Usages of kızmak
Akşam eve dön ki baban kızmasın.
Return home in the evening not to let your dad get angry.
Here the -sın ending turns the verb into a third person imperative. So instead of saying do X to a person it says let person Y do X.
Kızsan oynamam.
If you get mad, I won't play.
Şakalarına gülmediysen, sana kızar.
If you didn't laugh at his jokes, he will get mad at you.
Seni öpersem sevgilin kızar mı?
If I kiss you, does your girlfriend get mad?
Eve geç gelirsem babam çok kızıyor.
If I come home too late my dad gets very angry.
Kızarkadaşın sana kızmışsa onunla bir süre konuşma.
If your girlfriend got mad at you, don't talk to her for a while. is an online learning platform
We have an entire course teaching Turkish grammar and vocabulary.