Я еду в другой город на поезде.

Breakdown of Я еду в другой город на поезде.

the city
the train
to travel
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Questions & Answers about Я еду в другой город на поезде.

What does the verb еду mean, and why is it used instead of иду?
Еду is the first-person singular form of ехать, which means “to travel” or “to go” by a vehicle. In contrast, иду comes from идти, which specifically means “to go” on foot. Since the sentence indicates that travel is by train, ехать is the appropriate choice.
Why is the preposition в used before другой город, and what case is город in?
The preposition в indicates movement toward a destination—in this case, “to” another city. When expressing direction or motion, в takes the accusative case. Although город in its accusative form looks the same as in the nominative (since it is an inanimate masculine noun), its role here is that of the destination of the movement.
Why is the phrase на поезде used to indicate the means of transportation, and could it be expressed differently?
The phrase на поезде employs the preposition на to show that someone is traveling by being “on” the train. In Russian, both на поезде and поездом (which uses the instrumental case) are acceptable ways to express travel by train. На поезде emphasizes the idea of being on or inside the vehicle, while поездом focuses on the mode of transportation itself.
What does the adjective другой mean in this sentence?
Другой means “another” or “different.” In the sentence, другой город implies that the destination is not the current city but a different one, essentially meaning “to another city.”
How does the tense and aspect work with the verb еду in this sentence?
Although еду is in the present tense, Russian does not have a direct equivalent of the English present continuous (e.g., “am going”). The present tense in Russian can indicate both current action and a near-future plan. Additionally, ехать is an imperfective verb, which is used to describe ongoing, habitual, or planned actions without emphasizing completion.