Ja biegam wygodnie w parku.

Ja biegam wygodnie w parku.
I run comfortably in the park.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Ja biegam wygodnie w parku.

to run
the park
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Questions & Answers about Ja biegam wygodnie w parku.

What does ja mean in this sentence, and is it necessary to include it?
Ja means "I" in English. In Polish, subject pronouns are often omitted because the verb form already shows the subject. However, including ja can add emphasis or clarify who is performing the action.
What is the form and meaning of biegam?
Biegam is the first-person singular present tense form of the verb biegać, which means "to run." The ending -am denotes that the speaker is performing the action.
How is the adverb wygodnie formed, and what does it mean?
Wygodnie means "comfortably" and describes the manner in which the running is done. It is formed from the adjective wygodny (comfortable) by adding the adverbial ending -nie, which is a common way to transform adjectives into adverbs in Polish.
Why is the phrase w parku structured that way, and what case is used?
The phrase w parku means "in the park." The preposition w requires the locative case in Polish, so the noun park is changed to parku to indicate location.
What does the word order in "Ja biegam wygodnie w parku" tell us about Polish sentence structure?
The sentence follows a Subject-Verb-Adverbial pattern, which clearly indicates who is doing the action, what the action is, and additional details like manner and location. Although Polish offers a flexible word order due to its inflectional nature, this structure is straightforward and commonly used for clear communication.
Does including the subject pronoun ja in the sentence carry any particular emphasis or nuance?
Yes, including ja emphasizes that it is specifically "I" who is running. While the verb biegam already implies a first-person subject, using ja makes the statement more explicit and can be used for emphasis or contrast.

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