Mia sorella si arrabbia facilmente quando dorme poco la notte.

Mia sorella si arrabbia facilmente quando dorme poco la notte.
My sister gets angry easily when she doesn’t sleep much at night.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Mia sorella si arrabbia facilmente quando dorme poco la notte.

What does the reflexive pronoun si indicate in this sentence?
The si is part of the reflexive verb arrabbiarsi. It shows that the subject, mia sorella (my sister), is performing the action on herself—meaning she gets angry by her own reaction rather than someone causing her anger.
Why are both arrabbia and dorme in the present tense, and what does that tell us about the sentence?
Both verbs are in the present indicative. Si arrabbia means "gets angry" and dorme means "sleeps." Using the present tense indicates that this sentence describes a habitual or general state—my sister generally gets angry easily when she doesn’t sleep enough at night.
How does the adverb facilmente function in the sentence?
Facilmente means "easily" and it modifies si arrabbia. It tells us the manner in which my sister gets angry—the anger comes on easily, emphasizing her quick temper under certain conditions.
What is the role of the subordinate clause quando dorme poco la notte?
The clause quando dorme poco la notte is a temporal subordinate clause introduced by quando ("when"). It provides the condition or time frame under which the main action occurs, explaining that my sister’s tendency to get angry is linked to her sleeping little at night.
Why is mia sorella used instead of la mia sorella in Italian?
In Italian, when referring to family members (like my sister, mother, father, etc.), it is common to use the possessive adjective without the definite article. Therefore, mia sorella is the natural form for "my sister."

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