
Part of speech

Usages of ott

A diák ott van.
The student is there.
A kutya ott van.
The dog is there.
Az ember ott ül.
The person sits there.
Ez a ház itt van, az asztal ott van.
This house is here, the table is there.
A macska ott ül.
The cat sits there.
Menj át a kapun, majd várj ott!
Go through the gate, then wait there!
Mi van ott?
What is there?
A diák ott akarja várni a barátot.
The student wants to wait for the friend there.
Ahol a barátok játszanak, ott móka van.
Where the friends play, there is fun.
A fodrász szereti a park csendjét, ezért ott dolgozik délelőtt.
The hairdresser loves the quiet of the park, therefore works there in the morning.
Én délután festek egy festményt a konyhában, mert ott jó a fény.
In the afternoon, I paint a painting in the kitchen because the light is good there.
A fodrász néha fest a kórház mellett, mert ott is csend van.
The hairdresser sometimes paints next to the hospital because it is quiet there as well.
A konyha fénye délután is erős, ezért ott maradok, amikor festek.
The kitchen’s light is strong in the afternoon, so I stay there when I paint.
A tolmács vigyáz a fordító táskájára, miközben a zongoránál maradnak, mert ott kényelmes a pad.
The interpreter takes care of the translator’s bag while they remain at the piano, because the bench is comfortable there. is an online learning platform
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