Zítra pojedu autem do práce, protože musím být brzy na místě.

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Questions & Answers about Zítra pojedu autem do práce, protože musím být brzy na místě.

Why is pojedu used to express the future tense instead of something like budu jet?
In Czech, certain verbs of motion (like jet, jít, letět) often use a special perfective form to express a single, completed future action. Jet becomes pojedu in the future. Saying budu jet isn’t standard; the usual way is to use these perfective forms (for example, jetpojedu, jítpůjdu). If talking about a repeated action, Czech uses the imperfective future, for instance budu jezdit (“I will be going (regularly)” ).
Why is autem in that form?
Autem is the instrumental case of auto. In Czech, the instrumental is used for means of transport or tools, indicating “by car,” “by bus,” etc. So jedu autem literally translates to “I go by (means of) a car.”
Why do we say do práce instead of na práci or v práci?
Do typically indicates going into or to a place (movement towards). Práce here is treated like a location you travel to, so do práce means “to work (the workplace).” By contrast, na práci would convey “on work” (not a usual way to say you’re going to your workplace), and v práci means “at work” (a location where you already are).
Can you explain protože?
Protože is the common conjunction meaning “because.” It introduces a reason or cause. Here, it shows why the speaker must drive: “protože musím být brzy na místě” = “...because I have to be there early.”
What does na místě mean here?
Místo means “place” or “location.” Saying na místě highlights being physically present on site or at the spot. In this sentence, it implies the speaker needs to arrive at a specific place (the workplace) earlier than usual.

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