Usages of ofte
Morgenmaden spises ofte tidligt, så jeg kan nå skolen.
Breakfast is often eaten early so I can get to school.
Telefonen bruges ofte til at oversætte svære ord.
The phone is often used to translate difficult words.
Vi besøger ofte familien, når der er tid til en lang rejse.
We often visit the family when there is time for a long trip.
Frokosten består ofte af lette retter som salat og brød.
Lunch often consists of light dishes such as salad and bread.
Katten sover ofte i en solstråle på gulvet.
The cat often sleeps in a ray of sunshine on the floor.
Varsel om sne udsendes ofte om vinteren.
A warning about snow is often issued in winter.
Jeg ser ham ofte i centrum.
I see him often in the center.
Man ser ofte fuglene flyve i haven.
One often sees the birds flying in the garden.
Svømmeteknikken forbedres, når jeg svømmer ofte.
The swimming technique improves when I swim often. is an online learning platform
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