Usages of en
Bu en aptal kedi.
This is the most sillyA cat.
Bu dünyanın en büyük şehri.
This is the world's biggest city.
O en kısa.
He is the shortest one.
(Ben) en büyüğünü istiyorum.
I want the biggest one.
En az taze meyveyi önce yiyin.
Eat the least fresh fruit first.
En az taze meyveyi ilk yiyin.
Eat the least fresh fruit first.
Hangi sömestr en kolayıydı?
Which of the terms was the easiest one?
Salaklık eğitimdeki en büyük sorun.
Stupidity is the biggest problem in education.
Kamil'in en yakın arkadaşı ölmüş.
[APPARENTLY] Kamil's closest friend died.
En fazla beş saate varırım.
I'll arrive in at most five hours.
en az
at least, minimum
en fazla
at most, maximum is an online learning platform
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