Io uso lana per una giacca.

Io uso lana per una giacca.
I use wool for a jacket.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Io uso lana per una giacca.

la giacca
the jacket
to use
la lana
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Questions & Answers about Io uso lana per una giacca.

Why is the subject pronoun Io explicitly written, even though Italian verb endings show the subject?
In Italian, subject pronouns are often omitted because the verb conjugation already indicates who is acting. However, Io is sometimes included for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity, especially when contrasting different subjects.
What does the verb uso mean in this sentence?
The verb uso comes from usare, which means "to use." Here, it indicates that you are employing wool as a material for making or working on a jacket—not that you are wearing wool on your body.
What exactly is meant by lana in this sentence?
Lana means "wool," referring to the natural fiber obtained from sheep. It’s the material that you are using in connection with the jacket.
How does the preposition per function in this sentence?
The preposition per translates to "for" in English. It introduces the purpose or intended use of the wool, showing that it is being employed in relation to a jacket.
Why is there no article before lana, while there is an indefinite article una before giacca?
In Italian, when referring to uncountable materials or substances in a general sense, the article is often omitted. Lana is used as a general term for the material, whereas una giacca refers to a countable, specific item—a jacket—which requires the indefinite article.
If I wanted to say that I wear a wool jacket, can I use usare in the same way?
Not quite. The verb usare means "to use" (as in employing a material), while "to wear" in Italian is expressed with indossare or portare. To say "I wear a wool jacket," you would say Indosso una giacca in lana or Porto una giacca in lana.

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