"before" in the distant past, "first" in the sequence of events | dulu |
"ouch" interjection | aduh |
#NAME? | enggak |
(adjective) state, government (owned) | negeri |
(administrative unit) a village (d) | desa |
(from) there | dari sana |
(in) what year? | tahun berapa? |
(informal) A slangy exclamation which, when it appears at the beginning of a phrase or sentence, expresses mild surprise and incredulity | lho |
(informal) fine, acceptable. nice, great | sip |
(informal) for | buat |
(informal) I don't believe you/it!, come off it!, you're kidding me! | masak! |
(informal) in the morning | kalo pagi |
(informal) thanks | makasih |
(informal) the thing is, because | soalnya |
(informal) the thing is, because | soalnya |
(informal) to choose | milih (pilih) |
(informal) to go to the movies, to watch something (especially TV, a sports match, a parade etc.) | nonton (tonton) |
(informal) to help | nolong (tolong) |
(informal) to make (something) | bikin |
(informal) to meet, to find | ketemu |
(informal) to snore | ngorok |
(informal) to think | mikir (pikir) |
(informal)by (a certain mode of transport), with | pake |
(informal)how come?, why? | kok |
(long) lounge chair, sofa | kursi panjang |
(medical) doctor, physician | dokter |
(particle) now ..., okay (let's move on to something else) | nah |
(short for 'kilogram') a kilogram, a kilometre | kilo |
(slangy) if as for (me/him/that etc.) as far as ... is concerned (informal) | kalo |
(slangy) to like (especially food) | doyan |
(slangy) what kind of... | apaan |
(slangy)very, really | banget |
(someone's) name, the name (of something) | nama |
(the Javanese term for) the period of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month | Lebaran |
(to) here | ke sini |
(to) there | ke sana |
(to) where | ke mana |
(you) don't need to, don't bother | tidak usah |
-teen | -belas |
..., right? ...have you? ...do you? ...does he/she? ...okay? (seeking confirmation or approval) | ya? |
...ago, last... | yang lalu |
..done by.. | dilakukan |
a (group classifier for animals) | seekor |
a (sports) match, a football match | pertandingan |
a bank check | cek |
a bank, (i.e. a financial institution) | bank |
a banyan tree | pohon beringin |
a beauty salon | salon kecantikan |
a biography | riwayat hidup |
a blood vessel, a vein, an artery | pembuluh darah |
a boarding house | rumah kos |
a body | badan |
a bomb | bom |
a bone | tulang |
a boss | majikan |
a box | kotak |
a box | kotak |
a boyfriend / girlfriend | pacar |
a breath | nafas |
a broom (to sweep floor) | sapu |
a brother/sister, a sibling, a relative | saudara |
a bucket | ember |
a building | bangunan |
a businessman, a businesswoman, an entrepreneur | pengusaha (usaha) |
a cake | kue |
a card | kartu |
a carpenter | tukang kayu |
a certain person, someone | seseorang |
a cheque | cek |
a chick, a young woman | cewek |
a child, a son/daughter | anak |
a cigarette | rokok |
a civil servant | pegawai negeri |
a classroom, grade/schoolyear | kelas |
a cloth, rag | lap |
a coach | pelatih |
a coat | jaket |
a cold, to have a cold | pilek |
a comb | sisir |
a committee | panitia |
a community health centre | Puskesmas |
a component | komponen |
a cover | penutup (tutup) |
a credit card | kartu kredit |
a cup | cangkir |
a cylindrical pillow, a bolster | guling |
a dance | tari |
a day | hari |
a day off, a (day off for a) holiday, a one-day holiday | hari libur |
a dealer/merchant | pedagang |
a decision | keputusan |
a degree of temperature | derajat |
a dentist | dokter gigi |
a dictionary | kamus |
a diploma | ijazah |
a disease | penyakit |
a doll | boneka |
a dormitory | asrama |
a dream, to dream | mimpi |
a driver | sopir |
a duck (not bebek) | itik |
a duty, task | tugas |
a faculty | fakultas |
a feast day, a big religious holiday | hari raya |
a feeling, a sense, a sensation of something | rasa |
a few | beberapa |
a few, a small number of | sebagian kecil |
a field, a (sports) ground, an open space (especially for recreation) | lapangan |
a figure, digits | angka |
a fishery | perikanan |
a fixed price | harga pas |
a flag | bendera |
a flame | nyala |
a flight | penerbangan |
a fly over | jalan layang |
a for abstract things | suatu |
a form (blank) | formulir |
a garden, a plantation | kebun |
a gathering, meeting, rally | pertemuan |
a gift, a present | hadiah |
a gift/present brought back for family or a friend after a trip somewhere | oleh-oleh |
a grandson/a granddaughter | cucu |
a grave, a tomb | makam |
a half | setengah |
a hat | topi |
a head cloth | ikat kepala |
a helmet | helm |
a hero | pahlawan |
a horror movie/film | film horor |
a horse | kuda |
a household servant | pembantu (bantu) |
a housewife | ibu rumah tangga |
a housing complex | perumahan |
a human being | manusia |
a journalist, a reporter | wartawan |
a kettle | ceret |
a key (for unlocking) | kunci |
a lamp | lampu |
a leader | pemimpin (pimpin) |
a leaf, leaves | daun |
a lecture (in a university course | kuliah |
a letter (i.e. an item of correspondence) | surat |
a lipstick | lipstik |
a literary critic | kritikus |
a little | sedikit |
a little (slang for sedikit) | dikit |
a little bit | sedikit |
a little pond, a dam | empang |
a little, a few | sedikit |
a loan of money, a lend of something | pinjaman |
a location, a site | lokasi |
a long way away, distant | jauh |
a lot (of), many, much | banyak |
a man | pria |
a manager | pengelola (kelola) |
a measure | ukur |
a mechanic | montir |
a meeting, session, gathering | rapat |
a member, parts of something | anggota |
a midwife | bidan |
a mine (place for digging minerals) | tambang |
a minister (government) | menteri |
a mistake, an error | kesalahan |
a mobile phone, a hand phone | HP |
a moment, a point in time, a short time, while, during | saat |
a mostly transparent traditional women blouse | kebaya |
a mouth ulcer | sariawan |
a move | gerakan |
a neighbour | tetangga |
a noble | bangsawan |
a number-word indicating multiples of ten | puluh |
a package | bungkusan |
a pajama | baju tidur |
a palace | istana |
a park | taman |
a partner | pasangan |
a party, a festival | pesta |
a peak | puncak |
a pearl | mutiara |
a pen | pena |
a pencil | pensil |
a permit | izin |
a person who is wise, prudent | Budiman |
a pharmacy | apotek |
a photograph | foto |
a picture | gambar |
a piece of cloth, textile, garment | kain |
a place of residence | tempat tinggal |
a place to eat, food court | tempat makan |
a place, room (i.e. space to put something) | tempat |
a player | pemain (main) |
a pocket | saku |
a pool | kolam |
a post card | kartu pos |
a pot, saucepan | panci |
a prayer (especially a personal, meditative prayer) | doa |
a prediction | ramalan |
a president, President (so-and-so) | Presiden |
a primary school, an elementary school | sekolah dasar |
a problem | persoalan |
a quality, a characteristic, a feature | sifat |
a quarter | seperempat |
a question word meaning: why ? | ngapain |
a reception area in a traditional Javanese house | pendopo |
a receptionist | resepsionis |
a refrigerator | kulkas |
a region, an area | kawasan |
a religion, religion (in general) | agama |
a report | laporan |
a right, privilege | hak |
a river | sungai |
a roof tile, tiles (for a roof) | genteng |
a root, roots | akar |
a row, a series | jajar |
a sarong | sarung |
a schedule | jadwal |
a season | musim |
a secretary | sekretaris |
a section | seksi |
a seed, seed, a berry, a pip beans (e.g. coffee beans), the stone (in stone fruit) | biji |
a seller | penjual (jual) |
a senior technical high, school | Sekolah Teknik Atas |
a shirt | kemeja |
a shirt, a dress, an upper-body garment, (also loosely: clothes) | baju |
a shopping centre | pusat perbelanjaan |
a short time, a moment | sebentar |
a show | pertunjukan |
a shy person | pemalu (malu) |
a sick person | orang sakit |
a signature | tanda tangan |
a singer | penyanyi |
a skirt | rok |
a small boat, a traditional Indonesian, sailboat, a yacht | perahu |
a small child, a little boy/girl | anak kecil |
a soldier, the army, the armed forces | tentara |
a song | lagu |
a song, a tune, a piece of music | lagu |
a sort, a kind, a sort of, a kind of | macam |
a square | persegi |
a staffer | petugas |
a state-owned corporation | Badan Usaha Milik Negara |
a state-owned corporation (abbreviation) | BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) |
a station | stasiun |
a stew of beef chunks cooked until dry in spices and shredded coconut | rendang |
a story | kisah |
a story, to tell | cerita |
a sub-district | kecamatan |
a subject (of study at a university), a course, a unit of study | mata kuliah |
a suit | pakaian setelan |
a summary | ringkasan |
a symptom | gejala |
a t-shirt | kaus |
a table | meja |
a tablet (i.e. a kind of pill) | tablet |
a teacher | pengajar (ajar) |
a team | tim |
a teapot | poci |
a telephone | telepon |
a television/radio program, something you plan to do | acara |
a tent, camp | kemah |
a thesis | skripsi |
a thief | pencuri (curi) |
a three-wheeled pedicab | becak |
a three-wheeled taxicab | bemo |
a ticket | tiket |
a toilet (room), a toilet bowl, a WC | WC |
a tongue | lidah |
a tonic, a tonic drink, a health drink | tonikum |
a tourist | turis |
a tourist bureau, a travel agency | biro pariwisata |
a trap | jebak |
a truck | truk |
a tub (in a bathroom), the tray (on the back of a truck) | bak |
a turn, to make a turn | belok |
a turn, to make a turn | belok |
a type, a category, a class of something, a species of something | jenis |
a vegetable, vegetables | sayuran |
a vehicle | kendaraan |
a verandah | beranda |
a verb | kata kerja |
a verse, a stanza (from a poem or from holy scripture) | ayat |
a vetinary doctor, a vet | dokter hewan |
a village (k) | kampung |
a villager | orang desa |
a virgin | perawan |
a voice, a sound | suara |
a waiter / waitress | pelayan (layan) |
a washbasin (in a bathroom) | wastafel |
a way out, a solution | jalan keluar |
a widow, a divorcee | janda |
a widower, a (male) divorcee | duda |
a witness | saksi |
a woman, a lady | wanita |
a word, ... said so-and-so (in a, narrative) | kata |
a work day | hari kerja |
a worker | pekerja |
a wristwatch | jam tangan |
a writer, an author | penulis (tulis) |
a young unmarried woman, a virgin | gadis |
a younger brother or sister, someone's younger sibling | adik |
a, one | suatu |
a, one | sebuah |
a, one (prefix as in seratus) | se- |
a, one, one person | seorang |
abdomen, belly | perut |
able to | mampu |
about | tentang |
about (informal) | soal |
about, around | sekitar |
about, concerning, relating to | tentang |
above | atas (1) |
above, over, on top of | di atas |
absolutely don’t like | sama sekali tidak suka |
absolutely, at all, completely, totally (in negative expressions) | sama sekali |
absorbed; preoccupied; fun; great | asyik |
absorbs | menyerap |
accepted, received | diterima |
accident | kecelakaan |
accompany | ikut |
accompany / take | mengantar |
according to | menurut |
according to, suitable, appropriate | sesuai |
acronym for "toko serba" meaning: a department store | toserba |
across from | di seberang |
across the street | di seberang jalan |
active | aktif |
activity | kegiatan |
activity | kegiatan |
actually | sebenarnya |
actually, as a matter of fact | sebenarnya |
actually, to be honest, as a matter of fact | sebetulnya |
actually... | sebenarnya |
added to | tambah |
addition, plus (in mathematics) | tambah |
address | alamat |
administration | administrasi |
adult | dewasa |
adult (orang) | orang dewasa |
adult, fully grown | dewasa |
advanced (talking about something that occurs at a further stage) | lanjut |
advertisement | iklan |
advice | nasihat |
aeroplane | pesawat terbang |
affix which sometimes means "the" | nya |
afraid, scared | takut |
after | setelah |
after (a more formal variant of sesudah) | setelah |
after (doing something), after (a certain time) | sesudah |
after (in time) | sesudah |
after (informal) | habis (informal for 'sesudah') |
after (time) | sesudah |
After that ... | Sesudah itu |
afternoon | siang |
afternoon (late afternoon 3PM to 6PM) | sore |
again | lagi |
again | lagi |
again / else | lagi |
again, further, extra, more, else | lagi |
age | umur |
agent, agency | agen |
agile | gesit |
agree | setuju |
agricultural economic | ekonomi pertanian |
agricultural engineering | teknik pertanian |
agricultural enterprise | usaha tani |
agriculture | pertanian |
air | udara |
air plane | pesawat terbang |
airport | bandar udara |
alcoholic drinks | minuman keras |
Alfa Maret: a mini supermarket chain (7 Eleven type shop) | alpamaret |
alive | hidup |
all / everyone / everything | semua |
all / everyone / everything | semuanya |
all day | seharian |
all kind of fruits | buah-buahan |
all of you, you (plural) | kalian |
all sorts (of), all kinds (of), various kinds of | macam-macam |
all sorts (of), various (kinds of) | bermacam-macam |
all, all of them, everyone, everybody | semua |
almost | hampir |
almost | hampir |
alone, on your own (i.e. without a companion) | sendirian |
alone, self | sendiri |
along with, as well as | serta |
alphabet | abjad |
already | sudah |
already | udah |
already | sudah |
already (slang for sudah) | udah |
already (slangy use) | lagi |
already (sudah) | udah |
already / Is that all? / That's all! | sudah |
already have (past, very formal, rarely spoken) | telah |
already said | sudah berkata |
also | juga |
also | juga |
also / too | juga |
although | walaupun |
although | meskipun |
although; though | walaupun |
altitude | ketinggian |
always | selalu |
always | selalu |
always | selalu |
always crowded | selalu penuh |
always, constant | tetap |
amazed, full of admiration | kagum |
american (person) | orang amerika |
an accountant | akuntan |
an acquaintance | kenalan |
an act of parliament, law(s) of the land | undang-undang |
an act, a deed | perbuatan |
an address | alamat |
an advertisement | iklan |
an advisor, a counsellor | penasihat (nasihat) |
an age, an era | zaman |
an air hostess | pramugari |
an alley, a passageway, a corridor | gang |
an analysis | analisa |
an apartment, a flat, a unit | apartemen |
an application | surat lamaran |
an artist | seniman |
an attack | serangan |
an axe | kampak |
an effort | upaya |
an electrician | tukang listrik |
an engineer | insinyur |
an experience | suatu pengalaman |
an expression like the English 'Damn!' | sialan |
an eye | mata |
an idea/a thought | pikiran |
an implant | implan |
an impression | kesan |
an injury, an open wound | luka |
an instruction | instruksi |
an interior wall, a dividing, wall (in a house) | dinding |
an introduction | perkenalan |
an island eg. the island of Bali | pulau |
an older brother or sister, someone's older sibling | kakak |
an open field | ladang |
an orang-outang | orang utan |
an order, a command, an instruction | perintah |
ancestors | nenek moyang |
and | dan |
and | dan |
and | dan |
and then (informal) | terus (2) |
angry | marah |
angry | marah |
animal | binatang |
animal | binatang |
animal food | pakan |
animal's tail, counter-word for animals | ekor |
animals (not binatang) | hewan |
animals (not hewan) | binatang |
another | yang lain |
answer | jawaban |
answer | jawab |
answer, ... answered so-and-so (in a, narrative) | jawab |
antique item | barang antik |
any others? | yang lain? |
any progress? | ada kemajuan? |
any questions? | ada pertanyaan? |
any questions? | ada pertanyaan |
anyone (pun) | siapapun |
anyone (saja) | siapa saja |
anything | apa-apa |
anything | apa-apa |
anything, any | apapun |
anytime | kapan saja |
apart from, in addition to | selain |
ape | kera |
ape (greater monkey) | kera |
apparently | rupanya |
apples | apel |
approximately | kira-kira |
approximately | kira-kira |
April | April |
archipelago | nusantara |
are both of them small (politely) | apakah mereka berdua kecil |
Are you American? | Apakah kamu orang Amerika? |
Are you clever or dumb ? | Apakah kamu pandai atau bodoh? |
area | daerah |
arm | lengan |
arm, sleeve | lengan |
armchair | kursi tangan |
around | sekitar |
around | keliling |
around the world | keliling dunia |
around, all around | sekeliling |
arrive | tiba |
arrive/come | tiba |
arrogant | sombong |
art | seni |
art, fine art | kesenian |
article before the name of a person "the" | si |
as | sebagai |
as far as possible | sejauh-jauhnya |
as if | seolah-olah |
as known | setahu |
as long as, along | sepanjang |
as soon as possible | secepat-cepatnya |
as such | begitulah |
as well as | sebaik |
as well as | serta |
as well as possible | sebaik-baiknya |
as, like, similar (slang, same meaning as seperti) | kayak |
as; like; similar to | sebagai |
ash tray | asbak |
ash, ashes | abu |
ask | tanya |
ask (slang for tanya) | nanya |
ask if | tanya kalau |
ask me | tanya saya |
ask, ... asked so-and-so (in a, narrative) | tanya |
asphalt | aspal |
at (preposition of time), particle meaning plural | pada |
at 9 o'clock | pada jam sembilan |
at a loss what to do, worried and undecided, undecided who/what to believe, confused | bingung |
at first | mula-mula |
at five o'clock | pada jam lima |
at least | paling tidak |
at midnight, in the middle of the night | tengah malam |
at night | pada malam hari |
at that time | pada waktu itu |
at the back of/behind | di belakang |
at the end of | di ujung |
at the time when | pada waktu |
at what time | jam berapa |
at, in, on | di |
atmosphere, ambience | suasana |
attacked | diserang |
attempt, effort, endeavor, initiative | usaha |
attention | perhatian |
August | Agustus |
aunt | bibi |
aunt | bibi / tante |
author, writer | penulis |
avocado | alpukat |
avocado juice | jus alpukat |
avoid | menghindari |
bachelor degree | S1 |
Bachelor of Arts | sarjana muda |
bad, evil | jahat |
bad, grim | buruk |
badminton | bulu tangkis |
bag | tas |
bag | tas |
bakery | toko roti |
balanced | seimbang |
bald | botak |
bald | botak |
bald, barren | gundul |
Balinese Hindu temple | pura |
ball | bola |
banana | pisang |
banana | pisang |
bananas | pisang |
bandanna | bandana |
bank clearance | kliring |
bank customer | nasabah |
bargaining | tawar |
based on | berdasarkan |
basic, foundation | dasar |
basket | keranjang |
basketball | bola basket |
bath soap | sabun mandi |
bathe/shower (for people only eg not cars) | mandi |
bathroom | kamar mandi |
bathroom / toilet | kamar kecil |
batik | batik |
be regarded as (amount in words), be calculated, counted, enumerated, calculated, regarded as, considered as, known | terbilang |
be upset, have a tantrum | ngambek |
beach | pantai |
beach | pantai |
bear (animal) | beruang |
beard | jenggot |
beaten, struck | terpukul |
beautiful (of art works, scenery, items) | indah |
beautiful (things / objects) | indah |
beauty | kecantikan |
because | karena |
because | karena |
because | karena |
because (slang version of karena) | karna |
because of this/that, for this reason, that is why... | oleh karena itu |
become | menjadi |
becoming silly | menjadi-jadi |
bed | tempat tidur |
bedroom | kamar tidur |
beef | daging sapi |
beer | bir |
beer | bir |
beer | bir |
before | sebelum |
before (a certain time/event) | sebelum |
before (in time) | sebelum |
before a word makes it a plural | para |
Before that ... | Sebelum itu |
begin, start | mulai |
behaviour | tingkah laku |
behind | di belakang |
behind, at the rear of, in back of | di belakang |
being exasperated, irritated, annoyed, disgusted, fed up, cross | kesal |
beleive it! | percaya lah |
believe, trust | percaya |
belonging of, owned by | milik |
beloved, darling | tercinta |
below | bawah |
beside | di samping |
beside, side-by-side (with), next to, in addition to | di samping |
best | terbaik |
best | paling baik |
best | terbaik |
best friend | teman terbaik |
best route | rute terbaik |
better | lebih baik |
better, it would be better if/to..., should | lebih baik |
between, among | di antara |
beverage (noun) | minuman |
bicycle | sepeda |
bicycle | sepeda |
big | besar |
big (also grown-up) | besar |
big (slang - same as besar) | gede |
big / large | besar |
big enough | cukup besar |
biggest | paling besar |
bike riding | bersepeda |
billions | milyar |
biology | biologi |
bird | burung |
bird | burung |
birthday | hari ulang tahun |
birthday party | pesta ulang tahun |
biscuits, cookies | kue kering |
bite | digigit |
bitten | tergigit |
bitter, without sugar(tea, coffee) | pahit |
black | hitam |
black, dark coloured | hitam |
blackboard | papan tulis |
blackish | kehitam-hitaman |
blanket | selimut |
blaze, flame, fire | nyala |
blonde | pirang |
blonde | pirang |
blood | darah |
blood | darah |
blouse | blus |
blouse | blus |
blue | biru |
blue | biru |
blueish | kebiru-biruan |
body | badan |
body hair | bulu |
body weight | berat badan |
boiled eggs | telur rebus |
book | buku |
book | buku |
book | buku |
book shop | toko buku |
book shop | toko buku |
bookcase, bookshelf | rak buku |
bookshelf | rak buku |
border | batas |
bored, sick of something | bosan |
boring | membosankan (bosankan) |
born | lahir |
borrow, lend | pinjam |
both | berdua |
both | berdua |
both of us | kami berdua |
both of you (you both) | anda berdua |
both of you can drink tea with both of us | anda berdua bisa minum teh dengan kami berdua |
bottle | botol |
bowl | mangkok |
boy / boys | anak laki-laki |
boyfriend / girlfriend | pacar |
bracelet | gelang |
braids (hair) | berkepang |
brain | otak |
brakes | rem |
branch (of a bank etc.) | cabang |
brand | merek |
branded | bermerek |
brassiere | beha |
brave | berani |
brave, valiant, handsome | gagah |
bread | roti |
bread | roti |
bread, biscuit, cookie | roti |
break, damage | rusak |
breakfast | sarapan |
breakfast, to have breakfast | sarapan |
bridge | jembatan |
bright | terang |
bring | bawa |
bring | membawa |
bring | bawa |
broad, extensive, big (in area) | luas |
broad, vast, extensive | luas |
broke (no money) | bokek |
broken, out of order, not working, damaged | rusak |
brown | coklat |
brown complexion | sawo matang |
brush | sikat |
building | gedung |
built, constructed | dibangun |
burden, load | beban |
burden, to object, objection, complain, be against | keberatan |
bureau | biro |
burn | membakar |
burn (when used outside of cooking) | bakar |
bury | pendam |
bus | bus |
bus | bis |
bus terminal | terminal bus |
bus terminal | terminal bemo |
business, commerce | bisnis |
busy | sibuk |
busy | sibuk |
but | tapi |
but | tapi |
but | tetapi |
but general sudirman street is here | tapi jalan general sudirman di sini |
but I understand Indonesian | tapi saya mengerti bahasa Indonesia |
but when | tapi kapan |
butter | mentega |
buy | membeli |
buy | beli |
buyer / shopper | pembeli |
by (as in: an action or work performed by...) | oleh |
by (i.e. done/made/written by) | oleh |
by (when talking about a mode of transport), to get aboard, to go upwards, to ascend | naik |
by comparison with, than | ketimbang |
by the name of..., whose name is..., his/her/its name is... | namanya... |
by the way.. | omong-omong |
by, through | melalui |
c'mon, let's... | yuk |
cabbage | kol |
cabbage | kubis |
cabbage | kol |
call | panggil |
called | disebut |
calm, tranquil | tenang |
camera | kamera |
campus | kampus |
campus | kampus |
can | bisa |
can (not bisa) | dapat |
can do tomorrow (used like manana in Spanish) | besok bisa |
can i help | bisa saya bantu |
can we take the jakarta route (inclusive) | kita bisa ambil rute jakarta |
can, able to (not bisa) | dapat |
can, able to (not dapat) | bisa |
cancer | kanker |
candy | permen |
candy | permen |
capital city | ibu kota |
capital city | ibu kota |
car | mobil |
car | mobil |
car | mobil |
careful, cautious | hati-hati |
carer | pengasuh |
carpenter | tukang kayu |
case | kasus |
cash | tunai |
casino | kasino |
cassette shop | toko kaset |
cat | kucing |
cat | kucing |
catch / caught | tangkap |
Catholic | Katolik |
Catholic | Katolik |
Catholic church | gereja katolik |
cattle, cow, farm ox | sapi |
caught, arrested | ditangkap |
caviar | kaviar |
celebration | perayaan |
celsius, centigrade | celsius |
central java | jawa tengah |
century | abad |
ceremony | upacara |
ceremony | upacara |
certain | tentu |
certain / for sure | pasti |
chair | kursi |
chair | kursi |
chamapgne | sampanye |
change / modify something | ubah |
chaos | kacau |
character, (in a play, story) | peraga |
charity | amal |
chat | obrol |
chat | mengobrol |
chatting | becakap-cakap |
cheap | murah |
cheap | murah |
cheap / stingy | pelit |
cheeks | pipi |
cheerful, outgoing | ceria |
cheese | keju |
chef | tukang masak |
chemistry | ilmu kimia |
cheque | cek |
chess | catur |
chest | dada |
chicken | ayam |
chicken | ayam |
chicken | ayam |
chicken soup | sup ayam |
child | anak |
child / children | anak |
children | anak-anak |
children | anak-anak |
chili pepper | cabai |
chili-based side dish, chili paste | sambal |
chilling, relaxing (slang) | nyantai |
chin | dagu |
China | Cina |
Chinese (the language) | bahasa Cina |
chocolate cake | kue coklat |
chocolate, brown | coklat |
choose | pilih |
choose | memilih |
christian | kristen |
Christmas | hari Natal |
Christmas Day | hari Natal |
christmas day | hari natal |
church | gereja |
church | gereja |
church | gereja |
cigarette factory | pabrik rokok |
cigarette, to smoke | rokok |
cigarettes | rokok |
cinema | bioskop |
cinema, movie theatre | bioskop |
citizen | warganegara |
citrus fruit | jeruk |
city | kota |
city bus | bis kota |
city transport | angkot |
city, town | kota |
civil (i.e. not military) | sipil |
civilian | preman |
classmate | teman sekelas |
clean | bersih |
clean | bersih |
cleaning up | bersih-bersih |
clear | jelas |
clear (not jelas) | jernih |
clear (not jernih) | jelas |
clear, bright | terang |
clearing cheque | giro bilyet |
clever, intelligent, smart | pintar |
cliff, gorge | jurang |
climate | iklim |
climate change | perubahan iklim |
climb | mendaki |
clock, watch, hour, hours, o'clock | jam |
closed | tutup |
closed | tertutup |
cloth, fabric | kain |
clothes washing detergent | sabun cuci pakaian |
clothes, clothing | pakaian |
clothing | pakaian |
clothing shop | toko pakaian |
cloud | awan |
cloudy | berawan |
Cloudy | berawan |
clown | badut |
co-ordinate / organise | mengatur |
coast, coastline, shore, beach | pantai |
coconut | kelapa |
coconut juice, (for drinking) | air kelapa |
coconut oil | minyak kelapa |
coffee | kopi |
coffee | kopi |
cold | dingin |
cold | dingin |
collaborate | bekerjasama |
collared | berkerah |
colleagues / workmates | rekan |
college student (female) | mahasiswi |
college student (male) | mahasiswa |
colour | warna |
colour | warna |
coloured ___, ___ in colour | berwarna |
colouring, pigment | zat warna |
comb | sisir |
come in | masuk |
come in please | masuk silahkan |
come on (let's...) | ayo |
come on, go ahead (same as ayo) | yuk |
commodity | komoditi |
commotion, noisy | ribut |
community | masyarakat |
community, society | masyarakat |
community, society, public, people of a certain place | masyarakat |
company (business entity) | perusahaan |
company / corporation | perusahaan |
company, business enterprise | perusahaan |
compared to / than | daripada |
complaint | keluhan |
complete | lengkap |
complication | komplikasi |
composition | komposisi |
compulsory | wajib |
computer | komputer |
computer | komputer |
confused | bingung |
confused / depressed / stressed | galau |
conscientious, industrious, hard-working, disciplined, diligent | rajin |
conservation | conservasi |
contains | berisi |
contents, to fill | isi |
contest, competition | lomba |
continent | benua |
continue | melanjutkan |
continue, go ahead, to keep on ___-ing, to continue to... | terus |
continuously, constantly | terus-terusan |
conversation | percakapan |
convinced / sure | yakin |
cook | tukang masak |
cook | masak |
cooked rice | nasi |
cooking | memasak |
cooking, cuisine, cooked food | masakan |
cool | sejuk |
cool | keren |
cool / awesome (trendy) | keren |
cool, awesome | kece |
cool, chilly | sejuk |
copula: joins noun1 with noun2 | adalah |
coral (when noun), compose (as verb) | karang |
coral reef | terumbu karang |
coriander | ketumbar |
corn | jagung |
correct / right | benar |
correct, That's right., That's correct | betul |
corrugated iron | seng |
cosmetics | kosmetik |
costs | harganya |
costs | harganya |
country | negara |
country | negeri |
country bumpkin, hillbilly | kampungan |
country, nation | negara |
countryside | pedesaan |
cousin | sepupu |
cow / cattle | sapi |
crab | kepiting |
crash | tabrak |
crater | kawah |
crazy / mad / insane | gila |
creator | pencipta |
credit (from a bank) | kredit |
crime | kejahatan |
criminal | penjahat (jahat) |
criminal | penjahat |
crocodile | buaya |
crossways, pathways | lintas |
crowded | penuh |
crowded, full of people, bustling, noisy | ramai |
crude, oafish, impolite, rough to the touch | kasar |
crude, rough rude | kasar |
cucumber | ketimun |
cucumber | ketimun |
culture | budaya |
culture | budaya |
cup | cangkir |
cupboard | lemari |
cured, recovered | sembuh |
curly | keriting |
curriculum | kurikulum |
cursing something | sialan |
customer | pelanggan |
cut | potong |
cut off, truncated | terpotong |
dance | menari |
dance style used by dangdut performers (slang) | ngebor |
dancer | penari (tari) |
dancing / boogey / grooving | joget |
dancing, dance (popular western style), disco/ballroom dancing | dansa |
dangerous | berbahaya |
dangerous | bahaya |
dare to do something | berani |
dark | gelap |
dark | kehitam-hitaman |
dark blue | biru tua |
dark brown complexion | hitam manis |
dark, not well lit | gelap |
darling | kekasih |
date | tanggal |
day | hari |
day of Eid (islamic day) | hari idul fitri |
day of silence (bali religious holiday) | hari raya nyepi |
Dear/With respect (formal start to letters) | Dengan hormat |
death / die (should only be used for animals but often used for people in slang) | mati |
December | Desember |
deeds, actions, behaviour | laku |
definitely, sure to be, bound to (be...), must be (i.e. bound to be) | pasti |
degree of temperature, level | derajat |
degree, professional title, title of respect | gelar |
Degrees Celsius | derajat selsius |
delicious | enak |
delicious, comfortable | enak |
demi-god | dewa |
dengue fever | demam berdarah |
deny (slang) | ngeles |
depart | berangkat |
deposit | setoran |
depositor | penyetor |
derived from bukan to show a knowledge or understanding shared by speaker and listener | kan |
desire | hasrat |
desire, wish | keinginan |
desk, writing table | meja tulis |
destroyer, vandal | perusak |
details of something | perincian |
detection | deteksi |
detective | detektif |
detergent | deterjen |
development | pembangunan (bangun) |
development | perkembangan |
development studies | studi pembangunan |
device, tool, implement | alat |
diarrhea | diare |
difference | perbedaan |
different | berbeda |
different | berbeda |
difficult | sulit |
difficult | sukar |
difficult, hard to do | sulit |
diligent | rajin |
dining room | ruang makan |
dining table | meja makan |
dinner | makan malam |
direct / straight / immediately | langsung |
direct, directly | langsung |
dirty | kotor |
dirty | kotor |
disability (borrowed from english) | disabilitas |
disability (original indonesian word) | cacat |
disappear | hilang |
disappointed | kecewa |
disappointing | mengecewakan (kecewakan) |
disaster, tragedy | bencana |
disco dancing | berdisko |
discuss | membahas |
dishes, plates | piring |
dishwasher | mesin cuci piring |
disinclined, reticient | segan |
divided by (mathematics) | dibagi |
diving | selam |
do (perform an action) | melakukan |
do you have any rupiah | anda punya uang rupiah |
do you have mango juice | anda punya jus mangga |
do you know the best route (politely) | apakah anda tahu rute apa terbaik |
Do you like to eat fried rice? (polite) | Apakah kamu suka makan nasi goreng? |
do you live here | anda tinggal di sini |
Do you play basketball ? | Apakah kamu bermain bola basket? |
do you want to join us (to a woman) | ibu mau ikut |
do you want to join us to eat at our home? (to a man) | bapak mau ikut makan di rumah kami |
doctor | dokter |
doctor | dokter |
doctor’s clinic | klinik dokter |
dog | anjing |
doing something to kill boredom | iseng |
doing something with difficulty | susah-susah |
don't | jangan |
don't even think about it! (don't try try) | jangan coba-coba |
don't forget | jangan lupa |
don't! | jangan |
don't, do not! | jangan |
donation | donasi |
done by (active) | melakukan |
don’t like | tidak suka |
don’t really like | kurang suka |
door | pintu |
door, entrance | pintu |
dot, point | titik |
double / fold (including double chin) | ganda |
double, two fold | dua kali lipat |
dough / batter | adonan |
down (towards down) | ke bawah |
dozens of (but actually means 11-19 times) | belasan |
drawers | laci |
dream | mimpi |
drenched | basah kuyup |
dried beef | abon sapi |
dried meat | abon |
drink | minum |
drink | minuman |
drink / drinks | minuman |
drinking (verb) | minum |
drinking water | air putih |
drive | menyetir |
driver | sopir |
driver's license | Surat Izin Mengemudi |
driver's license (acronym) | SIM |
drool | ngiler |
drunk | mabuk |
drunk (alcohol), seasick | mabuk |
drunk, sea-sick | mabuk |
drunkard, drunk person | orang mabuk |
dry | kering |
dry | kering |
dual, double (only used for sports eg doubles tennis, or dual citizenship) | ganda |
dug for, searched, excavated | digali |
durian (fruit) | durian |
durian fruit | durian |
during this week | pada minggu ini |
dust | debu |
Dutch | bahasa Belanda |
each / every | setiap |
each / every | setiap |
each and everything, the whole kit and kaboodle | segala |
each other | saling |
each week | setiap minggu |
each, every | setiap |
eagle | elang |
ear(s) | telinga |
earlier this afternoon | tadi siang |
earlier this morning | tadi pagi |
earlier, just now (time) | tadi |
early | awal |
early in the morning | pagi-pagi |
early morning | pagi-pagi |
early morning jogging | lari pagi |
earrings | anting-anting |
ears | kuping |
east | timur |
east borneo (acronym for kalimantan timur) | kaltim |
east, eastern | timur |
easter day | hari paskah |
easy | mudah |
easy | gampang |
easy | mudah |
easy (not gampang) | mudah |
easy (not mudah) | gampang |
easy chair, armchair | kursi malas |
eat | makan |
eat | makan |
ecology | ekologi |
economics | ilmu ekonomi |
economy class | kelas ekonomi |
edge, fringe, outskirts, suburbs (side in the sense of edge, margin, border) | pinggir |
education | pendidikan (didik) |
education | pendidikan |
efficient | efisien |
egg | telur |
eggs | telur |
Egypt | Mesir |
Eid (islamic day) | lebaran |
eight | delapan |
eight | delapan |
eight | delapan |
eighteen | delapan belas |
elasticity, plasticity | keliatan |
electrical engineering | teknik elektro |
electricity | listrik |
electronic | elektronik |
elephant | gajah |
eleven | sebelas |
eleven | sebelas |
eleven | sebelas |
eleven oclock | jam sebelas |
embarrassed, shy | malu |
emotions, feelings | perasaan |
employee, staff, worker | karyawan |
empty | kosong |
empty, vacant, zero, naught | kosong |
endure, put up with, last, hold out | tahan |
engine (machine) | mesin |
engine, machine | mesin |
English (the language) | bahasa Inggris |
English / England | Inggris |
english language | bahasa inggris |
English, Britain | Inggris |
enjoy | nikmat |
enjoyable | menyenangkan |
enough | cukup |
enough / adequate / that's enough | cukup |
enter | masuk |
entertainment | hiburan |
entertainment | hiburan |
entire | seluruh |
entire / whole / all | seluruh |
entrance | pintu masuk |
environment | lingkungan |
environment | lingkungan |
equals (in mathematical, calculations/formulae) | sama dengan |
equipment | peralatan |
eruption | letusan |
eruption | letusan |
especially | terutama |
essay, article | makalah |
etc (dll = acronym for dan lain-lain) | dll |
eternal, everlasting | lestari |
ethnic group | suku |
eucalyptus (white wood) | kayu putih |
Eurasian | Indo |
Europe | Eropa |
evaluate, judge | menilai |
even further away | lebih jauh lagi |
even more expensive | lebih mahal lagi |
even more, even (adjective)-er | lebih banyak lagi |
even though | meski |
even though, although | walaupun |
even, flat, level | rata |
evening, night | malam |
ever | pernah |
every | setiap |
every day | setiap hari |
every Saturday | setiap hari Sabtu |
everyone | semua orang |
everything, all the components or items | segala-galanya |
everything; anything | apa saja |
everywhere | di mana-mana |
everywhere | kemana-mana |
everywhere | mana-mana |
exactly | tepat |
examination | ujian |
example (not contoh) | misal |
excellent, impressive, great, terrific, really good | bagus |
except for | kecuali |
excuse (reason for not doing something) | alasan |
excuse me | maaf |
excuse me | permisi |
excuse me | permisi |
excuse me | permisi |
Excuse me, I want to ask ... | maaf, saya mau bertanya |
Excuse me, may I ask? | maaf, boleh saya bertanya? |
existance, location, numbers, possession | ada |
exit from | ke luar |
expensive | mahal |
expensive | mahal |
expensive | mahal |
experience | pengalaman |
experience | pengalaman |
experienced | berpengalaman |
experienced | berpengalaman |
expert | ahli |
expert | mahir |
explore | menjelajahi |
exported item | barang expor |
extinct | punah |
extraordinary | luar biasa |
eyebrows | alis |
face (not muka) | wajah |
face / front | muka |
facebooking | pesbukan |
facing/in front | di muka |
fact | fakta |
fact | fakta |
factory | pabrik |
faculty | fakultas |
fall down (only for trees / plants) | tumbang |
family | keluarga |
family | keluarga |
family | keluarga |
famous | terkenal |
famous | terkenal |
fanatic | fanatik |
far | jauh |
far | jauh |
far / long distance | jauh |
far from | jauh dari |
far to | jauh ke |
farm land | lahan |
farmer | petani |
farmer | petani |
farmer (animals), cattleman | peternak |
farmer (plants not animals) | tani |
farmland | lahan |
farther | lebih jauh |
fashion show | peragaan busana |
fast | cepat |
fast / heavy (only for water) | deras |
fast, quick | cepat |
faster | lebih cepat |
fasting (not eating) | puasa |
fasting, the Islamic Fast | puasa |
fat | gemuk |
fat | gemuk |
fat | gendut |
fat, chubby | gemuk |
fate, destiny | takdir |
father | bapak |
father | ayah |
February | Februari |
February | Februari |
fed up, had enough | muak |
feel / feeling | rasa |
feel, think, taste | rasa |
feels | merasakan |
fell asleep | ketiduran |
fell asleep | tertidur |
female | perempuan |
female | perempuan |
female | perempuan |
female (animals only) | betina |
female breasts | buah dada |
fence | pagar |
fence | pagar |
ferocious, fiesty | galak |
fertile | subur |
fertiliser | pupuk |
fever | demam |
few / several / some | beberapa |
field / court | lapangan |
fierce, aggressive | galak |
fifteen | lima belas |
fifty | lima puluh |
fifty one thousand | lima puluh satu ribu |
fight | berjuang |
fighters for a noble cause | pejuang |
fighting for family (working hard for the family) | berjuang untuk keluarga |
film | filem |
finally | akhirnya |
finally, in the end, eventually, lastly | akhirnya |
finance | keuangan |
fine, good (in reply to 'How are you?') | baik-baik saja |
Fine, thank you | Baik terima kasih |
finger(s), toe(s) | jari |
finger, toe | jari |
finished | habis |
finished | selesai |
finished (means "to the max" in slang) | habis |
finished, completed (doing or making something), over | selesai |
fire | api |
fireplace | tungku perapian |
first | pertama |
first (before doing anything, else) | dulu (1) |
first, before | duluan |
first, earlier | lebih dulu |
firstly, first of all | pertama-tama |
fish | ikan |
fish, a fish | ikan |
fisherman | nelayan |
fit (healthy) | bugar |
fit, healthy | bugar |
five | lima |
five | lima |
five | lima |
fix | betulkan |
fixed up, put right, all okay, resolved | beres |
flag | bendera |
flat (of nose) | pesek |
flies (insects) | lalat |
flight | terbang |
flight | penerbangan |
flip flops, thongs | sandal jepit |
flood | banjir |
floor | lantai |
flower | bunga |
flower | bunga |
flower pot | pot bunga |
flower pot | pot bunga |
flower, the interest rate | bunga |
flowers | bunga |
fluent | lancar |
fly | terbang |
Foggy, misty | berkabut |
fold | lipat |
follow | ikut |
follow (same as ikut but slangy) | ngikut |
food | makanan |
food | makanan |
food (not makanan) | pangan |
food for animals, fodder | pakan |
food stall | warung |
food stall / small restaurant / juice bar / cafe | warung |
football, soccer | sepak bola |
for | untuk |
for | atas (2) |
for (a certain period of time) | selama |
for (same as untuk) | bagi |
for (time period) | selama |
for (time) / as long as | selama |
for example | misalnya |
for example | misalnya |
for me too | untuk saya juga |
for the length of, during | sepanjang |
for the sake of.. | demi |
for this | untuk ini |
for three days | selama tiga hari |
for, (i.e. intended for someone, or something), (in order) to | untuk |
for, for the purpose of (doing something) | untuk |
forced to do something | terpaksa |
foreign | asing |
foreigner | orang asing |
forest | hutan |
forest | hutan |
Forgive me for ... | maafkan saya atas |
forgot | lupa |
forgot | lupa |
fork | garpu |
form (to be filled in, not shape) | formulir |
form, shape | bentuk |
formal | resmi |
fortune | untung |
forty one thousand | empat puluh satu ribu |
found | ditemukan |
founded / established | mendiri |
four | empat |
four | empat |
four | empat |
fourteen | empat belas |
France | Perancis |
France | perancis |
free | bebas |
free | bebas |
free time, spare time, leisure time | waktu senggang |
free, cost nothing | cuma-cuma |
free, loose | lepas |
fresh | segar |
fresh water | air tawar |
fresh, cool | sejuk |
Friday | hari Jumat |
friday night (night before saturday) | malam sabtu |
fridge, refrigerator | lemari es |
fried | goreng |
fried chicken | ayam goreng |
fried chicken | ayam goreng |
fried chips | kentang goreng |
fried food | gorengan |
fried noodles | mie goreng |
fried rice | nasi goreng |
fried rice | nasi goreng |
friend | teman |
friend | teman |
friend | teman |
friend (not teman) | kawan |
friend (not teman) | sahabat |
Friend / Mate ... | Mas |
friendly | ramah |
friendly | ramah |
friends | teman-teman |
from | dari |
from | dari |
from | dari |
from here | dari sini |
from here | dari sini |
from there | dari sana |
from where | dari mana |
from where? | dari mana? |
front (when you are talking, about the front part of, something) | depan |
fruit | buah |
fruit | buah |
fruit juice | jus buah |
fruit juice | jus buah |
full | penuh |
full (from eating) | kenyang |
function | fungsi |
funny | lucu |
funny / cute | lucu |
furniture | perabot |
garage | garasi |
garlic | bawang putih |
gas | bensin |
gas tank lid | penutup tangki |
gatot subroto street | jalan gatot subroto |
general sudirman street | jalan general sudirman |
general sudirman street is not over there | jalan general sudirman tidak di sana |
genitals | kemaluan |
genitals (beware - don't make a noun out of "malu" (shy) or you'll embarrass yourself) | kemaluan |
geography | ilmu bumi |
German | jerman |
Germany | Jerman |
get / obtain | memperoleh |
gift, present | hadiah |
ginger | jahe |
girl / girls | anak perempuan |
girl, chick | cewek |
girl, young lady, unmarried woman | gadis |
give | berikan |
give | beri |
give (slightly more common than beri when spoken) | kasih |
give me | berikan saya |
given, caused to happen | dikasih |
glass | gelas |
glass (i.e. a tumbler you drink from), a drinking glass | gelas |
glass, mirror | kaca |
glasses | kaca mata |
global warming | pemanasan global |
go / went | pergi |
go / went | pergi |
go by / pass | berlalu |
go down | menurun |
go home / return | pulang |
go to there | ke sana |
goat | kambing |
God | Allah |
God | Allah |
god | tuhan |
God is great | Allahu Akbar |
God willing | insyaallah |
goddess (also common girl's name) | dewi |
going around | keliling-keliling |
going through | melalui |
gold | emas |
good | baik |
good (balinese) | becik |
good / fine | baik |
good / great | bagus |
good afternoon | selamat siang |
Good afternoon | selamat sore |
Good bye (see you) | Sampai Ketemu |
Good day | selamat siang |
good evening | selamat malam |
good luck (most common) | semoga berhasil |
good luck (sukses) | semoga sukses |
good morning | selamat pagi |
Good morning | selamat pagi |
good news / I'm fine | kabar baik |
Good night | selamat malam |
good quality | mutunya bagus |
good quality | kwalitasnya bagus |
good to be traded | dagangan |
good, fine, very well | baik |
Goodbye (to person leaving) | Selamat jalan |
government | pemerintah |
gown | gaun |
grammar (lit. order of language) | tata bahasa |
grand market | pasar raya |
grand mosque | mesjid raya |
grandchildren | cucu |
grandfather | kakek |
grandfather | kakek |
grandmother | nenek |
grandmother | nenek |
grapes / wine | anggur |
great | bagus |
great, grand | raya |
Greece | Yunani |
green | hijau |
grey | abu-abu |
grey | abu-abu |
group | kelompok |
grow | tumbuh |
growth, plant (not tanam) | tumbuhan |
guest / customer | tamu |
guest, visitor, customer (i.e. someone, who comes into a shop) | tamu |
guitar | gitar |
gunshot sound | dor |
guy, dude (slang for cowok) | cowo |
guy, dude (slang) | cowok |
habits | kebiasaan |
had the chance | sempat |
Hail | hujan es |
hair | rambut |
half an hour | setenga jam |
half, half before the next hour | setengah |
half-time | setengah waktu |
hand | tangan |
hand, arm | tangan |
handicrafts | kerajinan tangan |
handicrafts | kerajinan tangan |
handkerchiefs | sapu tangan |
handsome | tampan |
handsome | ganteng |
happy | senang |
happy | bahagia |
happy | menyenangkan |
happy (long term happiness eg happy with life) | bahagia |
happy (temporary momentary happiness eg happy with a gift) | senang |
happy, enjoying yourself, to like something, to like doing something | senang |
hardworking | rajin |
has/have been | pernah |
has/have ever | sudah pernah |
has/have never | belum pernah |
hat | topi |
hat | topi |
hate | benci |
have | punya |
have | punya |
have already (sudah but neutral) | telah |
have forgotten | kelupaan |
Have mercy! mercy, grace, pardon, forgiveness | ampun |
have rupiah | punya uang rupiah |
have the power/authority to ........ | berwenang |
have you ever | pernah |
have, own | memiliki |
haze, fog | kabut |
he / she / he's / she's | dia |
he / she / it / his / her / its | dia |
he can take | dia bisa mengantar |
He is a teacher | Dia guru |
He is aged fifty six years | Dia berumur lima puluh enam tahun |
he is really little | dia benar kecil |
He works as a teacher | Dia bekerja sebagai guru |
He works as what? | Dia bekerja sebagai apa? |
he's bringing tea | dia bawa teh |
he, she | ia |
he, she, him, her | dia |
He/She is aged how many years? | Dia berumur berapa tahun? |
head | kepala |
headband | bando |
healthy | sehat |
healthy | sehat |
heart | hati |
heart (science) | jantung |
heart (that loves, in science means liver) | hati |
heart attack | serangan jantung |
heavy | berat |
heavy rain | hujan deras |
heavy weight (for things) | berat |
hectare (the main unit of land area in indonesia) | hektar |
hello | halo |
Hello | Halo |
hello | halo |
help | bantu |
help | bantu |
help, assistance | bantuan |
Her name is Claire | Namanya Claire |
Her name is Rihanna | Nama dia Rihanna |
Her name is Rihanna | Namanya Rihanna |
herbal drink factory | pabrik jamu |
here | di sini |
here | di sini |
here / is it here? / it's here | di sini |
here are two dollars | ini dua dollar |
here is some money | ini sedikit uang |
Hero's day (veterans day in Indonesia) | hari pahlawan |
hey / dude (slang from javanese) | joss |
high | tinggi |
high heels (shoes) | sepatu hak tinggi |
high school | Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) |
high school, secondary school | sekolah menengah |
highway | jalan raya |
highway | jalan raya |
hijab, headscarf | jilbab |
himself, herself | dirinya |
his, her, its | -nya |
historic | bersejarah |
history | sejarah |
history | sejarah |
hobby | hobi |
hole | lubang |
holiday | liburan |
holiday in bali | liburan ke bali |
holy | suci |
home | rumah |
homework | pekerjaan rumah |
honest | jujur |
honest | jujur |
honey | madu |
honeymoon | bulan madu |
hope | harap |
hopefully | semoga |
horn (animal) | tanduk |
horse | kuda |
horse cart | dokar |
hose | selang |
hospital | rumah sakit |
hospital | rumah sakit |
hot | panas |
hotel | hotel |
hour / time | jam |
house | rumah |
house | rumah |
household | rumah tangga |
household | rumah tangga |
housing | perumahan |
how | bagaimana |
how about if ...? | bagaimana kalau |
how are you ? | bagaimana kamu? |
How are you? | apa kabar? |
How are you? | Apa kabar? |
How are you? (What news) | apa kabar |
how come, why (slang) | kok |
how come? why? (interjection) | kok |
how do you say | bagaimana anda katakan |
how do you say in indonesian | bagaimana anda katakan dalam bahasa indonesia |
how do you spell ... ? | bagaimana ejaannya ... ? |
how far | berapa jauh |
how is ... said in Indonesian? | bagaimana ... dalam bahasa Indonesia? |
how is the weather in Jakarta? | bagaimana cuaca di Jakarta? |
how is your new school ? | bagaimana sekolah baru kamu? |
how is/are, describe.., how about..? | bagaimana? |
how long | berapa lama |
how long | berapa lama |
How long are language classes at IML ? | Berapa lama kelas bahasa di IML? |
how long have/has | sudah berapa lama |
how many / how much | berapa |
How many / How much? | Berapa? |
how many children do you have | berapa anak anda punya |
How many kilometers to Perth ? | Berapa kilometer ke Perth? |
how many people are there | berapa orang ada |
how many people are there in your family | berapa orang ada dalam keluarga anda |
How many students are there tonight ? | Ada berapa murid malam ini? |
how many times? | berapa kali? |
how many years? | berapa tahun? |
how much do I have to pay? | berapa saya harus bayar |
How much does that cost? | Berapa itu? |
How much does this cost? | Berapa ini? |
how much is the price of...? | berapa harga ____ ? |
how much rupiah | berapa uang rupiah |
how much, alot? | berapa banyak |
how much, how many, what (when asking about a, number) | berapa |
How old is he/she? | Berapa umurnya? |
How old is he/she? | Berapa umur dia? |
how you enjoy (using nya) | senangnya |
how you going (balinese) | kenken |
how you like to (using nya) | sukanya |
how's the weather? | bagaimana cuacanya |
how, what is ... like?, (informal/slangy) | gimana |
how, what is .... like? | bagaimana |
however | bagaimanapun |
humid | lembab |
hundred | ratus |
hundreds | ratus |
hungry | lapar |
hungry | lapar |
husband | suami |
husband | suami |
husband | suami |
I (jakarta slang) | gue |
I / Me | saya |
I admire ... | saya mengagumi |
I agree | saya setuju |
I am (continuing to be) angry | saya lagi marah |
I am (continuing to be) annoyed; I am annoyed at the moment | saya lagi sebal |
I am american | saya orang amerika |
I am american, what about you? (to a woman) | saya orang america kalau ibu? |
I am an American | Saya orang Amerika |
I am not Indonesian | saya bukan orang Indonesia |
I am not interested in.. | saya kurang tertarik pada |
I am of the opinion that ... | saya berpendapat bahwa |
I ask for forgiveness | saya minta maaf |
I ate spicy noodles | saya makan mi pedas |
I bought a terrific hat | saya beli topi hebat |
I bought noodles | saya beli mi |
I bought two drinks | saya beli dua minuman |
i can speak more slowly | saya bisa bicara lebih pelan |
i can't | saya tidak bisa |
I can’t / it can’t be done! | tidak bisa |
I didn't realise (slang, same as "tidak sadar") | nggak neh |
I disagree with | saya tidak setuju dengan |
i don't have (any) | saya tidak punya |
I don't have anything | saya tidak punya apa-apa |
i don't have rupiah | saya tidak punya uang rupiah |
I don't know | saya tidak tahu |
I don't know what it means | saya tidak tahu artinya apa |
I don't like beer | saya tidak suka bir |
I don't understand | saya tidak mengerti |
I don't understand english | saya tidak mengerti bahasa inggris |
I don’t like ... | saya tidak suka |
I don’t really like ... | saya kurang suka |
I don’t/ don’t quite understand | saya tidak mengerti |
I forgot | saya lupa |
I have thirteen thousand rupiah | saya punya tiga belas ribu rupiah |
I heard that..., they say..., people say that... | katanya |
I know | saya tahu |
I like ... | saya suka |
I like this hotel | saya suka hotel ini |
I live | saya tinggal |
I live in Jakarta | Saya tinggal di Jakarta |
I love ... | saya mencintai |
I prefer … to … | saya lebih suka ... daripada |
i really want to | saya mau sekali |
I suggest we ... | saya menyarankan kita |
I think | saya kira |
I think ... | saya pikir |
I think so | saya rasa begitu |
I think that ... | saya pikir bahwa |
I thought (that... ) | saya kira |
I understand english | saya mengerti bahasa inggris |
I understand indonesian a little | saya mengerti bahasa indonesia sedikit |
I want | saya mau |
I want to ... | saya mau |
I want to ask permission to ... | saya minta izin untuk |
i want to buy something | saya mau beli sesuatu |
i want to drink tea now | saya mau minum teh sekarang |
I want to eat something | saya mau makan sesuatu |
i want to eat too | saya mau makan juga |
I want to go to the toilet | saya mau pergi ke kamar kecil |
I want to invite | saya mau mengundang |
i will / going to | akan |
I will eat now | saya akan makan sekarang |
I will have dinner tonight | saya akan makan malam malam ini |
I will visit | saya akan mengunjungi |
I wish to ... | saya ingin |
i would like to do something | saya mau rencana sesuatu |
I'm going to go straight ahead | saya akan pergi lurus ke depan |
I'm sick | saya sakit |
I, me | saya |
I, me (informal) | aku |
I/Me | saya |
I/me/my (intimate form) | aku |
ice | es |
idea | ide |
identity card | Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) |
identity card (acronym) | KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) |
if | kalau |
if | kalau |
if (hypothetically) | seandainya |
if (slang for kalau) | kalo |
if (slang) | kalo |
if / when | kalo |
if / when / what about? | kalau |
if after the word means new, if before word means only/recently | baru |
if it's not a burden | kalau tidak keberatan |
If that's the case..., If that's how things stand... | kalau begitu |
if we take the correct route (inclusive) | kalau kita ambil rute yang benar |
ignorant, foolish | jahil |
illness, disease | penyakit |
immediately, promptly | segera |
immigration | imigrasi |
important | penting |
important | penting |
important day | hari penting |
imported item | barang impor |
in | di |
in / at / on | di |
in a hurry | terburu-buru |
in a moment | sebentar |
in a short while, later | nanti |
in addition to that, moreover, furthermore | di samping itu |
in between | di antara |
in fact even | bahkan |
in former times, a long time ago, used to (i.e. regularly happened in former times) | dulu (2) |
in front | di depan |
in front of | di depan |
in front of | di depan |
in general | secara umum |
In my opinion ("I think" but formal) | menurut pendapat saya |
in nature, in character | bersifat |
in order to | agar |
in particular, especially | khususnya |
in that case / then | kalau begitu |
in the afternoon(s) | pada siang hari |
in the late afternoon(s) | pada sore hari |
in the middle | di tengah |
in the middle, in the very middle of | di tengah-tengah |
in the month of | pada bulan |
in the morning | di pagi hari |
in the morning | pada waktu pagi |
in the morning(s) | pada pagi hari |
in the process of... | sedang |
in the summer | pada musim panas |
in your family | dalam keluarga anda |
in your opinion.. | menurut kamu |
in, inside, within | dalam |
incident | kejadian |
incidents, happenings | peristiwa |
included in, including | termasuk |
including, among them | di antaranya |
income | pemasukan |
increase | membanyak |
increasingly, more and more | semakin |
incredible | bukan main |
indeed | memang |
indeed (slang, same as memang) | emang |
indeed! (from memang) | emang |
indeed! that's true! (slang from emang benar), also means bucket | ember |
indeed, yes I agree, that's absolutely right | memang |
independence | kemerdekaan |
independent | merdeka |
independent | mandiri |
independent | merdeka |
independent, free | merdeka |
indifferent | cuek |
Indonesian (language) | bahasa Indonesia |
indonesian (person) | orang indonesia |
indonesian language | bahasa indonesia |
Indonesian Police - Slang Acronym for Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia | polri |
indonesian rupiah | rupiah |
Indonesian tonic and herbal medicine | jamu |
Indonesian-style coffee | kopi tubruk |
inflammation | radang |
information | informasi |
information, data, a statement/declaration, (concerning the facts of a, matter) | keterangan |
insect | serangga |
inside | dalam |
inside | di dalam |
inside | dalam |
inside of something | isi |
instead / just / only | saja |
instead, yet | malah |
instructed / told | disuruh |
intentional, purposeful, deliberate | sengaja |
interest rate | suku bunga |
interested | tertarik |
interested (in) | tertarik |
interesting, attractive | menarik (tarik) |
interests | ketertarikan |
interior, inland | pedalaman |
interjection particle used to soften a request | dong |
interjection particle, an informal emphasis word indicating denial of something; denial word, an informal question or surprise word meaning: how come ?; why ? | kok |
international | internasional |
international, throughout the world | sedunia |
internet cafe | warung internet |
internship | magang |
intersection | simpang |
interview | wawancara |
interview | mewawancarai |
intransitive - when added to end of root word, no object required | ber |
invited | mengajakku |
is called by the name ... | bernama |
is done by (passive) | dilakukan |
is it very far (politely) | apakah jauh sekali |
Is my brother here | adik saya di sini |
is that so? really? (that true) | yang benar |
Is that your house ? | Apakah itu rumah kamu? |
is the correct route to the left (politely) | apakah rute yang benar ke kiri |
is to be found at/in/among | terdapat |
is, are, to be | ialah |
is/am/are + VERB + ing | sedang |
island | pulau |
it doesn't matter | tidak apa-apa |
it is only then that... | baru (2) |
it seems as if | kelihatannya |
it seems to me | rasanya |
It would be better if we ... | sebaiknya kalau kita |
it's a great idea | itu ide bagus |
it's a secret | ada deh |
it's alot farther to jakarta | lebih jauh banyak ke jakarta |
it's far, isn't it | jauh bukan |
it's late (already night) | sudah malam |
it's not expensive | tidak mahal |
it's not here | tidak di sini |
it's not that I'm saying... | bukan aku bilang |
it's too much money | kebanyakan uang |
it's up to you | terserah |
it's up to you | terserah |
Italy | Italia |
jacket | jas |
January | Januari |
Japan | Jepang |
Japan | Jepang |
japan / japanese | jepang |
javanese coffee | kopi jawa |
jealous (of another man/woman) | cemburu |
jeans | celana jins |
jesus christ | yesus kristus |
jesus christ | Isa Almasih |
jewellery shop | toko mas |
join / follow | ikut |
juice | jus |
July | Juli |
June | Juni |
junior high school | smp |
just (slang for saja) | aja |
just (slang, same meaning as saja) | doang |
just a little | sedikit sedikit saja |
just a moment, wait a moment, hang on a sec | nanti dulu |
just as good | tidak kalah |
just fine | baik-baik saja |
just for a walk | jalan-jalan saja |
just kidding | bercanda |
just now, earlier (today) | tadi |
just one or two, just a few, a couple | satu dua |
just two coffees | dua kopi saja |
just, only | saja |
just, only | aja |
just, only | cuma |
kebabs, satay (meat roasted on skewers) | satai |
killed | membunuh |
kilometer | kilometer |
kilometre(s) | kilometer |
kind, understanding | baik hati |
kind-hearted | baik hati |
kitchen | dapur |
kitchen | dapur |
knee | lutut |
knife | pisau |
know | tahu |
know | tahu |
know (people) | mengenal |
labor day | hari buruh |
laboratory | laboratorium |
lacking | kurang |
lake | danau |
lamb | domba |
lamb, goat meat | daging kambing |
lamp | lampu |
land borders | perbatasan darat |
land lady | ibu kos |
language | bahasa |
language | bahasa |
lanky | jangkung |
last month | bulan yang lalu |
last month | bulan yang lalu |
last night | tadi malam |
last night | tadi malam |
last week | minggu yang lalu |
last week | minggu lalu |
last year | tahun yang lalu |
last, end | akhir |
last, final | terakhir |
late (i.e. not on time) | terlambat |
late morning to mid afternoon | siang |
late this afternoon (spoken earlier in the day) | nanti sore |
lately, recently | akhir-akhir ini |
lately, recently | belakangan ini |
later | nanti |
later | nanti |
later this afternoon | nanti siang |
later tonight | nanti malam |
laundry | cucian |
lavish | boros |
law, the law (as a body of regulations or an area of study) | hukum |
lawyer | pengacara (acara) |
lazy | malas |
leak | bocor |
learn / study | belajar |
learner | pelajar |
least | paling sedikit |
lecture notes | catatan kuliah |
lecturer | dosen |
left | kiri |
left (direction) | kiri |
left, (the opposite of right) | kiri |
leg, foot | kaki |
legislation, the constitution | undang-undang |
lentils | kacang hijau |
leopard (spotted tiger) | macan tutul |
less, not so much, minus (in mathematical calculations) | kurang (mathematics) |
less..., not quite..., don't/doesn't really..., isn't/aren't really... | kurang +adjective |
lesson | pelajaran |
let | biarkan |
let go | dilepas |
Let me introduce ... | Kenalkan |
Let us (Let’s) ... | mari kita |
let's go (like ayo) | mari |
let's go! | ayo |
let's hope that, I hope that | mudah-mudahan |
letter | huruf |
letter, document | surat |
level | tingkat |
level | tingkat |
liar | pembohong |
liberty | istiqlal |
library | perpustakaan |
library | perpustakaan |
lie / untruth | bohong |
life | hidup |
life; livelihood; existence | kehidupan |
light (low, less) | ringan |
light (not dark ) | terang |
light (weight) | ringan |
light blue | biru muda |
light brown complexion | kuning langsat |
Light Rain | hujan gerimis |
lightning | kilat |
like | suka |
like (as in "fond" NOT "similar") | suka |
like (i.e. resembling) | seperti |
like (similar) / as | seperti |
like (similar) / as (same as seperti but slang) | bagai |
like a little | suka sedikit |
like a lot | suka sekali |
like most | paling suka |
like that (slang for begitu) | gitu |
limited, restricted | terbatas |
lion | singa |
listen | dengarkan |
listen (not dengar) | dengarkan |
listen (slang) | ngedengerin |
listen and repeat | dengarkan dan ulangi |
listen to this conversation | dengarkan percakapan ini |
listen/hear (not dengarkan) | dengar |
listening to music | mendengarkan musik |
literature | sastra |
little / small | kecil |
live | tinggal |
live | hidup |
liver | hati |
livestock | ternak |
loan | kredit |
lobby | lobi |
local content | muatan lokal |
local politician, official | pejabat |
located | terletak |
located, sited | terletak |
lodging / boarding | asrama |
logging | penebangan |
long | panjang |
long (of duration), old, longstanding, from the past | lama |
long (of things or distance) | panjang |
long (size) | panjang |
long (time) | lama |
long (time) | lama |
long beans | kacang panjang |
long for nose | mancung |
long sleeved | lengan panjang |
longer (time) | lebih lama |
look after | jaga |
look for / search | cari |
looking around | melihat-lihat |
looks like, it seems | kelihatannya |
lose | hilang |
lose (defeat in sport / battle) | kalah |
lots of people / crowded / busy | ramai |
lottery | lotre |
lounge room | kamar duduk |
love | cinta |
love | cinta |
love (romantic love) | cinta |
love (romantic) | cinta |
low | rendah |
loyal | setia |
loyal, faithful | setia |
luckily | untung |
lumps of rice boiled in packets made from woven leaves (a special food eaten at Idul Fitri) | ketupat |
lunch | makan siang |
lungs | paru-paru |
luxurious | mewah |
luxurious | mewah |
lyrics | lirik |
Maam/You | Ibu |
Maam/You | Bu |
machine | mesin |
made from | terbuat dari |
made in | buatan |
made in (eg made in china) | buatan |
magazine | majalah |
magazine | majalah |
magic, sorcery | sihir |
make, for, do | buat |
maker | pembuat |
malay | melayu |
male | laki-laki |
male | laki-laki |
male | laki-laki |
male | pria |
manage | kelola |
manage, look after (slang for mengurus) | ngurus |
manager | pemimpin |
mango | mangga |
mango | mangga |
mango juice | jus mangga |
mangosteen (a tropical fruit unrelated to mango) | manggis |
manly; male (for animal) | jantan |
many | banyak |
many / alot of / that's alot | banyak |
many / much | banyak |
many years | bertahun-tahun |
March | Maret |
margarine | margarin |
market | pasar |
market | pasar |
marriage | perkawinan |
married | menikah |
marry (slang supposed to be used for animals like "mating" so is impolite but people use it) | kawin |
mask | masker |
massage | pijat |
masters degree | S2 |
material, ingredient | bahan |
materials | bahan-bahan |
mathematics | matematika |
mathematics | ilmu pasti |
matter | hal |
matters requiring attention, affairs | urusan |
Maximum | maksimal |
May | Mei |
may (possibly) | mungkin |
May I ...? | boleh saya |
May I please ask for ... | Minta ... |
may, can. In reply to a question: Sure! No problem! Great! | boleh |
maybe | mungkin |
maybe i know | mungkin saya tahu |
maybe I want to drink tea | mungkin saya mau minum teh |
maybe it's over there | mungkin di sana |
maybe later | mungkin nanti |
maybe later in the evening | mungkin nanti malam |
maybe the shops are open tomorrow | mungkin tokonya buka besok |
maybe they're open | mungkin mereka buka |
maybe, probably, hopefully | barangkali |
me too | saya juga |
meaning, definition | arti |
means / meaning | artinya |
meat | daging |
meat market | pasar daging |
meatballs | bakso |
mechanical engineering | teknik mesin |
medicine | obat |
medicine | obat |
medicine | obat |
medium (of size) | sedang (size) |
meet | ketemu |
meet | bertemu |
meeting | rapat |
member | anggota |
members (religious community) | umat |
mentally disturbed | sakit jiwa |
messed up, random, disordered | acak |
messy | berantakan |
messy | gimbal |
method, manner, way | secara |
mid afternoon to early evening | sore |
midday (11 to 3) | siang |
middle | tengah |
middle school | Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) |
middle school (yrs 7-9, slang for sekolah menengah pertama) | SMP |
middle-level | menengah (tengah) |
milk | susu |
milk | susu |
milk | susu |
million | juta |
millions | berjuta-juta |
minced meat | daging cincang |
mini skirt | rok pendek |
Minimum | minimal |
mining | pertambangan |
mining (digging for minerals) | pertambangan |
minutes before the hour | kurang |
minutes past the hour | lebih |
mirror; to reflect | cermin |
misery, torment | sengsara |
misfortune / unlucky | sial |
mistake, error | salah |
mistake, error | salah |
mixed | campur |
mixed vegetables with peanut sauce | gado-gado |
modern | modern |
moments | saat-saat |
Monday | hari Senin |
money | uang |
money | uang |
Money Changer Office | kantor tukar uang |
money, 'dough', (informal/slangy) | duit |
monument | monumen |
moon, month | bulan |
more | lebih |
more | lebih banyak |
more, -er (when comparing qualities to quantities) | lebih |
moreover, in fact | bahkan |
morning | pagi |
morning | pagi |
mosque | mesjid |
mosque | masjid |
most | sebagian besar |
most | paling |
most of the | sebagian besar |
mother (used at home) | mamah |
mother, a lady, you (in addressing an elder female) | ibu |
motor vehicle registration certificate | Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan |
motor vehicle registration certificate (acronym) | STNK |
motorbike | sepeda motor |
motorcycle | motor |
mountain | gunung |
mountain | gunung |
mouse / rat | tikus |
moustache | kumis |
moustache | kumis |
moved around | pindah-pindah |
moving backward, retreat | mundur |
moving forward, advance | maju |
Mr / father / you / your | bapak |
Mr, sir (a title and term of address) | Pak |
Mrs | Ibu |
Mrs, madam | Bu |
Mrs. | Nyonya |
Mrs./mother/you/your | ibu |
muffler / exhaust | knalpot |
multi-coloured, colourful | berwarna-warni |
museum | museum |
music | musik |
music | musik |
must | harus |
must | harus |
must / should (not harus) | mesti |
must, have to | harus |
my | ~ku |
my (informal) | -ku |
my friend | teman saya |
my friends | teman-teman saya |
my husband | suami saya |
my husband wants to drink wine | suami saya mau minum anggur |
my name | nama saya |
My name is ... | nama saya |
my wife | istri saya |
my wife and i | istri saya dan saya |
my younger sibling | adik saya |
myself | diri saya |
name | nama |
name | nama |
nation, race | bangsa |
national | nasional |
national | nasional |
natural science | ilmu pengetahuan alam |
nature | alam |
nature, natural | alam |
nature. natural | alam |
naughty | nakal |
navy | angkatan laut |
near | di dekat |
near / close | dekat |
near to | di dekat |
nearby, close by | dekat |
nearest | terdekat |
neat | rapi |
neat, not messy, carefully done/made | rapi |
neck | leher |
neck tie | dasi |
necklace | kalung |
need | perlu |
need | perlu |
need rest | perlu istirahat |
needs | kebutuhan |
neighbor | tetangga |
neighbour | tetangga |
neighbouring | bertetanggaan |
neighbours | tetangga |
nephew / niece | keponakan |
nest | sarang |
never | tidak pernah |
never (the opposite of 'always') | tidak pernah |
new | baru |
New Year | Tahun Baru |
new years day | hari tahun baru |
New Zealand | Selandia Baru |
New Zealand | Selandia Baru |
news | kabar |
news | berita |
news | berita |
news (old fashioned term for news) | warta |
newspaper | koran |
newspaper | surat kabar |
newspaper | koran |
newspaper (old fashioned formal term for newspaper) | surat kabar |
next | yang akan datang |
next / in front of | depan |
next month | bulan depan |
next month | bulan depan |
next to, across | di sebelah |
next week | minggu depan |
next week | minggu depan |
next year | tahun depan |
next year | tahun depan |
night | malam |
night | malam |
night club | kelab malam |
nine | sembilan |
nine | sembilan |
nineteen | sembilan belas |
no (adjectives and verbs) | tidak |
no (nouns - "not a") | bukan |
no (nouns only) | bukan |
no (slang, very short) | tak |
no (verbs and adjectives) | tidak |
no for nouns (slang for bukan), often used as a tag question "isn't it" | kan |
no longer have the strength to carry on, unable to bear it any longer | tidak kuat |
no problem (slang for tidak apa-apa) | nggak pa-pa |
no way! | enak aja |
no, not (informal) | nggak |
no, not (informal) | ndak |
no, not (negating a verb, adjective, or preposition) | tidak |
noise | bunyi |
noisy | berisik |
noodles | mi |
normal / usual | biasa |
north | utara |
north east | timur laut |
north west | barat laut |
north, northern | utara |
nose | hidung |
not a burden | tidak keberatan |
not allowed / it is not permissible | tidak boleh |
not allowed to, shouldn't, can't (i.e. not permitted to) | tidak boleh |
not as good as, less good (this is the normal way of speaking, not "kurang baik") | tidak sebaik |
not as tall as, less tall (this is the normal way of speaking, not "kurang tinggi") | tidak setinggi |
not bad | lumayan |
not bad, quite good | lumayan |
not bored | nggak bosan |
not enough | tidak cukup |
not good (nice way of saying not good "tidak bagus") | kurang bagus |
not in rupiah | tidak di rupiah |
not much | tidak banyak |
not necessary (slang for tidak perlu) | nggak usah |
not now | tidak sekarang |
not smart (nice way of saying dumb "bodoh") | kurang pandai |
not there | nggak ada |
not true / not really | tidak benar |
not very..., not especially, not particularly... | tidak begitu |
not yet | belum |
not yet | belum |
not yet | belum |
not yet used to | belum biasa |
not yet. | belum |
not, no (when negating a noun) | bukan |
nothing, never mind, doesn't matter | tidak apa-apa |
nothing, why? | tidak apa-apa kenapa |
noun | kata dasar |
novel | novel |
November | November |
now | sekarang |
now | sekarang |
now | sekarang |
now (sekarang but slang) | kini |
number | nomor |
number | nomor |
number (such-and-such), such-and-such a number, in room number 6 | nomor |
nuts | kacang |
o'clock (the hour of) | jam |
o'clock (the hour of) (slang) / hit, punch | pukul |
o'clock[a marker word used to express the time of day in hours and minutes] | pukul |
oar, paddle | dayung |
obedient (especially obedient to religious laws) | taat |
obey | mematuhi |
October | Oktober |
of course | tentu saja |
of course | tentu |
of course | tentu saja |
off you go | sana |
offended, hurt (by what someone has said) | tersinggung |
office | kantor |
office | kantor |
office head | kepala kantor |
office worker | pegawai kantor |
office worker, employee | pegawai |
often | sering |
often | sering |
oh! (exclamation of surprise, admiration etc.) | wah |
oh! ouch! | waduh |
oh! ouch!, (an exclamation of pain, shock or surprise) | aduh! |
Oh, before I forget... | o ya |
oil | minyak |
oil | minyak |
oil, grease | minyak |
ok, tidy / neat | beres |
okay | baiklah |
okay, fine, very well | baiklah |
old | tua |
old | tua |
old / dark (color) | tua |
old fashioned (means parents in sundanese) | kolot |
older brother | abang |
older brother (slang for akang) | kang |
older brother or sister | kakak |
older sibling | kakak |
older sibling (short for kakak) | ka |
on condition that | asal |
on end of root word means two objects | kan |
on end of word eliminates necessity for first object in sentence | i |
on Sunday | pada hari Minggu |
on the corner of | di sudut |
on the left, on the lefthand side (of) | di sebelah kiri |
on the other side | di seberang |
on the right, on the righthand side (of) | di sebelah kanan |
on the side of (different groups) eg pihak golkar = supporter of Golkar | pihak |
on top of | di atas |
on, above, over | atas |
on, at, in (time) | pada |
once a week | sekali seminggu |
once more, once again | sekali lagi |
once, ever, at some time in the past | pernah |
one | satu |
one | satu |
one | satu |
one a week on.. | sekali seminggu pada |
one hundred | seratus |
one hundred | seratus |
one more | satu lagi |
one more week (one week again) | satu minggu lagi |
one oclock | jam satu |
one thousand | seribu |
one thousand five hundred | seribu lima ratus |
one thousand, a thousand | seribu |
one traditional style of Javanese roof | joglo |
oneself | sendiri |
onion | bawang |
only | hanya |
only | hanya |
only (like tetapi; hanya) | cuman |
only (new) | baru |
only (same as hanya) | cuma |
only / just | saja |
only, merely | melulu |
open | buka |
open spaces | lapangan |
open, open-minded | terbuka |
opening hours | jam buka |
opinion | pendapat |
opinion | pendapat |
opinion, according to | menurut |
opponent, against, versus (eg team1 lawan team2) | lawan |
opportunity | kesempatan |
or | atau |
or | atau |
or | atau |
or not when added to the end of a sentence. Instead of apakah | nggak |
or [when you are stressing, an 'either/or' contrast], (informal/slangy) | apa (conjunction) |
oral, verbal | lisan |
orange (color) | jingga |
orange juice | air jeruk |
oranges (fruit) | jeruk |
ordered, regular, successive, sequential | urut |
ordinary | biasa |
organisation | organisasi |
organisation / foundation | yayasan |
orphan | yatim |
other | lain |
other | lain |
other people | orang lain |
our / we / us (excluding the person addressed) | kami |
our / we / us (including the person addressed) | kita |
our girl is little | anak perempuan kami kecil |
our home | rumah kami |
our little girl | anak perempuan kecil kami |
outdoor area | daerah luar |
outside | di luar |
outside | di luar |
outside | luar |
outwardly and inwardly | lahir dan batin |
over there | di sana |
over there | sana |
over there (javanese for sana but used in jakarta) | sono |
overcome, solve | tanggulangi |
overseas, abroad | di luar negeri |
own (to possess) | memiliki |
owned | milik |
pacific ocean | samudra pasifik |
package | paket |
package | paket |
packaging | kemasan |
packets of ... | bungkus |
paddy field | sawah |
page, yard, leaf | halaman |
pair, couple / assemble something / rise (of the tide) | pasang |
palace | kraton |
palm oil | sawit |
pants | celana |
papa, father, dad | papi |
paper | kertas |
parents | orang tua |
parents (slangy abbreviation) | ortu |
park | taman |
parking lot | tempat parkir |
part | bagian |
participate / join | ikut |
particularly, the more so, especially | apalagi |
Partly Cloudy | sebagian berawan |
party | pesta |
passenger | penumpang (tumpang) |
passenger | penumpang |
passport | paspor |
past (time) | lampau |
past (when telling the time), to go past | lewat |
patient (in health care) | pasien |
patient, tolerant | sabar |
pay | bayar |
Peace | Salam |
peaceful | damai |
peanuts | kacang tanah |
peeping, perving, voyeur | intip |
pen | pena |
pension, retirement annuity | pensiun |
pension, retirement money | pensiun |
people | orang-orang |
people / nation | bangsa |
people / person | orang |
people, humans | manusia |
pepper | merica |
pepper | merica |
percent | persen |
perfect, impeccable, flawless | sempurna |
performance | pementasan |
permission | ijin |
permission, a permit to ask for permission | izin |
person | orang |
person, man/woman | orang |
personality | kepribadian |
petrol / gasoline | bensin |
petrol station (gas station) | pompa bensin |
petrol tank (gas tank) | tangki bensin |
petrol, gasoline | bensin |
pets (animals looked after) | binatang peliharaan |
pharmacy / chemist | apotek |
PHD | S3 |
philosopher | ahli filsafat |
philosopher | filsuf |
philosophy | falsafah |
philosophy | filsafat |
physics | fisika |
pick up | jemput |
picture, drawing, image | gambar |
pigeon, dove | merpati |
pilgrimage | ziarah |
pimp | germo |
pineapple | nanas |
pink | merah muda |
pink (alternative based on a fruit) | merah jambu |
pirate | bajak laut |
pity (darling) | sayang |
place | tempat |
place of work | tempat kerja |
plan | rencana |
plan / program | rencana |
plan/program of action | program |
plant | tanaman |
plate | piring |
plate, the dishes | piring |
play | main |
playing basket ball | bermain bola basket |
playing cards | bermain kartu |
playing guitar | bermain gitar |
playing soccer | bermain sepak bola |
playing table tennis | bermain tenis meja |
playing volleyball | bermain bola voli |
pleasant (talking about your surroundings) | nyaman |
pleasant, comfortable | nyaman |
pleasant, nice, enjoyable | menyenangkan (senang) |
please | tolong |
please (go ahead and...) | silakan |
please (help me) | tolong |
please (invite to do something) | silahkan |
Please do | Silakan |
please explain | tolong jelaskan |
please fill in this form | tolong mengisi formulir ini |
please give me some dollars | tolong berikan saya sedikit uang dollar |
Please go to.. | silahkan ke |
please help by | tolong |
please repeat | tolong ulangi |
please, c'mon, let's, good bye | mari |
plural marker for human beings | para |
plus (in mathematical, calculations) | tambah |
plus or minus (used the same way people say "plus or minus" when giving estimates in english eg "plus or minus five items", but indonesians say minus plus) | kurang lebih |
pneumonia | radang paru-paru |
pocket money | uang saku |
point out | tunjuk |
pointed (of nose) | mancung |
police | polisi |
police officer | polisi |
police station | kantor polisi |
Police Station | kantor polisi |
police, police officer | polisi |
polite | sopan |
polite address, a greeting | sapa |
polite, courteous | sopan |
political science | ilmu politik |
pollution | polusi |
polo shirt | kemeja polo |
poor | miskin |
poor | miskin |
poor thing | kasihan |
poor you | kasihan |
popular | populer |
population, resident | penduduknya |
populist, like the common man | merakyat |
pork | babi |
pork | daging babi |
porridge | bubur |
port | pelabuhan |
possessed | kesurupan |
possibly | bisa jadi |
possibly, maybe, perhaps, possible, may | mungkin |
post office | kantor pos |
Post Office | kantor pos |
potato | kentang |
potatoes | kentang |
powdered milk | susu bubuk |
power / energy | tenaga |
power, authority (might) | kuasa |
power, force, energy | daya |
practical | praktis |
practice | praktek |
practice, exercise | latihan |
practicing | berlatih |
prawn crackers | kerupuk |
prawns / shrimp | udang |
pray | berdoa |
prayer | sholat |
prayer | solat |
prayer room (for Muslims), a small mosque | musala |
prediction | prediksi |
preferably, it would be good if..., it would be better to..., should | sebaiknya |
prefix meaning "most/ best" for adjectives, or completed for verbs | ter- |
pregnant (for animals) | bunting |
pregnant (for people) | hamil |
present (gift) | hadiah |
presentation | presentasi |
presents, gifts | hadiah |
president | presiden |
prestigious | bergengsi |
pretend | pura-pura |
pretending to know everything | sok tau |
pretty for girls | cantik |
pretty, beautiful, (describing the appearance, of girls/women) | cantik |
pretty, good-looking, 'spunky', 'hot', (informal/slangy) | cakep |
prevention, to stop something | pencegahan |
primary school (yrs 1-6, slang for sekolah dasar) | SD |
primary school / elementary school | sekolah dasar (sd) |
prime minister | perdana menteri |
private (i.e. not state-owned) | swasta |
private (ownership) | swasta |
private / personal | pribadi |
problem | masalah |
problem | masalah |
problems, issues | masalah |
process | proses |
production | produksi |
progress | kemajuan |
project | proyek |
promise, appointment | janji |
promise, appointment, date | janji |
pronunciation | ucapan |
prophet | nabi |
protect | jaga |
Protestant church | gereja protestan |
proud | bangga |
proud | bangga |
province | provinsi |
public (not umum) | publik |
public / general (not publik) | umum |
public opinion | pendapat umum |
public toilet | wc umum |
public, general | umum |
pull (root word for menarik, tertarik) | tarik |
pump attendant | tukang pompa |
punctual, on time | tepat waktu |
pupil / student | murid |
purchases (purchased items) | belian |
purple | ungu |
quality | kualitas |
quality | mutu |
quarantine | karantina |
quarter to or quarter past the | seperempat |
question | pertanyaan |
question | pertanyaan |
question marker for 'yes/no' questions | apakah |
queue | antri |
quiet (base word) | sepi |
quiet (of a person) | pendiam (diam) |
quiet (of a person) | pendiam |
quiet (slang) | nyepi |
quiet / serene / calm | tenang |
quiet person | pendiam |
quiet, lonely, deserted | sepi |
quite, pretty (adverb), enough | cukup |
quiz | kuis |
radio | radio |
rain | hujan |
Rain | hujan |
raised | dibesarkan |
raised / grown up | dibesarkan |
rambutan fruit) | rambutan |
rare | langka |
rare, endangered | langka |
rarely, seldom | jarang |
rather | agak |
rather | agak |
rationality; common sense; reason | akal |
raw | mentah |
read | baca |
ready | siap |
ready | siap |
really good | benar-benar bagus |
Really! Really?, Is that so! | O begitu! |
really, truly, genuinely | betul-betul |
reason, excuse | alasan |
recently | baru-baru ini |
reception area (in a house) | ruang tamu |
record (old style vinyl LP) | piringan hitam |
red | merah |
red onion | bawang merah |
reddish | kemerah-merahan |
reef | terumbu |
refined, well-spoken | halus |
refined; well-mannered | halus |
regarding, concerning, against | terhadap |
region | daerah |
region | kawasan |
region | wilayah |
region (like daerah) | wilayah |
relationships | hubungan |
relative | relatip |
relative pronoun; that is, who is, which is; "I like 'the one thats' red" = "saya suka yang merah" | yang |
relax | santai |
relax | santai |
relaxing (jakarta slang) | nyantai |
religion | agama |
religion | agama |
religious giving, charity | zakat |
religious prophet | nabi |
remember | ingat |
repeat | ulangi |
report (document) | laporan |
research | riset |
researcher | peneliti (teliti) |
respect | hormat |
restaurant | restoran |
restaurant (r) | restoran |
restaurant (rm) | rumah makan |
result, consequence | akibat |
result, yield | hasil |
retired | pensiun |
return | kembali |
revelation | wahyu |
revenue stamps (stamp duty) | meterai |
reverse, upside down | balik |
rhinoceros | badak |
rhinoceros | badak |
ribs | iga |
rice (as it grows in a paddy field or dry field), a rice plant | padi |
rich | kaya |
rich | kaya |
riddle, puzzle, problem | teka teki |
ride | naik |
right | kanan |
right (direction) | kanan |
right away | langsung |
right, (the opposite of left) | kanan |
right? | betul |
ring | cin-cin |
river | sungai |
roasted; to roast | panggang |
roof | atap |
roof | atap |
roof sheeting, zinc | seng |
room | kamar |
room | kamar |
rooming house rental | kos |
root, a plant root | akar |
rope | tali |
rose | mawar |
roughly / about | kira-kira |
roughly / approximately | kira-kira |
roughly, about, approximately | kira-kira |
round | bulat |
route | rute |
rubbish, trash | sampah |
rude / coarse | kasar |
rug | permadani |
ruler, liner | penggaris |
rundown, decayed | bobrok |
rupiah (Indonesia's unit of currency) | rupiah |
Russia | Rusia |
sacred | suci |
sad | sedih |
sad, to feel sadness | sedih |
safe (from trouble), Also: Congratulations! | selamat |
safe (good) | selamat |
safe, secure | aman |
said | bilang |
said when expressing sympathy (also kasihan) | kasian |
salad | salat |
salt | garam |
salty eggs | telur asin |
same as sedang if before the verb, means again if after the verb | lagi |
same, similar (not serupa) | sama |
sand | pasir |
sandals | sandal |
satay (grilled meat on a stick) | sate |
satisfied | puas |
Saturday | hari Sabtu |
saturday night | sabtu malam |
saturday night (night before sunday) | malam minggu |
Saudi Arabia | Arab Saudi |
savings account | tabungan |
say | katakan |
say | bilang |
say again | katakan lagi |
say that | katakan bahwa |
says (very formal written) | mengatakan |
scarf | selendang |
school | sekolah |
school | sekolah |
school principal | kepala sekolah |
school student | siswa |
school student | siswa |
science | ilmu pengetahuan |
science, esoteric knowledge | ilmu |
science, knowledge | ilmu |
script, text, document | naskah |
sea | laut |
season | musim |
seasoning, spice | bumbu |
seat | tempat duduk |
seat cushion | bantal kursi |
second (ordinal number) | kedua |
secretly | diam-diam |
section / part | bagian |
see | lihat |
See you later | Sampai nanti |
see you tomorrow / until tomorrow | sampai besok |
seed | biji |
seek / look for | mencari |
seldom / rarely | jarang |
seldom, rarely, not often | jarang |
self | sendiri |
self | diri |
self, by oneself (without help from anyone), alone | sendiri |
self-confident | percaya diri |
sell | jual |
sent / send | kirim |
separate | pisah |
September | September |
service, usefulness | jasa |
seven | tujuh |
seven | tujuh |
seven | tujuh |
seventeen | tujuh belas |
seventy six | tujuh puluh enam |
several, some | beberapa |
sex (general subject of sex) | seks |
shadow puppet (traditonal indonesian) | wayang-kulit |
shady (ie shadow) | teduh |
shallot | bawang merah |
shark | hiu |
she is little | dia kecil |
She is my mother | dia ibu saya |
She is named Rihanna | Dia bernama Rihanna |
She is Rihanna | Dia Rihanna |
ship | kapal |
ship | kapal |
shipped, sent | dikirim |
shirt (with buttons) | kemeja |
shoe | sepatu |
shoe | sepatu |
shoes | sepatu |
shop | toko |
shop | toko |
shopping | berbelanja |
shopping mall | mal |
short | pendek |
short | pendek |
short | pendek |
short sleeved | lengan pendek |
shorts | celana pendek |
shorts | celana pendek |
should | seharusnya |
should, ought to | seharusnya |
shoulders | bahu |
shout / pay for someone | traktir |
shrimp crackers | kerupuk |
shrimp paste | terasi |
shy | malu |
shy person | pemalu |
sick, ill | sakit |
sick, painful, hurt | sakit |
sih is an interjection discourse particle (DP). It is used to add emphasis to the question or statement, expressing curiosity or assertiveness: mau apa sih? (“what do you want?”); ada apa sih? (“what’s going on?”) | sih |
silicone | silikon |
silly / stupid | bodoh |
silver (also slang for rupiah) | perak |
similar | mirip |
similar, alike, identical (not sama) | serupa |
simple | sederhana |
simple | sederhana |
since | sejak |
since | sejak |
since this morning | sejak pagi ini |
since when | sejak kapan |
sincere | tulus |
sincerity | ketulusan |
sinful, wicked, evil, nasty | jahat |
sing | bernyanyi |
sing | nyanyi |
Singapore | Singapura |
Singapore (lit. lion temple) | singapura |
Sir / Father | Pak |
Sir/You | Bapak |
Sir/You | Pak |
sit | duduk |
sitting room, lounge room | ruang keluarga |
six | enam |
six | enam |
six | enam |
sixty | enam puluh |
size, measurement | ukuran |
skill | keterampilan |
skin | kulit |
skirt | rok |
sky | langit |
slang for homework (pekerjaan rumah) | PR |
sleep | tidur |
sleepy (slang) | ngantuk |
slippers | selop |
slow | lambat |
slow / slowly | pelan |
slower (more slow) | lebih pelan |
slowly | pelan-pelan |
small | kecil |
small | kecil |
small and narrow, chinky of eyes | sipit |
small hotel | losmen |
small streetside eatery | warung |
smart | pandai |
smart ass, know it all | sok pintar |
smart, clever (same as pandai) | pintar |
smell | bau |
smile | senyum |
smoke, smog | asap |
smoke, vapor, fumes | asap |
smooth, fluent | lancar |
snackfood | makanan kecil |
snake | ular |
snow | salju |
Snowy | bersalju |
so ... after all, it turns out that ... after all | ternyata |
so far | sampai sekarang |
so so, not so good | kurang begitu |
so that | sehingga |
so that | supaya |
so that | sehingga |
so that (incidental, accidental) | sehingga |
so that (intent, purpose, in order to) | supaya |
so that (same as supaya) | biar |
so that, in order to | supaya |
so, like this, this way | begini |
so, therefore, thus | jadi |
so, therefore, thus | jadi |
so, thus (not maka) | jadi |
soap | sabun |
social science | ilmu pengetahuan sosial |
sociology | sosiologi |
socks | kaus kaki |
soil, land (place) | tanah |
some (noun) | ada yang, ada ____ yang |
some / a few | beberapa |
some friends | beberapa teman |
some other time | lain kali |
some people | ada orang yang |
someone's age, how old someone is | umur |
someone's appearance, the way someone presents themselves | penampilan (tampil) |
someone's attitude | sikap |
someone's face | wajah |
someone's face, the front part of something | muka |
someone's gaze, an opinion/view about something | pandangan |
something | sesuatu |
something | sesuatu |
something | sesuatu |
something wrong you did by mistake (from arabic) | khilaf |
sometimes, occasionally, from time to time | kadang-kadang |
sophisticated, advanced, high-tech | canggih |
Sorry / excuse me | maaf |
Sorry, I apologise | maaf |
Sorry, you can’t! | maaf tidak boleh |
soul | hayat |
soul / spirit | jiwa |
soup | sup |
soup | sop |
source | sumber |
south | selatan |
south east | tenggara |
south kalimantan (acronym for kalimantan selatan) | kalsel |
south west | barat daya |
south, southern | selatan |
souvenirs | oleh-oleh |
soya bean biscuit, tempeh | tempe |
Spain | spanyol |
speak | bicara |
speaking | bicaranya |
special | istimewa |
special / unique | khusus |
special, exceptional, out of the ordinary | istimewa |
special, specific (adjective) | khusus |
spectacles / glasses | kacamata |
spelling | ejaan |
spendthrift, extravagant (in spending money) | royal |
spices, seasonings | rempah |
spicy | pedas |
spicy hot | pedas |
spicy noodles | mi pedas |
spiky for hair | berdiri tegak |
spoon | sendok |
sport | olahraga |
sport | olahraga |
spotted | tutul |
spotted/ freckled | berbintik |
squid | cumi-cumi |
stabbing someone | tikam |
staff / worker | pegawai |
stage, raised platform | panggung |
stairs | tangga |
star | bintang |
starfish | bintang laut |
starting to get cold (start cold) | mulai dingin |
startled, surprised, amazed | heran |
statue | patung |
stay / live | tinggal |
steal | curi |
steep | terjal |
steering wheel | setir |
step one | langkah satu |
step two | langkah dua |
stiff, unbending force | kaku |
still | masih |
still (adverb) | masih |
still (continuing) | masih |
still / continue (slang from betawi. Also spelt "tetap". Same meaning as masih) | tetep |
still, permanent | tetap |
stingy | pelit |
stir | aduk |
stone / rock | batu |
stone pestle and mortar | ulekan batu |
storeroom, warehouse | gudang |
Stormy | berbadai |
story | cerita |
story | cerita |
story / tale | cerita |
stove, (including the small, benchtop stove) | kompor |
straight | lurus |
straight | lurus |
strait | selat |
strange, weird, puzzling | aneh |
street | jalan |
street, road | jalan |
strict, tight | ketat |
striped | bergaris |
strong | kuat |
strong | kuat |
struggle | juang |
student lesson | pelajaran |
students | murid-murid |
stupid | bodoh |
stupid | bego |
stupid! (rude word) | goblok |
stupid, dumb (slang, same meaning as bodoh) | bego |
style | gaya |
style, manner | gaya |
stylish, trendy | keren |
subject | mata pelajaran |
subordinates (people under boss) | anak buah |
subtraction, minus (in mathematics) | kurang |
successsful | sukses |
such-and-such a date | tanggal |
suck | sedot |
suddenly | tiba-tiba |
suffer | menderita |
sugar | gula |
sugar | gula |
suggestion, advice | saran |
suit jacket | jas |
suitable | cocok |
sulking | mgambek |
sum, total, quantity, number | jumlah |
summer | musim panas |
summer (hot season) | musim panas |
sun | matahari |
sun glasses | kacamata hitam |
Sunday | hari Minggu |
Sunny | cerah |
sunrise | matahari terbit |
sunset | matahari terbenam |
super market | pasar swalayan |
supports | dukung |
supposing, supposing that, in the event that... | andai kata |
surfer | peselancar |
surfing | berselancar |
surgery | bedah |
surprised | terkejut |
surprised, startled | terkejut |
surprising | mengherankan (heran) |
surrender, give up | serah |
survey, poll | angket |
suspected | diduga |
suspicious | curiga |
sweater | baju hangat |
sweater / jumper | baju sweter |
sweet | manis |
sweet | manis |
swimming | berenang |
swimming pool | kolam renang |
swimming pool | kolam renang |
sword fighter | pendekar |
system | sistem |
system | sistem |
system, order | tata |
T-Junction | pertigaan |
T-shirt | baju kaus |
table | meja |
table | meja |
table spoon | sendok makan |
tail (slang for seekor, classifier for animals) | ekor |
tailor | tukang jahit |
take | ambil |
take | mengambil |
take | ambil |
take/bring/escort someone | mengantar |
take/took | ambil |
talent | bakat |
talkative | cerewet |
talking (slang, everyone says this, not bicara) | ngomong |
tall | tinggi |
tall, high | tinggi |
tall, high | tinggi |
tangled, disordered | kusut |
task | tugas |
taste / feeling | perasaan |
taste, appetite | selera |
taste, appetite | selera |
tasty / delicious | enak |
taxi | taksi |
taxi driver | sopir taksi |
tea | teh |
tea | teh |
tea for both of us | teh untuk kami berdua |
teach | mengajar |
teach / learn (base word) | ajar |
teacher | guru |
teacher | guru |
teak | kayu jati |
team (from english) | tim |
team (indonesian word) | regu |
tears | air mata |
teens | belas |
telephone | telepon |
telephone | telepon |
television | televisi |
television set, television | televisi |
Tell me if ...? (Requires “yes/no” answer) | Apakah |
tell you (slang for kasih tahu) | ngasih tahu |
temperature | suhu |
Temperature | suhu |
temperature | suhu |
temple | pura |
temple | pura |
temple | candi |
ten | sepuluh |
ten | sepuluh |
ten | sepuluh |
ten thousand rupiah | sepuluh ribu rupiah |
tennis | tenis |
tennis court | lapangan tenis |
tens | puluh |
tent / shelter | tenda |
terrain, land, earth | bumi |
terrific | hebat |
terrific, great (not bagus) | hebat |
test, experiment | uji |
text book | buku teks |
than | daripada |
than | daripada |
than "this is better than that" (slang for daripada) | dari (pada) |
thank you | terima kasih |
thank you | terima kasih |
thank you | terima kasih |
thank you (in sundanese) | nuhun |
thank you (short form) | makasih |
Thank you for ... | Terima kasih atas |
thank you very much | terima kasih banyak |
that | bahwa |
that (b) | bahwa |
that (informal/slangy demonstrative pronoun) | tuh |
that - the same as itu but you can't see, point at it. need: noun + tersebut | tersebut |
that - when used as a conjunction the same as bahwa. It is commonly spoken more than "bahwa" | kalau |
that / that is a ... | itu |
that / those | yang |
that boy is big (grown up) | yang laki-laki besar |
that is (ya itu) | yaitu |
That is my mother | Itu ibu saya |
that one | yang itu |
that's a shame / what a pity (pity very) | sayang sekali |
that's all | sekian |
that's alot of money | banyak uang |
that's enough, that will do | sudah cukup |
that's fine, no problem, no worries | tidak apa-apa |
that's it! | begitu lah |
that's too much | kebanyakan |
that, those | itu |
that, which, who (relative pronoun) | yang |
that; conjunction (joining clauses) eg "I know that you're good" | bahwa |
that; demonstrative pronoun; replaces a noun eg "I want that" | itu |
that’s not possible! | tidak mungkin |
the (adjective) one | yang + (adjective) |
the (fuel) tank | tangkinya |
the (human) body | tubuh |
the - definite article determiner. Only for people, animals. Put before people's names when talking about them in 3rd person eg di mana si Tina? | si |
the air | udara |
the atmosphere (of a place) | suasana |
the back | punggung |
the big one | yang besar |
The Botanical Garden (in Bogor) | Kebun Raya |
the brain | otak |
the breath | napas |
the buttocks | pantat |
the centre | pusat |
the contents of something | isi |
the contents of something | isi |
the correct route (route that's true) | rute yang benar |
the cost of a service, the charge of a service, the fare | ongkos |
the cost, the rate | tarif |
the day after tomorrow | lusa |
the day before | hari sebelumnya |
the day before yesterday | kemarin dulu |
the dry season | musim kemarau |
the edge | tepi |
the end | berakhir |
the end (of an object, i.e. the furthermost, extremity of something) | ujung |
the entire, the whole | seluruh |
the fasting month | bulan puasa |
the festival of Ied, the (usually two) days of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month | Idul Fitri |
the field of.. | bidang |
the first | pertama |
the five philosophical pillars of indonesia | pancasila |
the food served at a meal | hidangan |
The formal version of "bisa". In other words, "able to do something" | dapat |
the future | masa depan |
the government | pemerintah |
the head of a regency or a, sub-provincial district | bupati |
the head of a sub-district | camat |
the heart | jantung |
the idea of writing (abstract noun eg the writing of the constitution) | penulisan |
the intestines, the guts, bowels | usus |
the item you're writing (concrete noun) | tulisan |
the key is... / the secret is... | kuncinya |
The Koran (the holy book of Islam) | Al-Qur'an |
the land / earth | bumi |
the last time I was angry.. | terakhir kali saya marah |
the lips | bibir |
the lowest possible price | harga mati |
the lungs | paru-paru |
the main thing is | pokoknya |
the meaning | artinya |
the middle of the night, late at night | larut malam |
the moderator | moderator |
the monetary value of something, a value, a norm, norms | nilai |
the most | paling |
the mouth | mulut |
The Netherlands East Indies | Hindia Belanda |
The Netherlands, Holland | Belanda |
the newspaper | koran itu |
the next day, the following day | besoknya |
the nose | hidung |
the one over there | yang di sana |
the only one | satu-satunya |
the other one | yang lain |
the outside, the exterior | luar |
the parliament | parlemen |
the past | masa lampau |
the past | masa lampau |
the past | masa lalu |
The Philippines | Filipina |
the points of the compass | mata angin |
the present nowadays | masa kini |
the price of something | harga |
the rainy season | musim hujan |
the real thing, genuine, not imitation | asli |
the result of one's work | hasil kerja |
the same, with, together with (in informal usage), and | sama |
the sea | laut |
the second | kedua |
the sky | langit |
the store/stores | tokonya |
the stores are closed | tokonya tutup |
the stores are not open in the morning | tokonya tidak buka di pagi hari |
the story | ceritanya |
the streets | jalanan |
the study (of something), studies (in a certain field | studi |
the things you have to do (as part of a job), a task, duties, obligations | tugas |
The United States of America | Amerika Serikat |
the use of something | pemakaian (pakai) |
the visit (noun) | ada kunjungan |
the whole family | sekeluarga |
the ____th (of number) | yang ke- |
then | kemudian |
then | kemudian |
then | lalu |
then (after that) | kemudian |
then / continue | terus |
then to the left | kemudian ke kiri |
then, after that, Then? Then what?, What happened then? | lalu |
there / is it there? / it's over there | di sana |
there are / are there | ada |
there are five people | ada lima orang |
there are two hundred kilometers to Bandung | ada dua ratus kilometer ke Bandung |
there is gas in the car | ada bensin dalam mobil |
there is, there are, to be present, to be in, to be at home | ada |
there, over there | di sana |
they / them | mereka |
they say (that) | katanya |
they're big | mereka besar |
they're here | mereka di sini |
they, their | mereka |
they/them/their | mereka |
thick | tebal |
thick | tebal |
Thick Fog | berkabut tebal |
thief | pencuri |
thin | tipis |
thin / skinny | kurus |
thin, skinny | kurus |
thing (things, of thing, it), situation, circumstance | hal |
thing, goods, piece of merchandise | barang |
think | pikir |
thirsty | haus |
thirteen | tiga belas |
thirty | tiga puluh |
thirty three | tiga puluh tiga |
this | ini |
this | ini |
this | ini |
this (slang for ini) | nih |
this afternoon (spoken in the morning) | nanti siang |
this afternoon (spoken later in the day) | tadi siang |
this afternoon (spoken later) | tadi sore |
this evening / tonight | malam ini |
this is ... | inilah |
This is ... (when you are introducing someone) | kenalkan |
this is me | ini saya |
This is my mother | ini ibu saya |
This is Rihanna | Ini Rihanna |
this month | bulan ini |
this morning (spoken later in the day) | tadi pagi |
this newspaper | koran ini |
this newspaper is too expensive | koran ini terlalu mahal |
this one | yang ini |
this restaurant is crowded | restoran ini penuh |
this tea is for you | teh ini untuk anda |
this week | minggu ini |
this word, what does it mean | kata ini artinya apa |
this year | tahun ini |
this, at the moment, now | nih |
thought | pikiran |
thousand | ribu |
thousands | ribuan |
thousands | ribu |
thousands | ribuan |
threatened | terancam |
three | tiga |
three | tiga |
three | tiga |
three times a week | tiga kali seminggu |
throat | tenggorokan |
through | melalui |
throw away, dump | buang |
thunder | guntur |
Thunderstorm | berbadai guntur |
Thursday | hari Kamis |
thus | demikian |
thus (not jadi) | maka |
ticket | karcis |
tie (neck tie) | dasi |
tiger | harimau |
tiger | harimau |
tiger (not harimau) | macan |
time | waktu |
time | waktu |
time | waktu |
time of youth ("in my younger days.." common expression among elderly) | waktu muda |
time/period (not waktu) | masa |
times (frequency eg 2 times = dua kali) | kali |
times, a time | kali |
timezone of west indonesia (acronym for waktu indonesia barat) | WIB |
tired | capai |
tired | capai |
tired (slangy) | capek / capai |
tired from working (no preposition) | capek kerja |
title, heading | judul |
to | ke |
to | ke |
to 'treat' someone, to 'shout' someone, to pay for someone | traktir |
to (for people) | kepada |
to (preposition), towards, in direction of | ke |
to (when you are talking about something that is directed towards an individual or a group of people, not a place) | kepada |
to add | menambahkan (tambahkan) |
to add to something | menambah (tambah) |
to admit, confess | akui |
to advance, go forward | maju |
to advice | menasihatkan (nasihatkan) |
to affect | dampak |
to agree | setuju |
to answer | menjawab (jawab) |
to answer the phone, to take a phone call | terima telepon |
to apologise, to ask for forgiveness | mohon maaf |
to apologise, to ask for forgiveness | minta maaf |
to appear | timbul |
to appear to be, to seem | tampak |
to apply | lamar |
to apply for (a job), to formally ask for a woman's hand in marriage | melamar |
to appraise, value, grade, rate, score | menilai |
to arrange something, to regulate something | mengatur (atur) |
to arrive | tiba |
to arrive in/at (a place), to reach (a destination) | sampai di + name of places |
to ask | tanya |
to ask (a question) | bertanya |
to ask along, invite | ajak |
to ask for assistance/help | minta tolong |
to ask for something, to request | minta |
to ask someone for something (respectfully) | mohon |
to assemble, to gather, to come together | berkumpul |
to assist, help | membantu |
to attend a lecture, to go to a lecture | ikut kuliah |
to be a follower of such-and-such a religion | beragama |
to be a speaker of a language | berbahasa |
to be able to | sanggup |
to be able to do something | bisa |
to be accompanied | diantar |
to be alive, to live | hidup |
to be allowed | diizinkan |
to be alone | menyendiri |
to be annoyed | sebal |
to be answered | dijawab |
to be arranged | diatur |
to be aware, to be conscious | sadar |
to be boiled | direbus |
to be born | lahir |
to be borrowed | dipinjam |
to be bought | dibeli |
to be brushed | disikat |
to be built | dibangun |
to be carried | dibawa |
to be closed | ditutup |
to be colonised | dijajah |
to be compared | dibandingkan |
to be contagious, infectious | jangkit |
to be cut off | dipotong |
to be dependent | tergantung |
to be done | dilakukan |
to be drunk | diminum |
to be eaten | dimakan |
to be fetched, to be removed | diambil |
to be filled in/out | diisi |
to be fixed | diperbaiki |
to be given something | diberikan |
to be given to someone, to have something attached on | diberi |
to be going steady, to be boyfriend and girlfriend | berpacaran |
to be going steady, to be dating, to be going out with | pacaran |
to be good at (doing something), clever, intelligent, smart | pandai |
to be held | dipegang |
to be honest, to be quite frank, frankly speaking | terus terang |
to be impressed | terkesan |
to be in contact with, to have a connection with | berhubungan |
to be in power, to be the dominant force | berkuasa |
to be invited | diajak |
to be ironed | diseterika |
to be kept | disimpan |
to be lowered | diturunkan |
to be made | dibuat |
to be mixed | dicampur |
to be of the same age | seumur |
to be of the same opinion | sependapat |
to be offended | sakit hati |
to be opened | dibuka |
to be placed | ditaruh |
to be planted | ditanam |
to be quiet | diam |
to be quiet, peaceful | tenang |
to be read | dibaca |
to be recognised (as/by) | dikenal |
to be reduced | dikurangi |
to be refused, rejected, turned down | ditolak |
to be repeated | diulang |
to be replaced | diganti |
to be responsible | bertanggung jawab |
to be returned | dikembalikan |
to be scared, to be afraid | takut |
to be seen, to be looked at | dilihat |
to be sent | dikirim |
to be sewn | dijahit |
to be short of | kekurangan |
to be shut/closed (for a holiday etc.), to have time off (from work/school etc.) | libur |
to be sold | dijual |
to be stirred | diaduk |
to be struck by something, to be adversely affected by | kena |
to be struck, hit | kena |
to be successful, to have success, to succeed | berhasil |
to be such-and-such an age, to be so many years old | berumur |
to be sung | dinyanyikan |
to be taken upwards | dinaikkan |
to be thrown away | dibuang |
to be told to do something | disuruh |
to be traded | diperjualbelikan |
to be treated | diobati |
to be tried on | dicoba |
to be unemployed, to be doing nothing | menganggur (anggur) |
to be upset by | diganggu |
to be used | digunakan |
to be used to | sudah biasa |
to be useful, helpful | bermanfaat |
to be visited | dikunjungi |
to be washed | dicuci |
to be willing | bersedia |
to be wished, desired | diinginkan |
to be wrapped | dibungkus |
to be written | ditulis |
to become, to be | menjadi (jadi) |
to begin, to start, to make a beginning | mulai |
to believe | percaya |
to bleed | berdarah |
to boil | merebus |
to boil | merebus (rebus) |
to borrow something | meminjam (pinjam) |
to borrow something | pinjam |
to break | pecah |
to break a promise | mengingkar janji |
to break your fast, to have a meal in the evening after a day of fasting | berbuka puasa |
to breed (animals) | kembang biak |
to bring | bawa |
to brush your teeth | menggosok gigi |
to brush, slide, grate | geser |
to build/construct something | membangun |
to build/construct something | membangun (bangun) |
to burn, to light, to ignite | menyala |
to buy | beli |
To buy (something) | membeli |
to buy something | membeli (beli) |
to buy something for someone (slang for membelikan) | ngebeliin |
to call, summon | panggil |
to camp, camping | berkemah |
to care | mengasuh |
to care about | peduli |
to care about, pay attention to | peduli |
to carry something | menggendong (gendong) |
to carry, bring | bawa |
to catch | menangkap (tangkap) |
to catch a cold | masuk angin |
to cause | sebab |
to change | mengubah |
to change | merubah |
to change, to alter | mengubah (ubah) |
to change, to evolve, to be different from before | berubah |
to chant Allahu Akbar (God is Great) in chorus over and over | takbiran |
to chat | bercakap-cakap |
to chat | obrol |
to chat, to talk about something (informal) | ngobrol |
to choose | memilih (pilih) |
to choose | memilih |
to claim, demand | tuntut |
to clap (slang - a passive transitive inflection and colloquial contraction of bertepuk tangan) | tepukin |
to clean | membersihkan |
to clean something | membersihkan (bersihkan) |
to close | tutup |
to comb (e.g. your hair) | menyisir (sisir) |
to comb (slang) | nyisir |
to comb your hair | bersisir |
to combine, to merge | menggabungkan (gabungkan) |
to come | datang |
to come home, to go home | pulang |
to come, arrive | datang |
to come/go down, to descend, to get out (of a vehicle), to disembark | turun |
to compete | bertanding |
to conduct an interview | berwawancara |
to conduct an interview with someone | mewawancarai (wawancarai) |
to consider | anggap |
to consider about something | pikir-pikir |
to consider as | menganggap (anggap) |
to cook | masak |
to cook | memasakkan |
to cough | batuk |
to count | hitung |
to count something | menghitung (hitung) |
to count, calculate | hitung |
to cry | menangis (tangis) |
to cry (slang from menangis) | nangis |
to cut | potong |
to cut | memotong |
to cut off, clear, raze | babat |
to cut something, to cut something off | memotong (potong) |
to damage, break something | merusak |
to damage, destroy break something | merusak (rusak) |
to dance | menari |
to dance (western style, disco style) | berdansa |
to deal with | berurusan |
to decide | memutuskan (putuskan) |
to decrease | mengurangi |
to defend | membela |
to depart, to set off (to go somewhere) to leave (on a trip) | berangkat |
to depend | bergantung |
to depend on | tergantung pada |
to deposit | setor |
to descend, go down | turun |
to destroy | memusnahkan |
to die (formal expression) | wafat |
to die (more respectful like "passed away") | meninggal |
to die, dead | mati |
to differ | beda |
to discover, find | menemukan |
to discuss, study | bahas |
to disturb | ganggu |
to do gymnastics, to do aerobics, to work out | bersenam |
to do something | berbuat |
to do something, to undertake something, to make (a trip, effort) | melakukan (lakukan) |
to do the cooking, to cook (something) | masak |
to do, perform, execute | mengerjakan |
to do, perform, execute (jakarta slang of karja / mengerjakan) | ngerjain |
to draw | menggambar |
to drink | minum |
to drive | mengendarai (kendarai) |
to drop by, to make a short stop/visit, to call in (at a place) | singgah |
to dry something in the sun | menjemur (jemur) |
to eat | makan |
to eat a pre-dawn meal during the fasting month, to eat an early breakfast during the fasting month | sahur |
to emerge, appear | terbit |
to enjoy (from nikmat) | menikmati |
to enjoy (usually food, opposite sex, anything tasty) | doyan |
to enjoy something | demen |
to erupt | meletus (letus) |
to escort someone | antar |
to examine | memeriksa (periksa) |
to examine, test | menguji |
to exchange | tukar |
to exist, to be present, to be available, to be located, to own / possess | ada |
to exit, expel, release | mengeluarkan |
to experience something | mengalami (alami) |
to fall | jatuh |
to fall down (things) | jatuh |
to fall in battle | gugur |
to fall sick | jatuh sakit |
to fast, to abstain from food and drink | berpuasa |
to feel (an emotion), to feel that... | merasa (rasa) |
to feel (sensation in your body/heart) | terasa |
to feel/be sure (that) | yakin |
to fill | mengisi |
to fill | mengisi |
to fill something | mengisi (isi) |
to finish | selesai |
to fire someone (from a job) | memecat (pecat) |
to fit | pas |
to fit, instal, set/put something in a place | memasang (pasang) |
to fly | terbang |
to follow behind | susul |
to forbid | melarang |
to forget | lupa |
to forward, to the front, ahead, forwards | ke depan |
to fry something | menggoreng (goreng) |
to gamble | berjudi |
to gape, be open-mouthed | menganga |
to garden | berkebun |
to gather | berkumpul |
to get better, recover | sembuh |
to get divorce | bercerai |
to get dressed, to be dressed | berpakaian |
to get married | kawin |
to get married | menikah (nikah) |
to get married | menikah |
to get ready | siap-siap |
to get ready, to make preparations, to prepare (for something) | bersiap-siap |
to get something for somebody | mengambilkan |
to get to know, to meet (spoken, formal is berkenalan) | kenalan |
to get up (out of bed) | bangun |
to get up (out of bed) | bangun |
to give | memberikan |
to give (something) | memberi |
to give it a good long thought | diingat-ingat |
to give out, divide out | membagi-bagi |
to give something | memberikan (berikan) |
to give; to present | beri |
to go | pergi |
to go and get something, to fetch something, to reach out and remove, to pick up something | mengambil (ambil) |
to go back, to come back, you're welcome, (in reply to 'thank you') | kembali |
to go by/past | lewat |
to go for a stroll, to travel | berjalan-jalan |
to go for a stroll, to travel | berjalan-jalan |
to go forward | maju |
to go from place to place | berkeliling |
to go home | pulang |
to go in, to come in, to enter | masuk |
to go out | keluar |
to go out, to come out, to emerge, to exit | keluar |
to go shopping, to do the shopping | berbelanja |
to go to school, (i.e. to be enrolled at a school) | bersekolah |
to go, to move forward, to walk | berjalan |
to go/come along, to join in, to also do something with, others | ikut |
to greet each other (usually by shaking hands) | bersalaman |
to greet someone | sambut |
to grill | memanggang (panggang) |
to grow | tumbuh |
to guard | jaga |
to guide, accompany (means "inter" when a prefix) | antar |
to handle, to deal with | menangani |
to hang, be suspended | tergantung |
to happen, occur, transpire, take place | jadi (verb) |
to have | punya |
to have | memiliki (miliki) |
to have a headache | sakit kepala |
to have a heart disease | sakit jantung |
to have a nose | berhidung |
to have a problem | bermasalah |
to have breakfast | makan pagi |
to have dinner | makan malam |
to have lunch | makan siang |
to have one thing replaced with another, to change | berganti |
to have something, to own something | mempunyai (punyai) |
to have stomach problem | sakit perut |
to heal | mengobati (obati) |
to hear | dengar |
to hear | mendengar (dengar) |
to hear (something) | mendengar |
to help someone (especially someone in difficulty) | menolong (tolong) |
to help someone, to assist | membantu (bantu) |
to help someone, to assist someone | bantu |
to hit (someone/something) | memukul |
to hit someone/something, to strike | memukul (pukul) |
to hold on to something | memegang (pegang) |
to hold, to have (a meeting/gathering/event) | mengadakan (adakan) |
to hope | berharap |
to hunt | berburu |
to imagine | bayangkan |
to improve | membaik |
to inform (tell you about) | memberitahu |
to interview | mewawancarai |
to iron | menyeterika (seterika) |
to itch | gatal |
to jump around | melompat-lompat |
to keep (as a pet, domestic animal or farm animal) | memelihara (pelihara) |
to keep, store | simpan |
to kill, murder | bunuh |
to kiss someone, to smell, to sniff something | mencium (cium) |
to know | mengenal |
to know | tahu (verb) |
to know (coll) | tau |
to know (someone) | kenal |
to know someone | kenal |
to know something, to find out about something | mengetahui (ketahui) |
to laugh | tertawa |
to laugh | tertawa |
to lead | memimpin (pimpin) |
to leave a person or a places | meninggalkan (tinggalkan) |
to lift up, raise | mengangkat (angkat) |
to like | suka |
to listen to (something) | mendengarkan |
to listen to something | mendengarkan (dengarkan) |
to live | tinggal |
to live (in a certain place), to stay | tinggal |
to live in one house | serumah |
to look at, to gaze at | memandang (pandang) |
to look for | mencari (cari) |
to look over, observe | meninjau |
to lose | kehilangan |
to lose (a contest/fight etc.), to be defeated | kalah |
to love someone | sayang |
to love someone | mencintai (cintai) |
to make (something) | membuat (buat) |
to make (something) | membuat |
to make a contact with someone | menghubungi (hubungi) |
to make a visit back to your home village in the countryside, to go upstream | mudik |
to make smaller, shrink | mengecil |
to make the pilgrimage to Mecca | naik haji |
to make, do (slang) | bikin |
to marry (verb) | menikah |
to meet | bertemu |
to meet (base word) | temu |
to mix | mencampur (campur) |
to move / moved | pindah |
to murder someone | membunuh (bunuh) |
to need (like perlu) | butuh |
to need something | membutuhkan (butuhkan) |
to negotiate something, to bargain | tawar-menawar |
to not succeed, to fail | gagal |
to nurse; care for; attend to; look after | merawat |
to offer something to someone | menawarkan (tawarkan) |
to open | buka |
to open something | membuka (buka) |
to open something | membuka |
to order (something) | memesan |
to order, command | menyuruh |
to originally come (from), to originate (from) | berasal |
to paint | melukis (lukis) |
to paint | lukis |
to paint, to describe | menggambarkan (gambarkan) |
to participate | turut serta |
to pass away, (a polite way of saying 'to die') | meninggal |
to pass away, (a polite way of saying, 'to die') | meninggal (tinggal) |
to pay | membayar (bayar) |
to pay (an amount) | membayar |
to pay attention to | memperhatikan (perhatikan) |
to peel | kupas |
to phone (someone) | menelpon |
to pick up someone (e.g. on arrival at a destination) | menjemput (jemput) |
to pickpocket (slang) | nyopet |
to plan, plan | rencana |
to plant something, invest (root word) | tanam |
to plant something, invest (with me-) | menanam |
to plant something, to grow something e.g. a crop | menanam (tanam) |
to play | bermain |
to play | bermain |
to point repeatedly | menunjuk-nunjuk (tunjuk) |
to practice | berlatih |
to prefer, to like something better | lebih suka |
to prevent | mencegah |
to protect | lindung |
to pull out | dicabut |
to put | menaruh (taruh) |
to put a question, to ask a question | bertanya |
to put aside | sisih |
to put something in | memasukkan |
to put something into | memasukkan (masukkan) |
to put something out | mengeluarkan (keluarkan) |
to read | membaca (baca) |
to read (something) | membaca |
to realize/be aware | sadar |
to really like, to enjoy, to love (doing something) | suka sekali |
to receive something, to accept something | menerima (terima) |
to recommend | menyarankan (sarankan) |
to relax | bersantai-santai |
to remember | ingat |
to rent | menyewa |
to rent | sewa |
to repair something, to fix something broken | memperbaiki (perbaiki) |
to replace, to change | ganti |
to report something to someone | melaporkan (laporkan) |
to request (informally) | minta |
to rest, to take a rest, to take a break | beristirahat |
to return | mengembalikan (kembalikan) |
to row / kayak / canoe | berdayung |
to row a boat, to paddle | mendayung |
to run | berlari |
to run | lari |
to run, to run away, to escape | lari |
to satisfy, make happy | menyenangkan |
to sautee | menumis (tumis) |
to save money | menabung |
to say | ucapkan |
to say | bilang |
to say (that) | berkata |
to say something | mengatakan (katakan) |
to say something, to utter something, to pronounce (a sound) | mengucapkan (ucapkan) |
to say talk, chat | ngomong |
to say, (informal/slangy) | bilang |
to say/do your prayers, to worship | bersembahyang |
to scratch | garuk |
to search / to seek / to look for | cari |
to see (something) | melihat |
to see something/someone, to look at | melihat (lihat) |
to see, look | lihat |
to see, look | melihat |
to seek medical treatment | berobat |
to sell | menjual |
to sell | jual |
to sell | menjual (jual) |
to sell (something) | menjual |
to send | mengirim |
to send | kirim |
to send something | kirim |
to send something | mengirim (kirim) |
to separate | memisahkan (pisahkan) |
to serve | menyajikan (sajikan) |
to serve someone, to attend to (customers) | melayani |
to sew | menjahit (jahit) |
to shake, wobble | goyang |
to share one room | sekamar |
to shift, to move | pindah |
to shout, to yell | berteriak |
to show something | menunjukkan (tunjukkan) |
to shut something, to close something | menutup (tutup) |
to sign something | menandatangani (tandatangani) |
to sing | nyanyi |
to sing | menyanyi (nyanyi) |
to sing | nyanyi |
to sing (a certain song) | menyanyikan (nyanyikan) |
to sit around (in a casual or leisurely way) | duduk-duduk |
to sit, to sit down | duduk |
to slap someone's face (slang) | gampar |
to sleep, to go to bed | tidur |
to slice thinly | mengiris (iris) |
to smile | tersenyum |
to smile | tersenyum |
to smoke | merokok (rokok) |
to speak | berbicara |
to speak | omong |
to speak, address, greet | menyapa |
to spell (letters of a word) | eja |
to spell a word | eja |
to spray, flush, pour (liquid on), to hose down | menyiram |
to spread over | mengoleskan (oleskan) |
to stand | berdiri |
to stand out | cetar |
to stand, to stand up | berdiri |
to stay (for one or more nights e.g. in a hotel or with a friend/relative), to sleep over | menginap (inap) |
to steal | mencuri (curi) |
to stick out, to hit (slang) | nonjol |
to stop | berhenti |
to stop over, stop by, drop by, stop-over, in transit | singgah |
to stop, to come to a halt | berhenti |
to store something | menyimpan |
to store something away, to save/deposit money | menyimpan (simpan) |
to store, keep, save (alternate of simpan) | simpen |
to study | belajar |
to study (something) | belajar |
to succeed | berhasil |
to suggest | mengusulkan (usulkan) |
to summon someone, to call out to someone | memanggil (panggil) |
to suppose | misalkan |
to swallow | telan |
to sweep | menyapu (sapu) |
to swim | renang |
to swim, to go swimming | berenang |
to take a bath/shower | mandi |
to take a holiday, to go on vacation | berlibur |
to take care of something | mengurus (urus) |
to take one's leave of, to ask permission to leave | minta diri |
to take, to bring, to carry (something somewhere) | membawa (bawa) |
to take/accompany someone somewhere, to deliver something or someone to a certain place | mengantar (antar) |
to teach (someone / students / pupils / a subject), to do teaching | mengajar (ajar) |
to teach (something) | mengajar |
to tell | bercerita |
to tell someone | memberitahu (beritahu) |
to tell, command | suruh |
to thank God | bersyukur |
to the east of | di sebelah timur |
to the left | ke kiri |
to the left and right of, on both sides of, all around | di kanan-kiri |
to the left of | di sebelah kiri |
to the north of | di sebelah utara |
to the power of (in mathematics eg tiga pangkat dua means 3 squared = 9), also means rank | pangkat |
to the right | ke kanan |
to the right of | di sebelah kanan |
to the south of | di sebelah selatan |
to the west of | di sebelah barat |
to think | berpendapat |
to think, to ponder, to ruminate | berpikir |
to throw away | membuang (buang) |
to trade | memperjualbelikannya |
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to train, practice | melatih |
to translate something | menerjemahkan (terjemahkan) |
to translate, interpret, decipher (base word) | terjemah |
to travel by | naik |
to treat, process | olah |
to try (imperative) | cobalah |
to try to do something, to try something out, to try on (clothes) | mencoba (coba) |
to try to find a way | mencari jalan |
to try, to make an effort | mengusahakan (usahakan) |
to turn around | putar |
to type | mengetik (ketik) |
to undergo surgery | dioperasi |
to understand | mengerti |
to understand (something) | mengerti |
to understand, comprehend (not mengerti) | faham |
to use something, to wear something | memakai (pakai) |
to use, to wear | memakai |
to vacation | liburan |
to value, respect | menghargai (hargai) |
to visit (a person/place) | mengunjungi |
to visit (a place) | berkunjung (ke) |
to wait, to wait for (someone / something), to await | menunggu (tunggu) |
to walk | berjalan |
to want (to do something), to want (something) | mau |
to wash | mencuci (cuci) |
to wash | mencuci |
to waste time | membuang waktu |
to watch something (especially TV, a sports match, a performance, a movie, a spectacle) | menonton (tonton) |
to watch, view | nonton |
to wear / use (slang for pakai / memakai) | pake |
to where? | ke mana? |
to win | menang |
to win | menang |
to wish (to...), to want (to...) | ingin |
to work | bekerja |
to work | bekerja |
to work, (informal/slangy) | kerja |
to wrap something | membungkus (bungkus) |
to write | tulis |
to write | menulis |
to write | menulis (tulis) |
to write | menulis |
to, before (when telling the time) | kurang (time) |
toast (noun, toasted bread) | roti bakar |
today | hari ini |
today | hari ini |
today | hari ini |
Today is what day ? | hari ini hari apa? |
tofu, soya bean curd | tahu (noun) |
together | bersama-sama |
together | bersama-sama |
together | bersama-sama |
together | bersama |
toilet, rest room | kamar kecil |
tomato | tomat |
tomorrow | besok |
tomorrow | besok |
tomorrow | besok |
tomorrow morning | besok pagi hari |
tomorrow night / tomorrow evening | besok malam |
tonight (spoken earlier in the day) | nanti malam |
too (as in too much) | terlalu |
too (too much) | terlalu |
too (too much) | terlalu |
too expensive | terlalu mahal |
too few, not enough | kurang banyak |
too late | terlambat |
too late, overdue | telat |
tool, utensil | alat |
tooth | gigi |
tooth/teeth | gigi |
torture, torment | siksa |
tour guide | pemandu wisata |
tourist | wisatawan |
tourist | wisatawan |
tourist (as an adjective) | pariwisata |
Tourist Office | kantor pariwasata |
towel | handuk |
town square | alun-alun |
tractor | traktor |
tradition | adat |
tradition, old customs, traditional or customary law | adat |
traditional | tradisional |
traditional | adat |
traditional house | rumah adat |
traffic | lalu lintas |
traffic jam | macet |
traffic jams in jakarta make me annoyed | macet di jakarta bikin sebal |
traffic lane | jalur |
train | kereta api |
trainer | pelatih |
trampled, stepped on | terinjak |
translator / interpreter | penerjemah |
trap | perangkap |
travel | perjalanan |
travel agent | agen perjalanan |
traveler’s cheque | cek perjalanan |
tree | pohon |
tree | pohon |
trees (note: in slang adding 2 to the end of a word doubles the word, so pohon-pohon, tree -> trees) | pohon2 |
tribe, ethnic group | suku |
tricks | sulap |
trip, journey, travel | perjalanan |
trousers | celana |
true | benar |
true / really | benar |
truly | benar-benar |
try | coba |
try | coba |
try to say | coba katakan |
Tuesday | hari Selasa |
tumble, flip over | jungkir |
turn (directions eg. turn left) | belok |
turn left | belok kiri |
turn on/switch on (a light or engine) | menghidupkan (hidupkan) |
turn right | belok kanan |
tv aerial / antenna | antena |
twelve | dua belas |
twelve | dua belas |
twenty | dua puluh |
twenty eight | dua puluh delapan |
twenty four | dua puluh empat |
twice | dua kali |
twins | kembar |
two | dua |
two | dua |
two | dua |
two boys | dua anak laki-laki |
two coffees | dua kopi |
two hundred | dua ratus |
two hundred kilometers approximately | dua ratus kilometer kira-kira |
two weeks ago | dua minggu yang lalu |
type (on a keyboard) | ketik |
type / sort / kind | macam |
type, variety, kind | jenis |
typing, tick sound | tik |
ugly | jelek |
ugly | jelek |
ugly, bad, poor (quality) | jelek |
umbrella | payung |
uncle | paman |
uncle | paman / om |
under, underneath, at the foot of | di bawah |
undergarment worn by women to support their breasts | BH |
underneath/below | di bawah |
underpants | celana dalam |
underpants | celana dalam |
understand | mengerti |
understand (mengerti) | ngerti |
undertake / do | melakukan |
unique | khas |
university | universitas |
university | universitas |
university graduate | sarjana |
university lecture | kuliah |
university lecturer, professor | dosen |
university president, vice-chancellor | rektor |
university student | mahasiswa |
unmarried woman, miss | nona |
until (a certain time) as far as (a certain place) | sampai |
until / arrive | sampai |
until / so that (same as sampai) | hingga |
Until we meet again | Sampai jumpa lagi |
until, up to | sampai |
up | ke atas |
upload | unga |
US dollar | dollar |
US dollars | uang dollar |
use | menggunakan |
used up, all gone | habis |
useful | berguna |
useful | berguna |
useful person | Gunawan |
usual, ordinary, normal | biasa |
usually | biasanya |
usually | biasanya |
usually | biasanya |
usually he works alone | biasanya dia bekerja sendiri |
vacation, holidays | libur |
vacuum | vakum |
valid/legal | sah |
valuable or precious | berharga |
value, price | nilai |
vanished, disappeared, gone, lost | hilang |
vapour, steam | uap |
variation | variasi |
various | berbagai |
various | macam |
vegetable | sayur |
vegetables, a variety of vegetables, all sorts of vegetables | sayur-sayuran |
vehicle | kendaraan |
verb | kata-kerja |
very | sekali |
very | sangat |
very (after the word), also means "once" | sekali |
very / really | sekali |
very concerned (about, something) | prihatin |
very early in the morning | pagi-pagi |
very expensive | mahal sekali |
very fast | cepat sekali |
very late | telat sekali |
very learned and pious Muslim | ulama |
very, extremely | sangat |
very, really (slang for sekali) | banget |
veterinarian | dokter hewan |
vicious | ganas |
victim of an accident | korban |
view, scene, panorama, (natural) scenery | pemandangan (pandang) |
view, vista, scenery | pemandangan alam |
viewers | pemirsa |
villa | villa |
village | desa |
village | desa |
village | kampung |
village head | kepala desa |
visible | kelihatan |
visit | kunjungan |
visit | kunjung |
visit (active verb) | mengunjungi |
visit (verb) | mengunjungi |
visitors | pengunjung |
vocabulary | kosa kata |
vocabulary, glossary | kosa |
vocational | kejuruan |
volcano | gunung api |
volley ball | bola voli |
volunteer | sukarela |
wage, salary | gaji |
wages, salary | gaji |
wagon / carriage / cart | kereta |
wait | tunggu |
wait | tunggu |
wait | menunggu |
wait (slang for tunggu) | nunggu |
waiter/waitress, sales staff | pelayan |
waiting | menunggu |
wake up / get up / build | bangun |
walk / street | jalan |
walk straight ahead | jalan terus |
walking | jalan kaki |
wall clock | jam dinding |
wallet, purse | dompet |
want | mau |
want | mau |
want (to), wish (to) (ke) | kepingin |
want to eat with us | mau makan dengan kami |
war | perang |
war | perang |
wardrobe | lemari pakaian |
warm | hangat |
warm | hangat |
Warm regards (closing sentence, for friends only) | Salam hangat |
warning | peringatan |
wash (things not people) | cuci |
wash (things not people, jakarta slang for cuci) | nyuci |
washing machine | mesin cuci |
watch (view) | menonton |
watched | menonton |
watching | tonton |
watching television | menonton televisi |
water | air |
water (drinking water) | air putih |
water buffalo | kerbau |
water dipper | gayung |
water fountain | air mancur |
water spinach | kangkung |
water, Also: fluid, juice | air |
waterfall | air terjun |
watermelon | semangka |
watermelon juice | jus semangka |
way | cara |
way, manner | cara |
way, manner | cara |
we (excluding listener) | kami |
we (excluding the person or persons you are talking to) | kami |
we (including the person or persons you are talking to) | kita |
we (inclusive of listener) | kita |
we arrived yesterday morning | kami tiba kemarin pagi |
we both live there | kami berdua tinggal di sana |
we can go home together (inclusive) | kita bisa pulang bersama-sama |
we can take the highway (inclusive) | kita bisa ambil jalan raya |
we can wait | kami bisa tunggu |
we don't have any (excludes listener) | kami tidak punya |
we don't have much time | kami tidak punya banyak waktu |
we have one girl | kami punya satu anak perempuan |
we need a driver and car | kami perlu sopir dan mobil |
we need gas (inclusive) | kita perlu bensin |
we want to have many children | kami mau punya banyak anak |
we want to stay longer | kami mau tinggal lebih lama |
we will buy bread | kami akan beli roti |
we will go to Bandung (inclusive) | kita akan pergi ke bandung |
we would like.. | kami mau |
we're not yet hungry | kami belum lapar |
we've already been here one week | kami sudah di sini satu minggu |
we've been here since this morning | kami di sini sejak pagi ini |
weak | lemah |
weak | lemah |
weakens | melemah |
wealth, riches, treasure | harta |
weapon | senjata |
weather | cuaca |
weather | cuaca |
weather forecast | prakiraan cuaca |
weave (in traffic) | nyelip |
Wednesday | hari Rabu |
week | minggu |
week | minggu |
weekend | akhir minggu |
welcome | selamat datang |
well | dengan baik |
well, the thing is | habis (informal for karena) |
were (hypothetical past tense. no english word for it but were is close) | seandainya |
west | barat |
west, western, the West | barat |
wet | basah |
what | apa |
what | apa? |
what about (doing something), what if | bagaimana kalau... |
what about (you)?, what about (her/John etc.) | kalau (Anda) bagaimana? |
what about later | kalau nanti |
what about nine oclock | kalau jam sembilan |
what are (you) doing?, what is (he/she) doing? | sedang apa? |
what are you doing? (doing what?) (slangy) | ngapain |
what are you looking for? | cari apa? |
What date is it today ? | Tanggal berapa hari ini? |
What date where you born ? | Tanggal berapa kamu lahir? |
what date? | tanggal berapa? |
what do you want to do (want to plan what) | mau rencana apa |
what do you want to do? | mau ngapain |
what do you want to drink | mau minum apa |
what does he want to drink | dia mau minum apa |
what else | apa lagi |
what else do we need (inclusive) | kita perlu apa lagi |
what else do you like? | suka apa lagi? |
what else? | apa lagi? |
what else? | apa lagi? |
what for? | buat apa? |
what if, supposing, supposing that..., in the event that... | seandainya |
What is his occupation? | Apa pekerjaan dia? |
What is his/her name? | Siapa nama dia? |
What is Indonesian for ... | Apa bahasa Indonesianya untuk |
What is the meaning of ... in Indonesian? | Apa artinya ... dalam bahasa Indonesia |
What is the price of classes at IML? | Berapa harga kelas di IML? |
what is the route | rute apa |
What is the spelling of ... in Indonesian? | Apa ejaannya ... dalam bahasa Indonesia? |
What is the time ? | jam berapa |
What is the time ? | pukul berapa |
What is your height ? | Berapa tinggi badan kamu? |
What is your mother’s name ? | Siapa nama ibu kamu? |
What is your name? | Siapa nama Anda? |
What is your telephone number ? | Berapa nomor telepon kamu? |
What time is it now ? | Jam berapa sekarang? |
what time? | jam berapa? |
what's on the agenda...?, what are (we/you, they) up to...?, what will (we/they) do...? | apa acara... |
What's that? | Apa itu? |
what's the best route | rute apa terbaik |
what's the best route to go to jakarta | rute apa terbaik pergi ke jakarta |
what's the meaning | artinya apa |
what's the route to jakarta | rute apa ke jakarta |
What's this? | Apa ini? |
what's wrong? | ada apa? |
what, which one | mana |
what? | apa? |
What’s up? / What’s the matter ? | Ada apa? |
when | kapan |
when ("ke" formal) | ketika |
when (future, eg "besok, kalau saya sudah tiba..") | kalau |
when (i.e. after something in the future has happened) | kalau...sudah |
when (past tense, "yesterday when I went..", same as ketika but commonly spoken) | waktu |
when did you arrive in denpasar | kapan anda tiba di denpasar |
when do you want to drink something (to a man) | kapan bapak mau minum sesuatu |
When do you want to go to Bali ? | kapan kamu mau pergi ke bali |
When where you born ? | Kapan kamu lahir? |
when? | kapan |
When? | Kapan? |
where | di mana |
where | mana |
where (as a relative pronoun) | tempat (relative pronoun) |
where are they | di mana mereka |
Where are you going? | Mau ke mana? |
where at | di mana |
where do you live | di mana anda tinggal |
where do you want to go | ke mana anda mau pergi |
Where is ...? | Di mana? |
where is general sudirman street? | di mana jalan general sudirman? |
where is my husband | di mana suami saya |
where is the bathroom | di mana kamar kecil |
Where is there a .. | Di mana ada ...? |
where is your family | di mana keluarga anda |
Where is your house located ? | Di mana lokasi rumah kamu? |
whereas | sedangkan |
which one? | yang mana |
which one? | yang mana? |
while (at the same time) | sementara |
while (concurrent activities) | sambil |
while (one person performing two actions at the same time) | sambil |
while, during, when (longer period of time than sementara) | selagi |
while, meanwhile (contrastive, shorter period of time than selagi) | sementara |
whisky | wiski |
white | putih |
white bread | roti tawar |
white person | bule |
white, colourless | putih |
who | siapa |
who | siapa |
who is good (put before friends name in salutation eg "Yanti yang baik". Only for friends. Like "Dear.. ") | yang baik |
Who is he/she? | Siapa dia? |
Who is respected (put at the top of formal letters and emails before the person's name eg Yth Ibu Wati, acronym for Yang Terhormat) | Yang Terhormat (Yth) |
Who is that? | Siapa itu? |
Who is this? | Siapa ini? |
whole, entire | utuh |
why | kenapa |
why (formal) | Mengapa? |
why (formal) | mengapa |
why (informal, most common) | Kenapa? |
why (less formal) | kenapa |
why are the shops closed | kenapa tokonya tutup |
Why didn’t you go to work ? | Mengapa kamu tidak masuk kerja? |
Why is John sick/ill ? | Mengapa John sakit? |
why not | kenapa tidak |
why? | mengapa? |
why? | kenapa? |
why? why on earth...?, what (is someone) doing?, what for? what's the point?, what's going on? | ngapain |
wide | lebar |
wide, broad, width | lebar |
wife | istri |
wife | istri |
wife | istri |
wild | liar |
wild | buas |
will | akan |
will, going to (future marker) | akan |
wind | angin |
window | jendela |
window | jendela |
windy | berangin |
Windy | berangin |
windy (air) | angin |
wine | anggur |
wine | anggur |
wink (slang) | duggy |
winter | musim dingin |
winter (cold season) | musim dingin |
wish to, would like, want | ingin |
wish, desire (slang, same meaning as ingin) | pengen |
with | dengan |
with | dengan |
with (can mean with eg "kita ke bioskop sama andi" - means the same as dengan in this context) | sama |
with my respect (put at the bottom of letters and emails, similar to "yours sincerely" just before your name) | Hormat saya |
with my wife and me | dengan istri saya dan saya |
with our children | dengan anak kami |
with pleasure (with happy heart) | dengan senang hati |
with, together with | dengan |
with, together with, (informal/slangy) | ama |
with, together with, (informal/slangy) | ama |
withdraw (verb), also interesting, attractive | menarik |
withdrawal | penarikan |
withdrawal (taking) | pengambilan |
without | tanpa |
without | tanpa |
withstanding, hold back, restrain | tahan |
woke up yourself (naturally) | bangun sendiri |
wolf | serigala |
woman | wanita |
won't (tidak akan) | takkan |
wood | kayu |
wood | kayu |
wood/timber | kayu |
word | kata |
word / says | kata |
word / to say | kata |
word used before a job description to indicate a trade | tukang |
work | kerja |
work / job | kerja |
work, job, employment | pekerjaan |
workers | karyawan |
workshop, repairshop | bengkel |
workshop, service shop, repair shop | bengkel |
world | dunia |
world | dunia |
world war one | perang dunia pertama |
world war two | perang dunia kedua |
worried | khawatir |
worship | ibadah |
worthy, proper, decent | patut |
Would you like (something)?, Would you like to (do something)?, Do you want to...? | apakah Anda mau...? |
wounded | terluka |
wow, ouch (like aduh) | waduh |
wrist watch | jam tangan |
write on computer | mengetik menulis |
writing, piece of writing | tulisan |
wrong, to be wrong | salah |
yard, (i.e. a fenced/walled area, adjacent to a house/building) | halaman |
year | tahun |
year | tahun |
yeast | ragi |
yellow | kuning |
yellow | kuning |
yellowish | kekuning-kuningan |
Yes | ya |
yes | ya |
yes | ya |
yes | iya |
yes / no word for questions | apakah |
yes of course | iya dong |
yes really | ya benar |
yes, I agree! | ya, saya setuju |
yesterday | kemarin |
yesterday | kemarin |
yesterday | kemarin |
yet, however, even though | namun |
you | anda (polite) |
you | Anda |
you | kau |
you (familiar) | kamu |
you (informal) | kamu |
you (Jakarta slang) | lu |
you (jakarta slang) | lo |
you (slang for kamu) | kau |
you (unfamiliar) | anda |
you (when speaking to a person of same or lower rank, and God) | engkau |
you already ate | anda sudah makan |
you aren't relaxed | anda santai bukan |
you ate yesterday | anda makan kemarin |
you can give me | anda bisa berikan saya |
You can speak indonesian well (to a man) | bapak bisa bicara bahasa indonesia dengan baik |
you like milk? | anda suka susu |
You may / May ... | boleh |
you talk fast | anda bicara cepat |
you will eat today | anda akan makan hari ini |
you will vacation how many days? | anda akan liburan berapa hari |
you're welcome | sama-sama |
you're welcome | terima kasih kembali |
you, Mr, Mrs, Ms, (formal and egalitarian) | Saudara |
you, to address elder male | Bapak |
young | muda |
young | muda |
younger brother or sister | adik |
younger sibling | adik |
younger sibling (short for ade) | de |
younger sibling (slang for adik) | ade |
your | ~mu |
your (informal) | -mu |
yourself | dirimu |
zero, nought | nol |
zig-zagging (crossing left right) | nyelip kiri kanan |
[a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question] | sih |
[interjection of pain, regret, sympathy] | aduh |
“whereas” / “and” - a conjunction that contrasts the first clause as unnecessary and/or the second clause as a positive alternative. E.g.: [Kita mahal-mahal nyewa mobil] clause 1 padahal CONJ [naik kereta lebih cepat dan murah] clause 2 ENG Gloss: [We exp | padahal |