Usages of almak
Sütü ondan al
Take the milk from her.
Bundan al
Take from this.
Şemsiyesini almadan evden çıktı.
He went out of the house without taking his umbrella.
duş almak
to take a shower
Okuldan seni alırım.
I will pick you up from the school.
(Ben) bir fincan kahve alabilir miyim lütfen?
May I get a cup of coffee please?
rol almak
to take part, to contribute
to make someone take; to make someone buy
Ablam manavdan hurma alacak.
My elder sister is going to buy dates from the greengrocery.
işe alınmak
to be employed, to be taken to a job, to get a job
to be taken, to be gotten
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