Je vais me lever tôt demain pour préparer le repas.

Breakdown of Je vais me lever tôt demain pour préparer le repas.

to go
to get up
to prepare
le repas
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Questions & Answers about Je vais me lever tôt demain pour préparer le repas.

Why do we say me lever instead of just lever?
In French, se lever is a reflexive verb, meaning the action is being done by the subject on themselves. When you talk about yourself, you have to use me. The full construction is Je vais me lever. If you only said Je vais lever, it would sound like you were lifting something else rather than getting yourself out of bed.
What is the purpose of tôt here?
Tôt means early. It specifies that the action (getting up) will happen early in the morning. It contrasts with expressions like en avance, which means ahead of schedule for a specific appointment, whereas tôt just refers to an early time of day.
Why do we use pour before préparer?
In French, when you want to express the purpose or intention behind an action, you often use pour followed by the infinitive. In this case, pour préparer explains that the reason for getting up early is to prepare the meal.
Why do we say le repas instead of something like un repas or mon repas?
By saying le repas, the speaker is referring to a specific meal that everyone knows about, or at least the meal that is on the agenda. It can be more general than using mon repas, which would imply it’s for you alone, or un repas, which could be any meal. Using le makes it sound like a shared or predefined event.
Is the pronunciation of vais and vais in Je vais me lever any different from vais in other sentences?
No, vais is pronounced the same here as it is in other contexts (roughly like the English veh). The meaning changes depending on context (future intention in this sentence), but the pronunciation of the verb aller in the first-person present tense is consistent across sentences.

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