Моя бабушка работает в больнице каждый день.

Моя бабушка работает в больнице каждый день.
My grandmother works in the hospital every day.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Моя бабушка работает в больнице каждый день.

the day
the grandmother
to work
the hospital
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Questions & Answers about Моя бабушка работает в больнице каждый день.

Why is Моя used before бабушка and how does it agree with the noun?
Моя is the feminine singular possessive pronoun meaning my. It agrees in gender, number, and case with бабушка (grandmother), which is a feminine noun in the nominative case. This agreement ensures that the possessive form correctly describes whose grandmother it is.
What does работает indicate about the subject's action, and how is this form determined?
Работает is the third person singular form of the verb работать (to work) in the present tense. It tells us that the subject (grandmother) is engaged in the work in a habitual or ongoing manner. The form is determined by the need to match the singular subject in both number and person.
Why do we use the preposition в with больнице, and what grammatical case is used here?
The preposition в means in and is used here to indicate location. When combined with больница (hospital), the noun changes to больнице, which is in the prepositional case. This case is used after prepositions like в to show where an action takes place.
What does the phrase каждый день add to the sentence, and why is it positioned at the end?
Каждый день means every day and tells us how frequently the action occurs. Its position at the end of the sentence emphasizes the regularity of the work. Although Russian word order can be flexible, placing time or frequency expressions towards the end is common for clarity, especially for beginners.
Is the standard word order in Моя бабушка работает в больнице каждый день important in Russian, and can it be rearranged?
This sentence follows a typical Russian word order (subject–verb–adverbial phrase) that clearly conveys the intended meaning. While Russian grammar is flexible and elements can be rearranged (thanks to the case system), the conventional order helps beginners understand who is doing what, where, and how often. Rearranging the elements might change the emphasis but not the overall meaning.

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