Bíllinn er nóg stór.

Breakdown of Bíllinn er nóg stór.

to be
the car
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Questions & Answers about Bíllinn er nóg stór.

Why is the definite article attached to "bíll" in the word bíllinn?
In Icelandic, definite articles are not separate words like in English; they are suffixes attached directly to nouns. Here, the noun bíll (meaning car) takes the masculine definite ending -inn to form bíllinn, which means the car.
What does nóg mean in this sentence, and what is its function?
Nóg translates to enough in English. It acts as an adverb modifying the adjective stór (big), indicating that the car is sufficiently large. Together, nóg stór conveys the idea of something being big enough.
How is the adjective stór used here in terms of Icelandic adjective inflection?
In this context, stór appears in its basic form. Although Icelandic adjectives are often inflected to agree with the noun in gender, number, and definiteness, in predicate constructions like this one (following the verb er), the adjective frequently appears without additional inflection. The construction mirrors a state-of-being description similar to English.
Why is the adverb nóg placed before the adjective stór?
Icelandic typically places adverbs directly before the adjectives they modify—just as in English phrases like "big enough". So nóg stór is the correct order, where nóg (enough) modifies stór (big) to accurately describe the quality of the car.
How does the overall word order of Bíllinn er nóg stór compare to the English sentence "The car is big enough"?
The word order in both Icelandic and English is similar. Both use a Subject-Verb-Complement (SVC) structure: Bíllinn (the car) is the subject, er (is) is the verb, and nóg stór (big enough) is the complement describing the car. This similarity helps learners draw parallels between the two languages even though other elements like definite articles are handled differently in Icelandic.

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