an elementary school teacher or a more general sense of teaching, while profesor is common in higher educational contexts. However, usage can vary by country and region.
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