cheek /Wange | yanak |
striped /lined | çizgili |
his cheeks | yanakları |
his cheeks could be lined | yanakları çizgili olabilirdi |
to coarsen /to become rude /to babarize /to become vulgar | kabalaşmak |
roughened | kabalaşmış |
His cheeks roughened from (with) the sun could be lined. | Güneşle kabalaşmış yanakları çizgili olabilirdi |
hair | saç |
grey | gri |
the grey of his hair | saçının grisi |
in the grey of his hair | saçının grisinde |
handful /sprinkle/soupçon /ein Hauch von /Büschel /Prise | tutam |
black | siyah |
only (y) a sprinkle of black | yalnızca bir tutam siyah |
It could be that there was only a sprinkling of black remaining in the grey of his hair | saçının grisinde yalnızca bir tutam siyah kalmış olabilirdi |
but inside | ama içinde |
sturdyness /robustness /soundness /firmness /solidness | sağlamlık |
but inside there was a solidness | ama içinde bir sağlamlık vardı. |
His cheeks roughened from (with) the sun could be lined, there could be only a sprinkling of black remaining in the grey of his hair, but in the inside there was a solidness. | Güneşle kabalaşmış yanakları çizgili, saçının grisinde yalnızca bir tutam siyah kalmış olabilirdi ama içinde bir sağlamlık vardı. |
abandon oneself to fall prey to/be taken by /be overcome by /o | -e kapılmak |
flood | sel |
to be overcome by flood | sele kapılmak |
as even if he were overtaken by flood | sanki sele kapılsa bile |
foot | ayak |
to cut /to stop sthg | kesmek |
to be cut / to stop | kesilmek |
His feet wouldn't be cut of the ground /his feet wouldn't be uprooted | Ayaklarını yerden kesilmeyecekmiş gibi |
but inside there was a solidness, that even if he were overcome by flood his feet would not be uprooted. | ama içinde, sanki sele kapılsa bile ayaklarını yerden kesilmeyecekmiş gibi bir sağlamlık vardı. |
His cheeks roughened from (with) the sun could be lined, there could be only a sprinkling of black remaining in the grey of his hair, but in the inside there was a solidness, that even if he were overtaken by flood his feet would not be uprooted. | Güneşle kabalaşmış yanakları çizgili, saçının grisinde yalnızca bir tutam siyah kalmış olabilirdi ama içinde sanki sele kapılsa bile ayaklarını yerden kesilmeyecekmiş gibi bir sağlamlık vardı. |